Title: Sympathetic View on Life

Author: Labyrinthine Reflection Poison

Disclaimer: I don't own Inuyasha or Yu Yu Hakusho

Pairing(s): Kurama/Kagome/Youko and Kieko/Yusuke

Author's Drabble: I apologize for not updating sooner and since the fist chapter was very short I will make sure to make this long as possible.

Summery: Many times human goodness is overlooked and we find the twisted and vile reflection of the anxieties that lies deep within useven beings that seem perfect find uneasy refuge in dark fantasies.

Hope is found in everybody no matter how tainted: Labyrinthine Reflection Poison

P r o l o g u e Part 2: A miko's emotions

C h a p t e r 1: Deception

The spicy scent of cinnamon and freshly baked goods swirled around the small café as relaxing music filtered in though small speakerphones. The tinted windows of the café kept any source of sunlight out making the small café dark and a bit gloomy. Shadows covered her being as the curling steam of her coffee spiraled into her face a bit flushed she sipped her coffee, her eyes straining against the darkness. A small sigh escaped her lips while Kagome's eyes fluttered closed. As stale memories once more became prominent in her befuddled mind her hands absentmindedly clenched her cup tighter making her knuckles a ghostly white.

She touched the small bracelet that hung loosely around her wrist made from an unknown metal that she couldn't distinguish.

Inuyasha had given it to her….

The inu-hanyou had given her the bracelet as a token of their friendship. She scoffed as she thought about how naïve she was to think that Inuyasha really actually cared for her. Yet….she couldn't take the bracelet off because a small part of her, the bubbly adolescent school girl she once was, thought that Inuyasha truly did care and if she took the bracelet off she thought that it was a sign of betrayal to the inu-hanyou she cared deeply for.

What a fool she was….

All the loving looks she sent him and the small touches of affection she bestowed upon him were wasted. She was the fragile girl from the future and he was the hanyou that belonged to neither demon nor human world, it was just not meant to be. But that didn't stop her from loving Inuyasha, the baka that broke her heart Unbridled emotions once more surge through her; pent up feelings wanting to be free. She was controlled by her emotions those same feeling doing serious damage to her mentality and her fragile heart.

"Inuyasha…" She whispered her voice sounding desperate and needy.

How pathetic…

She hated him the love she held for him ebbed away when he betrayed her. Her brows creased in anger and confusion as she tried to keep her emotions in check. She blinks rapidly hoping that the tears won't fall her now navy blue eyes swirling in pain and fury. She pushed the cup away and rested her head on her forearms feeling memories come rushing back to her mind.


She gasped painfully as her bruised lips quivered slightly. Her blue eyes dull as she gripped the Shikon No Tama the pinkish glow warming her palm. Her breath came out like a hiss as the sharp edges of the Shikon No tama dug deeply in her hand staining them a crimson hue. The jewel wasn't complete…

Carefully and steadily she stood up her body feeling weak and heavy.


Its putrid smell filled the vicinity as she took shaky steps knees knocking together raspy breaths rattled out of her throat. She fell onto her knees as her vision swam her fingers digging into the dirt.

He was dead. Naraku was dead.

It was time for celebration but nothing was merry as she looked at lost limbs and blood that stained the ground. She growled angrily as she saw Sango laid unmoving on the ground her giant boomerang lying upon her petite body. She tried to crawl but her body protested. Her vision became impaired as her blue eyes scanned the blurry field that they battled in. She clenched her eyes as she saw the robe of the lecherous monk… he did not move. She felt like crying but the tears did not shed. She felt warmth engulf her as she smelled the musky and spicy scent of him.

"Inuyasha…" She choked out finally collapsing letting him catch her. He held on to her tiny body tight against his. He ran a clawed hand throw her soft ebony hair while he cradled her body to his. She was jerked forward as Inuyasha took at a fast pace while she tried to hold onto the inu-hanyou as best as she could in her state of exhaustion.

Her soft hands gripped his fire-rat kimono while scenery became blurred by Inuyasha's pace. He stopped suddenly almost making her fall from his embrace but he kept a strong grip on her. She looked around wondering where she was until she saw that they were at the ancient well. She looked curiously towards Inuyasha who didn't meet her eye making her feel nervous. Usually when he couldn't meet her eye was when he saw Kikyo…

"Kagomeyou need to go" Inuyasha said quietly his silver bangs hiding his golden eyes from her view. Genuine confusion marred her face as she regarded him. Suddenly she felt coldness wrap itself around her making it hard to breath. She shivered slightly as something caught her eye. She turned around to only look at a mirror image of herself.


Malice swept through Kikyo's face as she regarded Kagome her cold brown eyes boring into her blue frightful ones. She felt a band of pressure wrap itself around her waist. She looked down to see silver-white scales reflecting the light of the sun making her eyes squint. She struggled against the bounds of Kikyo's pets only for it to tighten itself even more cutting off circulation.

"Bye Kagome…" He looked at her pain and sadness in his golden orbs.

"Inuyasha!" She screamed only for the serpent like animal drop her unmercifully into the well. The blue light of the well engulfing her whole……everything she strived for, everything she thought would come true only to be shattered when she saw Kikyo embrace Inuyasha.

What a waste

End Flashback

A small glint appeared in her eyes as she pursed her lips together ceasing her moping and pathetic reminiscing. A fiery light built itself in her blue eyes making them glitter in the shadows of the café. She wouldn't be the pathetic girl that people thought could be easily broken. No…she just couldn't.

She let a sigh pass through her lips as she put money on the table for the coffee. Making her way to the door she put her long hair into a sloppy bun a few stray hairs framing her face. The cool breeze of the autumn air made goose bumps settle themselves on her barley clad arms. Swiftly, she began walking at a face pace her blue eyes never straying from the sidewalk.

'Oh great…I'm in luck.' Kagome thought sarcastically as she felt a small drop fall onto her shoulder and head. She looked up to see the graying sky with black clouds waiting to release rain upon Tokyo. She clenched her hands in anger as took at a jog to her family shrine.

'Why didn't I bring an umbrella when I watched the weather report?' She chastised herself while rain pelted her petite body. She wrapped her arms around herself finding herself shivering uncontrollably. She stopped abruptly finding a strange tingling sensation travel through her spine. She shuddered slightly not from the cold but at what the tingling meant.

A youkai….

The partially completed Shikon No Tama glowed slightly from the necklace around her neck. She looked around herself already feeling the impending fear that settled itself onto her senses. Suddenly she went rigid the blood pumping rapidly through her veins.


(Scene Change)

Reality slowly settled in as Kurama noticed that it wasn't Karasu but that did not mean that there was no threat. The flowing raven hair caught his eyes as he looked at the man….er…demon before him. Crimson red eyes followed his movements as Kurama held tightly to the rose in his hands.

"I have been watching you…" He said Kurama shuddered slightly as a predatory look entered into his crimson eyes. Slowly the demon walked towards him making Kurama hold tighter to the rose in his hand. A small smirk played upon the unknown demons lips as he took careful step towards Kurama.

"Who are you?" Kurama questioned his eyes narrowed while he tried to spread some of his spiritual energy into the rose to make it into a whip. The demon stopped his red calculating eyes regarding the small rose Kurama held a dark look swept through his features while his red eyes turned a darker crimson.

"Who am I, you ask?" He said playing with the kitsune. A small growl traveled through Kurama's throat as the demon didn't answer his question.

"Who are you!" Kurama asked forcefully his lush green eyes flickering to gold. The demon let a small sigh pass through his pale lips as his crimson eyes showed amusement. Anger was the only emotion prominent in Kurama's mind, his green eyes glowing in the bleak darkness of the shrine.

"My name is…." The demon said carefully slightly teasing Kurama with the information. "Naraku!" A feminine voice said as a young girl soaked to the bone came running into the room. Fury and confusing swirling in her blue orbs

"Kagome…." He whispered.

-----End chapter-----

Author's note: A cliffy at the end how fun. Anyway how does Kurama know Kagome? Muahahah not telling till' next chapter. And just to clarify there won't be any lemon(s) because I am only 13 years old and I would feel like such a pervert.

Review thanks:

The Violent Tomboy: I thought it sucked and well I hope this chapter made up for the shortness of the last chapter. And thanks for reviewing!

I Love Anthrun: Thanks for reviewing!

Sacaku: Thank you so much for liking the story so far! Any thanks for reviewing!

KitsuneMistressoftheYoukai: Lol well that answers your question it wasn't Karasu. Anyway thanks for reviewing!

China Angel: Thank you and thanks for reviewing!

EvilManiac: I love angst don't you? Lol anyway thanks for reviewing!

Dark Ice Kitsune: I updated I updated and thanks for reviewing!

Chinadoll27: Thanks and thanks for reviewing!

BlueDove: You don't know what it is about. Is it my fault sorry! Anyway thanks for reviewing!

Ryukotsusie: Well I think Youko has a little bit more depth to his personality then being the kinky kitsune we all know and love. Anyway thanks you for reviewing!

K: Yes I am an evil author! Anyway thanks for reviewing!