Disclaimer: I own nothing but the idea for the story so yah XD don't sue me... --

Summery - She wanted more then friendship, she wanted love from her best friend. Usagi's best friends with Seiya but wants him to love her like she loves him. But on her quest(sorry, don't know what other word I could have used XD)to make him see her as more, she ends up falling for the most unexpected person. (better then it sounds . )

A/N - Anyway, I've deleted all of my other stories, wanted a new fresh start and all.(sorry to anyone who was reading my old stuff) Changed my name too! XD XD but yah.. so this is my new story and the only one up I have. I've decided not to start any other stories untill I've completed this one so yah. Anyway on with the story... hugs her demon muse Hope you like!

Blue Eyed Dreamer

Chapter One - Nothing More

Best friends. How I loath those words. I don't know when it happened but every time that those words left his mouth, I wanted to cry.Best friends...why can't we be more?

Usagi sat by her bedroom window, her big blue eyes watching the sky change from blue to black. Pressing her index finger to the glass, she slowly traced a patter of stars onto the now darkening sky.

"Your my brightest star Seiya..."She whispered to the silent room, making her way towards her bed. "You keep me from falling into the darkness of life."

Slowly, pulling back the blanket from the bed, she crawled underneath and slept; thoughts of a raven haired boy filling her dreams.

Usagi would dream... dream of dreams that would never come true. Dreams that were just illusions of her desires. Illusions of hope but hope can only keep you going for so long because before you know it, your world will come crashing down. It will come apart and when it does, your dreams will no longer help you.Your dreams will turn to nightmares of rejection and loss.

Usagi is about to find out just how hard one can fall when they believe that the dreams that tempt reality can come true. But sometimes, a dreamer with a strong enough will can make their stronges dream come true... the idea, the desire that is at the root of all their dreams. For Usagi, the idea of being loved was at the root of all her dreams and desires.

"Late again!" Usagi cried out in frustration as she stepped onto the high school grounds just as the bell went sounding the beginning of class.

"Late as usual Usagi?" Said a cheerfulvoice from behind her as she made it to the top step that lead into the school. Turning around, she quickly smiled, forgetting completly about being late.

"Hey Seiya!" She yelled to the young man walking towards her. "What are you doing here?"

Letting out a short laugh, Seiya draped an arm around Usagis shoulder and led her into the school. "Same reason your here Usagi, going to school." He replied, smiling down at her. "Or did you forget where you were again?" He asked teasingly.

As she continued to stare at Seiya, a slow blush crept over Usagis face making her laugh nervously.

"Seiya! I didn't forget...it ummm just kind of sliped my mind! hehehe" She laughed, her hand going behind her head. "Yah, that was it, just kind of got umm side tracked!"

"Sure you did Usagi, sure you did." He said, petting her head as if she were a child.

"Seiya! Stop that!" She said, removing his hand from her head. "I'm not a little girl. I'm 17!"

Secreatly, Usagi wished that he would hug her and stroke her hair loving, but that wasn't gonna happen any time soon. Sighing, she made her way towards her math class.

"What class do you have first?" Seiya asked, walking beside her, his arm once again around her shoulders.

"Math.Stupid teachers gonna give me another lecture on tardiness." She said adjusting her backpack.

"I'll walk you there." He replied. "You have Mrs.Sanders again?"

"Yah. She's still pissed at me from last year when I accidentally spilled coffee over her laptop." Usagi said, grimacing as she stoped infront of her classroom. "I"m off to my doom."

"Guess this is goodbye." Seiya said dramatically as he hugged her, pretending to cry.

To stunned to even reply, Usagi just stood there feeling the warmth of Seiya's body around her.

'I wish this could last forever. Just me and him.' Usagi said to herself as she inhaled Seiya's scent. 'Together forever...'

Just as she was getting comfortable, he pulled back and looked down at her.

Looking up at him, she wished he would kiss her but knew he wouldn't. He would never see her as anything but Usagi, his friend.

"Thanks Seyia, for walking me to class. You'd better go get to yours." She said sadly as she watched him smile.

"Hey no problem." Seiya replied turning around, walking to his class. "That's what best friends are for." He said looking over his shoulder."I'll see you at lunch."

Usagi didn't even bother to reply as he walked away. The only thing going through her head were his words.'That's what best friends are for.'

'Best friends... Just best friends.' She though as she reached for the door handle of her classroom.'Nothing more.'

Even as she walked into her math class and heard Mrs.Sanders talk about how her tardiness was unacceptable, non of it made it past her ears. The only thing her mind could comprehend was the fact that Seiya woud never see her beyond anything more then just a friend; his best friend.

Taking her seat at the back of the class, Usagi blocked out the voice of her teacher and looked out the window at the rain that had started to fall.

'Just like the rain can never be anything but rain ' She thought as she watched it fall. ' I can never be anything but a best friend.'

"Together but alone." Usagi said softly so that not even the red haird boy beside her could hear.

'But I'll try, I'll try to change even if it kills me in the end.' She said to herself as she saw a silver haired boy run by the window.

Unleash: Sorry for any spelling mistakes but my stupid word document doesn't come with spell check..but I did my best.. I've checked it over like 5 times! Anyway.. leave a review and as always, flames are welcome.