Disclaimer: Song "Just Like a Splendid Love Song" is attributed to the band Orange and Lemons. good., good song. check it out!


"HAKU! Come back here. Don't make me get you or else…"

Giggles resounded everywhere. The wind carried a scent of innocence and pure joy. It was all she could ask for.

Sango felt the cool breeze caress her skin; and her senses were filled with the sweetest aroma of various flowers. This was her haven. She looked around the flower field. This was the original flower farm her parents owned before Sango sold it. Now, she was able to re-possess the same farm; and combining it with the remaining one, the flower farm has become bigger and more accessible to the public. Every now and then, tourists would visit the farm to gaze at the different kinds of flowers and creative petal artworks (the kinds involved during the Flower Festival). Adults and children alike come in and out of the farm to simply enjoy the scenery.

It was also worth mentioning that her flower business has expanded with about five store chains all over the country. Sango has been blessed.

Blessings though could not only be measured by her financial gain. There were more things worthier than expanding a business and earning more profit. Anyway, having more flower shops was not entirely her idea.

Sango's attention though was distracted by another fit of laughter coming from a child. The small boy was running around the area, having extremely fun at the expense of someone running after him. Sango smiled. The innocence and gleeful exuberance reminded her of Kohaku. It had been two years since the day Kohaku joined his creator. Sango looked up the blue sky; an overwhelming sense of peace came over her.

Kohaku is happy now, she said to herself, closing her eyes.


Sango opened her eyes and looked down at the little boy who suddenly bumped into her. The child looked up to her with his big, violet eyes, biting his lower lip.

"Sowee," he shouted with a smile on his face. He raised both hands, indicating to Sango to carry him.

"Oh no you don't, buddy!" someone yelled while approaching Sango and the little kid.

"Pweassssse," the little boy pleaded, pouting his cute, little lips.

Sango sighed, feeling a bit pity towards the child. She was about to consent to the child's request when the approaching figure snatched the kid himself.

"I told you not to ask mommy to carry you anymore," Inuyasha reprimanded his son, albeit in a gentler tone than what he's used to. "Your little sister or brother is in mommy's belly and the baby might get hurt," he explained.

"But I want mommy to ca-wee me!"

"Haku," Sango walked closer to her husband and two-year old son. "You're a big boy now. Daddy told you the baby might get hurt. Do you want that to happen?" She brought a hand to cup the face of her son. My, how he has grown!

Haku crossed his arms, fidgeting in his father's arms. "Mommy and Daddy don't like Haku anymore!" he whined, turning his face away from both his parents' gazes.

Inuyasha snorted. "Silly, if mommy and I don't love you anymore, we would've sold you to a scary old man who wanted to buy you."

Haku faced his father with widened eyes and a shocking expression. "Really? Someone want to buy me?"

Inuyasha nodded non-stop, trying hard not to laugh out loud. "Why, of course. The man said he needed someone to cook and clean at his dirty and smelly house so he wanted to buy you. But, mommy and I said, "No! We love Haku. If he goes away, we will be terribly sad."" Inuyasha's story calmed down the forming tantrum.

"So, honey, even though mommy could not carry you and that a new baby will arrive soon, it doesn't mean that mommy and daddy don't love you. Do you understand, my love?" Sango said, brushing the hair of her child.

Haku nodded instantly, a huge smile spreading all over his face. "Haku loves the baby," he said out loud, raising his fist as he said the proclamation.

"Good," Inuyasha remarked, putting his son down. "Now, go look for Ms. Mayu and bother her," he gave Haku a little push to guide him where Sango's loyal employee was standing. Haku, who has inherited many of his fathers's mischievous and naughty ways, ran to where Ms. Mayu was.

Sango watched as her son grabbed the basket Ms. Mayu was holding and ran away from the old lady. Sango shook her head and eyed her husband. "I think you should teach that son of yours to be less mischievous."

"Keh," Inuyasha snorted but chuckled a bit. He wrapped his arms from behind Sango and rested his hands on her growing belly. He bent his head down and put a soft kiss on her shoulder blades. "I like being around flowers," he said out of the blue.

Sango raised a brow and laughed. "Then you should try to stay at least for a day in one of those chain stores you put out," she teased. Inuyasha was actually the one who insisted on having more flower shops. He said that flower shops were a gift from heaven because that's where he found Sango. "Oh, on second thought, never mind. Your people skills are not so good," the last statement came out as a whisper, to further tease him more.

Inuyasha smirked. "Hey, at least my social skills are about three levels up than Sesshoumaru," he wryly retorted.

"But come to think of it, Haku spends a lot of time with him and Sesshoumaru doesn't mind at all," Sango commented thoughtfully.

"He's practising for his upcoming fatherhood," Inuyasha chuckled. "But, let's not talk about my ugly brother. Let's talk about this lovely woman standing in front of me who smells of sweet petals." Inuyasha whispered in her ear, unwilling to share such heartfelt phrases to anyone but his wife. His lips soon travelled down her neck.

Sango blushed. She and Inuyasha had been married for almost three years now and still at times she felt shy around him, which only drives Inuyasha wild. "Sweetie, people can see us."

"Ah, but I want the whole world to know how much I love the mother of my children," he mumbled as he brought his lips this time to her rose-tinted cheeks.

Sango turned around to face him, a bright smile on her face. "Thank you," she said. "For everything," she added, before standing on tiptoes and finally giving in to the temptation of capturing her husband's lips in a passionate kiss.

The kiss ended and both participants were left breathless, simply gazing into each other's eyes.

"I guess I better catch Haku before he drives Ms. Mayu crazy," he snickered after a few minutes.

"I think I better go with you. God knows how you might even join in with your son's crazy antics," Sango joked, pinching softly Inuyasha's cheeks.

"Like father, like son, eh?" he winked as he clasped Sango's hand in his own and brought it to his lips to kiss it.

Spending my days with you is like living in a world of fancy.
With all the beautiful people I know, makin' love in a world of vivid colours.
How often have I been there?

Well it really doesn't matter as long as we're together.

You and me, together we will journey to seek and see the colours of our fantasies come to life with the stroke of your soothing hands.
All the questions of life I will come to understand.

Seasons come and seasons go.
Stars will shine and lose their glow.
But every time I try to look back, I know you and me in love with each other.
There will be no problems that will bother; just the two of us painting a world of our own.

Everything is perfect,

Just like a splendid love song…

EDIT: I just realized! Is it possible for two-year olds like Haku to talk the way I described him to be? eek. Haku seemed to be uttering MORE words than a 2-year old can handle. forgive me. it's been a long time since I've met a two-year old kid. lol. so, let's just pretend 2-year olds do talk the way Haku talks. heehee.

The end. FIN. Curtain finally closes.

Thanks to all those who provided such kind words, and to those who took time to read the story. I tried my best writing this fic. I hope I didnt disappoint a lot of people. I'm aware that Rumiko Takahashi's INUYASHA (manga) is nearing its end. Let's all hope a beautiful and happy ending to Inuyasha and Sango (even if, we INUSAN fanatics know InuSan is quite impossible. There is still hope. lol).