Stay With Me

By: Hitokiri Musei

Summary: Cross between Day After Tomorrow and Invader Zim. Focuses mostly on IZ. What would happen if Dib and the gang were in New York when the storm began? How would the experience change things? ZADR.

Warnings and Disclaimer: Yaoi, ZimDib. My first attempt, please go easy on me. I don't own The Day After Tomorrow or Invader Zim (sighs) Please review; suggestions are always welcome but no flames please. Enjoy!

Chapter 1

It Begins

Dib Membrane sighed, glancing out of the hotel window. The Professor had brought him and Gaz along to New York for his job. They would only be there a few more days, but Dib still wanted to go home. The boy was now 16 years old, and he hadn't really changed. He still wore the black trenchcoat, the same shirt with the face on it. The only differences were his height and his hair. Dib was now about 5" 11 and his scythe-like hair reached to the small of his back.

Dib turned to the TV and began randomly flipping channels. Gaz, as always, was playing her GameSlave 4 while sitting on her bed.

"The Hollywood sign is gone, totally shredded!" came from the TV. Dib paused, watching the news. The camera showed several tornadoes, in….

"Los Angeles?" Dib said out loud. "But that's nearly impossible!" He stood, going back to the window.

Gaz stopped her game playing. "It's been raining like this for three days now."

"I know." Dib whispered. He glanced at his watch. "Come on Gaz, we're supposed to be meeting Dad."

Gaz stood, returning once more to her GameSlave. The two siblings went out of the room, heading for the elevator.

Gaz suddenly stopped. "We should take the stairs."

The lights flickered and Dib nodded. As the two entered the stairway the lights went out. "Good thing we're only on the 3rd floor." Dib muttered.

The two went outside, Gaz moving closer to Dib as he opened an umbrella. People sloshed through knee deep water around the taxis and buses.

Dib and Gaz walked on the sidewalk, trying to avoid as much water as possible, but they still ended up trekking through ankle deep water. Dib flinched slightly as a hand landed on his shoulder. He looked around to see a young woman behind him.

She smiled. "Sorry, I tripped."

He grinned back. "It's alright. Are you okay?"

"Yes, thanks?"

"Dib," he replied, shaking her hand. "And this is my sister Gaz."

"I'm Laura and these are my friends Sam and Bryan. (Is this right?)"she said, gesturing to the two beside her. "Where are you headed?"

"The library." Dib responded as the group began walking again.

"We're going there too so we'll walk with you." Sam said, smiling to Dib and his sister.

The five walked in silence for a moment, and then Bryan spotted the library. "There it is guys; let's get out of the rain." They waded through the knee deep water, going in between taxis. Dib and the boys didn't notice when Laura paused, Gaz with her.

"Are you alright Laura?" Gaz asked, helping the other.

Laura nodded. "Just a cut, I'll be fine." She suddenly spotted a woman and her family trapped in a taxi, the guard trying to get them out. He couldn't understand them however. "Let's go help them." Laura said, pointing. "I can understand them."

Sam, back with the others just outside of the library, spoke up. "Where's Laura?"

"And Gaz?" Dib said, looking back. It was then he noticed a wall of water coming towards Laura and his sister. "My god……GAZ!"

He went to go to his sister, but Bryan caught his sleeve. "You can't go out there man, its suicide!" Sam made it out to Laura, and began helping her to the entrance. He turned to go back, but it was too late.

Gaz suddenly tripped, falling into the water. As Dib screamed and the boys dragged him back the wall of water hit the library, burying Gaz and shattering Dib's world.

(With Zim)

"Why are we here Masta?"

Zim sighed. "Gir, I've already explained this 20 times. We followed the Dib-human. I'm curious about his mission here."

Gir dismissed this as his attention was diverted. Zim shook his head. "Why do I bother?" The Irken shivered slightly, glancing down the road to where the public library stood. Dib was with a group of people about 20 feet in front of him.

"I wish it wasn't raining." Zim muttered. "Good thing I brought a lot of paste." Even though the water didn't affect him it was still cold, much colder than his normal body temperature. He glanced at Gir, shaking his head again as he saw him. The SIR was running over the taxis, leaping over the gaps.

A scream suddenly sounded behind him and Zim looked around. His eyes widened. A wall of water was traveling towards him at tremendous speed. "Gir! Come on Gir!" He cried. The SIR glanced behind him and let loose a scream, latching onto the taxi. Zim deployed his spider legs, tugging on the leash, but Gir refused to move. The leash ripped in half and Zim sprang up the wall, blasting then jumping through an open window on the 6th story. Water rushed in behind him and the alien rushed into the hall, quickly blasting and leaping though the ceiling, repeating it immediately after. The water stopped, obviously as high as it would go.

He glanced back, his eyes wide in disbelief and fear. His contacts and wig had been lost in the fray so he pulled his coat up, shielding his antennae and eyes. His only companion was gone, and the city was halfway under the thing he despised the most, water.

HM: Well, that pretty much sucked. I'll continue if you wish, but I must get some reviews! Let me know if I've done anything wrong, I'll be happy to fix it. I will change the storyline of The Day After Tomorrow around a bit to make room for the whole ZimDib story, but it will be similar. I don't know for sure when the events in the beginning actually happened, but I decided to put it like that anyway. Thanks for reading, please review and let me know what you think! See ya'll later!