The Institute – A SoraXRiku Yaoi

Chapter 1: First Encounter

An eighteen year old, with silver hair, and the most dazzling aqua eyes, sits in his padded room. With his special belted jacket he hugged himself. He stares at the ever-dimming light swinging back and forth, as it hangs from the ceiling. He hears the metal doors to the cell corridor open.

A warden speaks,

"What're we gonna do with this one? The cells are all full!"

Another man, more powerful sounding replies coldly.

"Throw him in with Riku; they'll rip each other to shreds in no time."

The warden begins to protest "But sir—"

"But nothing, just do it you buffoon!" comes a snappy reply.

Sighing, the warden mutters to the new patient

"I hope you make it outta here alive kid. Riku doesn't take too nicely to other people…"

"But I'm not crazy!" the patient yells with wide-eyes.

The warden pays no attention and shoves the newbie into the cell of the silver haired boy known as Riku. Lifting his head up, Riku's aqua eyes surveyed his new room mate. And he liked what he saw.

A slender boy of about seventeen, with an innocent, but at the moment slightly scared face. Brown hair that was spiked every way and the most gorgeous big blue eyes you had ever seen.

The silver haired boy smirked as he watched the young new comer examine the room, and then shuffle himself into a corner, trying to make himself look as invisible as possible.

There were a few moments silence as Riku stared at the stranger, and the stranger sat blushing, pretending he wasn't there.

Finally, Riku spoke. His voice was smooth and sexy. The kind of voice that would send shivers up your spine until you've reached melting point. ((A/N: Fangirl description '))

He said very plainly,

"Who are you? Speak."

The boy in the corner looked around frantically, hoping Riku was talking to some other person who was new and sitting in a corner.


The brown-haired boy asked stupidly.

Riku sighed.

"I'm not in the habit of talking to myself. Or someone invisible for that matter"

"Then why are you here?" the boy asked.

Riku's face went cold. Quietly, but dangerously he said,

"I asked the question first. You answer."

It was said in a way that meant 'Don't piss me off and answer the bloody question.'

"I'm Sora…" the boy replied in a shaky voice.

"Sora?" Riku repeated as he maneuvered himself over to the strange boy, using caterpillar like motions ((A/N: you know how caterpillars crawl along the ground by lifting their middles up and shuffling forward abit? Riku is doing that. Anyone who has seen Trigun will remember Vash moving like that when he meets Stephanie, the pretty girl playing cards, early in the series.))

He had obviously been in the Institute for a long time, and was used to moving about freely in his belted jacket.

His face was about an inch away from Sora's and he was smirking like a Kitsune (fox).

Sora was blushing like mad. He wasn't used to being greeted so close up.

"Why are you blushing?" Riku asked, his face looking more and more mischievous every second.

When Sora didn't answer, Riku looked towards the door as though he had lost interest. Then he turned back to the younger boy and said,

"The warden will be coming to take me to therapy soon. Normally I act like I'm sleeping and the therapist treats me a little easier."

With that, Riku slipped his hands out of his jacket with incredible ease, gripped both sides of Sora's face softly, then gently but passionately kissed Sora on his lips.

When he had finished, Riku bounded backwards to almost the opposite side of the room and closed his eyes, pretending to be asleep.

His face beet red, and completely dazed, Sora looked over towards Riku with a wide-eyed expression.

"Riku, what was that for?" he asked with a worried tone.

'No response…is he asleep already? Maybe he is crazy…' Sora thought to himself.

'But still…his lips are really soft, and he smells good.' ((A/N: Yes, they're both already gay…it's easier than conversion and makes the story more straightforward))

Foot steps are heard and the door to their cell opens.

Sora rocks back and forth in his corner, staring at the door so the warden will leave him alone.

"Out like a light again…" the warden sighed and added, "And he even got out of his jacket again…"

Shaking his head, the warden grabbed Riku by both his arms and gently dragged him outta the room. As Sora watched Riku's face, admiring it, Riku's eyes sprang open and gazed over at Sora.

A playful grin emerged on Riku's face as he winked at Sora and stuck his tongue out.

After Riku was dragged out, Sora sat thinking,

'Why do I feel like I know him…?'

End of Chapter-

A/N: Woo hoo! My first chapter complete! Why does Sora feel like he knows Riku? Who chucked them in there in the first place? Will Riku get a better jacket? These questions may be answered in the upcoming chapter: Memories and Morons