Candi: This ish just a short ficcy nyu! Enjoy!

It was another 'normal' day in Mew Mew café… the sun was shining, the customers were happy, and the Mews were hard at work… Only one thing wasn't normal…

"What's today?" Purin grinned hyperly.

"Um… Saturday?" Minto answered. Purin sighed, going to work silently. After awhile, Retasu walked over to her.

"Purin-chan, are you feeling okay?" Retasu nudged the monkey girl, who was actually working for once, and not fooling around.

"Yeah Purin! Usually, you'd be entertaining our customers, or driving Keiichiro-san insane in the kitchen!" Ichigo sidled over to her friends, fiished aiting the tables.

The blonde monkey girl seemed to sigh, and then looked at her friends. She broke into a grin.

"Purin ish fine na-no-da! She's alright okies? -" She said with a big grin. Ichigo and Retasu looked at each other, then their smiling friend. They shrugged.

"Okay Purin…" Ichigo said slowly.

"Hey you guys! I'm not paying you to sit down and talk, so get bak to work!" Ryou called from a table.

"Ryou's such a bossy person," Ichigo rolled her eyes, then popped a some gum into her mouth.

"I have a pill for that!" Purin squealed, whipping out a pill from who knows where and chucking it at Ryou. It whacked him in the head.

"Who threw that!" Ryou yelled, looking around angrily. Purin pointed at Ichigo.

"WHAT NYA? I DIDN'T DO IT! PURIN!" Ichigo squealed. Purin just kept pointing at Ichigo. Lettuce looked in confusion at Ichigo.

"Well whoever did it, they saved his life 'cuz Ryou would've tripped over that na no da!" Purin said pointedly to Ryou, staring at the shining knife on the floor. Everyone sweatdropped.

"Uh… when did that get there?" Ryou asked, rubbing the lump that the pill had left on his head.

"Who knows who cares, I saved your life!" Ichigo said proudly, "so you'd better be nice to us!"

Ryou looked confusedly at Ichigo, then walked away.

"Well, that was fun, but we'd better get back to work!" Ichigo declared, going back to work. Retasu followed her. But Purin remained behind, silent.

'Why doesn't anyone remember what today is…' Purin thought sadly. She then went back to work.

Candi: Okay, yeah, I know that was short. The next chappie will be longer, I promise. Since today's my sister's birthday, I would like to say HAPPY BIRTHDAY YANIQUE! 0 Any nyu… why do you think Purin's sad? Find out in the next chappie!