Chapter Ten: Reconciliation

Lily yawned and idly played with her quill in Transfiguration. She couldn't pay attention to Professor McGonagall rattling on about something so boring as turning an owl into a silver plate. It didn't really interest her. James could probably help her with it later if she missed something important, since he seemed like he was paying attention. Lily blinked slowly at herself and calmly tried to remember how she wasn't talking to James. Just sleeping with him.

Lily still couldn't quite wrap her mind around what had happened last night. She had entered the common room where he was waiting for her. As soon as she looked at him she remembered how much she loved him; before and after the memory wipe. She loved him so much it hurt, and when he had looked at her so lost and confused she couldn't help but make love to him. She hoped it would be able to express her love for him even if she couldn't say it.

She wasn't ready to forgive him entirely. She felt like she had been betrayed. He had ran off to some other girl at the first sign of trouble. He had lied to her by not telling her about the memory wipe as soon as he found out. She would forgive him one day. Perhaps today, she thought fondly as she looked over at him. He was scribbling something, deep in concentration. She felt a fluttering in her stomach as she noticed how he had his lower lip caught in his teeth. He was so adorable.

Lily still couldn't believe she had let herself get caught in Lucius' trap. How could she even notice the slimy git when she had someone as beautiful as James around? It defied logic, but it had happened.

Speaking of Lucius, she could see him trying to catch her eye meaningfully. Lily gave him sharp glare before turning her attention to Professor McGonagall, they'd be starting the practical application of the transformation soon. Maybe James will partner with me.

Lucius couldn't help but smile inwardly at Lily's vain attempt to scare him off. Nothing could get him off the scent of one Miss Lily Evans. Except maybe Potter. Lucius narrowed his eyes as he saw Lily approach Potter. The exchange seemed awkward enough, perhaps there was still hope. Maybe they broke it off and were trying to be friends. Lucius just needed the chance to speak with Lily again and prove his superiority to Potter.

James grinned as Lily fumbled her way through making excuses to him. "Shh, Lily," James put a finger to his lips to indicate she stop talking. "I love you, and I want to be with you, no matter how you've been acting." James smiled when she blushed. "So, let's start on this assignment, shall we?"

Lily's eyes lit up in a way that made James weak in the knees. She was so gorgeous. "Of course, James. And," She leaned in close so they wouldn't be overheard. "I love you too. I'm sorry for my behavior last night." She cast her eyes downwards, ashamed of herself.

"Hush." James lifted her chin up in his hand. "There was absolutely nothing wrong with your behavior, Miss Evans, but I think it might require some point taking if there isn't a repeat performance every night for the rest of my life."

Lily gaped him for a few seconds before falling into giggles, which James soon joined her in. "You are such a boy, Mr. Potter."

"One should hope." James winked at her before returning the owl they were supposed to be working on.

Sirius walked into the Gryffindor common room pleased with himself.

"What's with you, Padfoot?" Remus asked quietly from a couch where he was reading.

"Things between Lily and James have finally sorted themselves out, and it looks like I'm in the clear." Sirius grinned happily.

"I don't know, Sirius." Remus started slowly. "Lily's only just forgiven James. It probably hasn't occurred to her to be mad at you yet."

Sirius paled. "You think?"

"I really do." Remus smirked, "Oh look, here she comes."

Sirius yelped and launched himself at Remus. "Protect me."

Remus laughed and wrapped his arms around his friend. "I will do no such thing. As soon as she gets here, I'm throwing you to the wolves!"

"Now now, Moony, I've already thrown myself at a wolf, how many more do I need to throw myself at?" Sirius snickered.

Remus blushed and pushed Sirius off his lap. "Shut up, they're coming."

James and Lily were indeed approaching the pair, slowly though, since they noticed the two were talking. "Hey guys," James greeted.

"Hey, Prongs." Remus returned cheerily.

"Prongs." Sirius nodded at James. "And.." and here his face really broke out into a heartbreaking smile for Lily. "Lily, my love, how nice to see you." He grasped her hand and brought up to his lips for a kiss. "I do hope you are doing well."

Lily snatched her hand back and pretended to glare at Sirius. "None of that, I'm mad at you!"

"You are?" Sirius gasped and looked offended. "Whatever for?"

"Oh, I don't know, something to do with destroying my memory and possibly my life!" Lily retorted.

"Destroy your life? Lily, my flower, you are doing splendidly with Jamesie here, how is your life destroyed?"

Lily seemed to ponder this thought for a minute before settling herself down in James' lap after he had sat down. "I might have met a really handsome man at Beauxbatons." Lily grinned, looking to her dumbstruck boyfriend.

"What?" James gulped.

Lily kept grinning and snuggled up to him and placed her head on his shoulder. "Yeah, he would have to be super tall, black hair, of course, hazel eyes, devilishly handsome."

"Lily, there's no need to be making James' jealous by describing me to him." Sirius remarked.

"I'm not describing you, Sirius." Lily returned, nuzzling her head into James' neck, resisting the urge to kiss him.

"It's true," Remus replied. "She's clearly describing me."

"She is not!" Sirius glared at Remus. "Why would she want you over me? Clearly I'm the handsomer of the two."

Remus snorted and looked back down at his book.

"What is that supposed to mean?" Sirius asked. "Remus? Remus?" Sirius started shaking his boyfriend. "Tell me!"

"God, Padfoot. Let me go." Remus tackled Sirius onto the couch and sat on top of him, pinning him down. "Go on, Lily. Tell us about your dream guy."

James was grinning lazily, stroking Lily's hair. "Yeah, tell us about him."

"Well, I have to say this," Lily bit her lip and looked very thoughtful. "He's really great in bed."

This statement caused both Remus and Sirius to stop wrestling with each other and James to go slack-jawed. "Really?" They all asked in unison.

Lily just smiled and kissed James' cheek before settling her head back on his shoulder and closing her eyes. "I'm really tired. We just came here so I could forgive you Sirius. I know you had the best of intentions. James I should go, though, before you two start making out in front of us."

Both Remus and Sirius' jaws started to work, but no sound was coming out. James grinned at them and scooped Lily up into his arms, so they could make their way back to their own rooms. "See you guys tomorrow."

"Yeah, bye Prongs."


After Lily and James had left, Sirius draped himself on Remus' lap. "No one's around, are they? Peter's gone?"

"Yeah.." Remus started slowly.

"Good, let's go upstairs."

Lily sighed happily as James laid her down in his bed. She heard him leave to go put on pajamas. She smiled mischievously to herself and merely stripped down to her under clothes.

"Are you tired, Lily?" James asked as he sat on the bed next to her.

Lily smiled up at him from her spot under the covers. "Oh, I don't know. Was there something you had in mind?"

James blushed profusely. He reached his hand out to caress her cheek. "Just you, my love."

Lily smiled and sat up, the blanket slipping around her to reveal her bare stomach. "Come here, James."

James obliged crawling over on top of her and leaning down for a kiss. He pressed his lips firmly against hers, his tongue soon begging for entrance, which she happily gave. His hands soon began roaming down the sides of her body before coming up to rest firmly on her breasts. Lily gasped in his mouth as one of his hands slipped inside her bra, massaging her breast and tweaking her nipple. James groaned into the kiss, and ground his hips down against hers.

Lily broke the kiss, gasping for air. She looked up into his eyes which were clouded with love and lust. She began kissing and licking down his jaw to his shoulder, while her hands roamed down his body to his pajama pants, gently tugging on them. Soon he helped her pull them off along with his boxers. Soon after the two of them were completely naked, their hands running along each other's bodies as they kissed furiously.

James run his hands down her sides before moving behind her to firmly grab her bottom, pulling her hips up into his. Lily moaned and nodded at him. She lay back watching her love position himself over her before slowly entering. Before long James was moving against her and she was bucking her hips up against his. James began kissing her again, his hands back up squeezing her breasts.

Lily's breath was harsh and ragged and she could feel herself approaching the brink. As James sped up considerably she felt her orgasm explode within her. James, feeling her tighten around him soon followed.

James collapsed onto the bed next to Lily and looked over at her. She looked so radiant and a glow. James smiled and wrapped his arms around Lily, pulling her close.

"I love you, James." She whispered as her eyes closed.

The next day Lily was feeling considerably better. She managed to get through all her classes and even pay attention. She talked to Professor Slughorn about her earlier problems, and he didn't seem as worried for her. Things appeared to be really looking up for her.

"Evans." A voice drawled from behind her. Lily had been out patrolling the corridors for her Head duties. She was close to the dungeons, but not too much that she couldn't easily get away.

"Lucius." She said calmly, turning around to face the boy addressing her.

"How nice to see you out here, Evans."

"I wish I could say the same, Lucius. But I'm going to have to send you back to your dormitory, you're out after hours." Lily put her hands on hips, not wanting to deal with Lucius Malfoy.

"Ah, Evans, you forget I'm a prefect, so I have every right to be out after hours. Would you care to walk with me?"

"I don't think so." Lily stated trying to get away from him. "I really need to continue doing my rounds. I know you aren't on patrol tonight, so please return to your common room where you are supposed to be."

"Lily, what happened to you? You seemed to like me well enough at the beginning of the year." Lucius tried again.

Lily stiffened visibly. "It's none of your business. Call it a temporary memory lapse, if you will. I seemed to have forgotten how awful you really were."

"Evans, you hurt me." Lucius drawled, stepping closer.

"Lucius, are you going to rape me?"

Lucius snarled, an ugly look on his face. "Don't flatter yourself." Lucius spat and swept away. How dare she accuse him of something so base. What had he been trying to accomplish anyway? He could never marry her, why would he want to date her? It didn't really add up.

Lily returned to her common room and headed up to James' room. He wasn't there. Where is he? Lily started to doubt herself and her faith in James.

She needn't have worried, if she had bothered to remember that was the full moon that night.

A/N: Well, it's coming to a close... I feel like I could end it now, except I still have Lucius to deal with, sort of. I still don't know what's going on with him, lol. So, yes. I'm sorry about the wait.. I think I was better about it this time, though, yeah? It's a bit shorter than you're used to, but it's almost over and I think I've got another chapter left in me. How do you think this should end? I have ideas, I think... School starts up soon, so I don't know when the next chapter will be..

Thank you guys for sticking with this, despite my sporadic updates and my fic which can totally be all over the place... I really should plot these things out and write them before they get posted. Hehe. Oh well. I hope you like it, let me know! I've really enjoyed reading your reviews, some of you have been saying such nice things and I appreciate every one of you! Thank you so much!