A Change

1- Kagome's Pissed

By: Keiko-Miko101

Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha and or any other character I may use that is in an anime.

Hey there,

I am going to say that I'm probably not a very good writer but please review and tell me what you think. I would deeply appreciate it! It may turn out to be an AU story and it may be awesome. But come on! Let's get on with the story!



Kagome sighed with pleasure as hot wather engulfed her tense body. She closed her eyes, sinking further into the water, as she finally relaxed for the first time in ages.

Her thoughts fleeted from Inuyasha to what pajama's she was going to wear that night. She even though of the sense of closure she had with Miroku being in a different time zone.

'Yes!' Kagome thought, 'No one peeking in on me. No worrying about Miroku being the lecherous monk he is!'

A knock distrubed Kagome's musings, her mother called out with question, "Kagome? Dear are you in there?"

Kagome's melodic voice re;lied with curiousity, "Yea mom, I'm in here? Is there anything you need?"

"Not me, but you friends with those very adorable ears is here. Oh! Yes! I remember. Inuyasha. Yes that's it, Inuyasha is here for you."

Kagome sighed with frustration, "Can't her give me one break? Just one!" She threw up her hands to visualize the frustration. Yet, like any angered teenager does, she brought her hands down with a hard force.

Water splashe everywhere as she cried out with desperation. Nothing seemed to be going Kagome's way lately.

"Kagome, are you all right in there?" Mrs. Higurashi asked strartled bhe the cry.

"I'm fine mum, I'm just tired," Kagome's head lowered in defeat, "Would you please tell Inuyasha I'll be down within a half an hour, please?"

"Of course." Kagome heard her mother's rustle of clothing as she turned to go down the hallway. (Kagome's mother it you got confused.. sweatdrop sorry... )

Kagome turned to ther right and grabbed her raspberry scented shampoo, squeezing some onto her hand as she tried thinking of a possible way to relax again.

Meanwhile, Inuyasha was being bugged by Souta's nonstop chatter and Mrs. Higurashi's fascination with his ears.

Kagome would hopefully be down soon. Then they could leave . . . and search for jewel shards. Even though Kagome couln't fight the demons with the jewel shards, she could use her spirit energy to help with something.

Inuyahsa sighed of boredom. Closing his beautiful goladn eyes, he started concentrating on the sounds and scents the were upstairs.

Frist thing he could smell was refreshing berry sort of scent. Then her heard soft footsteps going towards Kagome's room.

Obviously, it was Kagome. He not only new this because of common sense but of the fact that everytime her heard of could smell Kagome, he was entranced in the beauty she held, without being in sight.

"Hello? Inuuuuyashaaaaaaaaaa?" Inuyasha slowly opened his eyes and jumped in surprise. It seemed Souta started waving his hands around in front of Inuyasha to snap him out of his trance.

"What the hell do you want?" Inuyasha suddenly snapped at Kagome's poor undefended brother.

Souta jumped, "Sorry Inuyasha, I didn't mean to bother you." Souta's head lowered as he walked away in defeat.

"Feh . . . " Was all the reply Souta got. Even though Inuyasha felt guilty, his ego and pride was stronger.

Suddenly Inuyasha heard Kagome's bedroom door open and close for the secon time that night.

'Finally' was all Inuyasha thought.

Kagome opened her door and padded out of it, she turned and quietly as possible closed the door.

Walking slowly to the steps , she saw Souta walk pass the bottom of the stairway with a depressed face.

Her heartbeat started racing in fear of the fight soon to come. She was very familiar with that dilemma.

Stepping down she started to panic. She did not want to fight with Inuyasha. Her mind raced at the exchange of words soon to come.

Reaching the bottom , she closed her eyes, took a deep breath, then turned towards the kitchen and walked in. As she did, her face contorted into a glare as she caught sight of Inuyasha.

"Inuyasha . . " he heard the restraint to yell in her voice, "I thought I told you I'd be there one week, not one freaking hour!"

Mrs, Higurashi just left the two to there fighting. Going into the living room to watch a movie with Souta.

"Do you actually think I would listen to you Kagome?" Inuyasha retorted stupidly.

Kagome started breathing harder and deeper, "Well then, maybe I thought wrong to trust that someone as dense as you would understand that I need a break!"

Inuyasha's face turned red with anger as he started to make a comeback, "You know wha-"

"Shut up!" Kagome simply stated with a surprise to everyone, " . . . and get out . . or . . you will never see your precious jewel detector again."

Inuyasha winced at her comment, but nodded with agreement, knowing Kagome was not asking him. She was telling him this whole perdicament needed to change. So. . . he left the raging 16 year old and her family be.