I'm Sorry and it's not true♥

Last Time:

As Kagome made her way to the garden crying she sat on the floor crying over the bench.

Was it true she was pregnant? She couldn't believe it but then again Inuyasha could smell if she was or not.


Kagome cried and cried she couldn't believe it only 3 days ago she found out she was pregnant; and she hasn't even told her mother and family yet.

How were they going to take it? She didn't know but she new they would be disappointed.

She then realized she would have to get up and maybe tell Sango what was going on. So that exactly what she did she got dressed in a pair of blue tight jeans and white Nikes and t-shirt with an orange sweater.

She had her hair up in a pony tail and went to get the phone.

She then dialed the number and the phone began to ring so Sango picked up.

Sango: Hello? Sango speaking.

Kagome: Hey Sango it's me Kagome.

Sango: Oh hey Kagome are you ok?

Kagome: Yeah but I have to tell you something.

Sango: What is it?

She asked worriedly.

Kagome: At Rin and Fluffy's

Sango: Rin and who?

Kagome: Never mind any ways at the wedding 3 days ago when Inuyasha saw me and Houjo dancing he pulled me away from him saying I wasn't allowed to dance with him. I told that he couldn't tell me what to do because he wasn't my dad, husband or boyfriend. Then he goes saying that I can take care of the baby by myself and I say what baby and then he goes saying I'm pregnant! And that's why you haven't seen me for days nobody know's just you, me, Inuyasha and probably Miroku.

Sango listened in Shock Kagome was pregnant?

Sango: Kagome I am soooooo sorry! But exactly how did you end up pregnant?

Kagome then told Sango what had happened at the Canyon with the beer and waking up next to each other.

Sango: Oh my gosh Kagome don't worry I will be with you 110 percent of the way!

Kagome: Thanks Sango….

Mean while with Inuyasha

'Man I can't believe I told her she was pregnant when she wasn't. She must feel pressure thinking she's pregnant man I'm such a Baka! I need to tell her the truth I mean Miroku already know's Kagome probably already told Sango heck I already know they have been dating I remember when Miroku told me the day of the wedding he looked so happy so did Sango now we have to put them in out situation! You know what I'm going to tell Kagome the truth…right now….after I use the bathroom!'

After Inuyasha had used the bathroom he got into his car and speed off to Kagome's house bringing his guitar.

At Kagome's

Kagome was still talking to Sango until she heard Inuyasha's car pull up into the drive way.

Kagome: Sango! Inuyasha just pulled up! What should I do?

Sango: Ok I bet he came to apologize Kagome and help you out so just make sure your not wearing and orange cause that means you're really sad and mad at the person you love.

Kagome looked down she was wearing orange. She blushed but returned to the phone.

Kagome: Don't ever call again with your color themes what are you doing spying on me with the close I'm wearing!

Sango: Ah-hah you admit it you do love him!

She blushed again.

Kagome: What ever don't call..you..you stranger!

Sango laughed and said ok whatever talk to you later bye!

Inuyasha stayed in the car for a second and took a deep breathe before coming out.

He grabbed his guitar and started playing 'Girl I need' by Mario.

I want a girl that can really blow my mind I mean an

Extraordinary one of kind a banging body

Like a CL5 double "O" but that aint all oh no

I need a girl that's smart (and really intelligent) a girl with

Heart somebody who don't take no

Sh!t and if you're out there make yourself known (I mean) because

I'm looking for somebody

Who will ride with me die with me cry with me live with me who

Will role with me till the end?

With me that's the kinda girl that I need she don't want my money

She just wants me only and I when

I need loving she quick to put it on me mami's a soldier and a

Roller i mean and that's just

That girl I need...

La Dee Dee la Dee Dee Dee da de day if your out there girl on my

Way la Dee Dee la Dee Dee Dee

da Dee day imma find you one of these days

By now Kagome had walked out side and saw Inuyasha smiling at with sadness and regret. She smiled back and listened to him sing.

I want a girl that can hook up a shoe (I mean) a Gucci sandle or

Them Jimmy choo's (I mean)

She could find a pair of timbs or some air force ones and still

Look the bomb

I need a girl that smart (and really intelligent) a girl with

Heart somebody who don't take no

Sh!t and if your out there make yourself known (I mean) because

I'm looking for somebody

La Dee Dee la Dee Dee Dee da Dee day if your out then girl I'm on

My way la Dee Dee da Dee Dee

Dee da Dee day imma find you one of these days

(I said I got) I got the material things but that don't matter I

Trade it all if I can have her

Perfect girl in my life that will make it right

Baby Cham

I need a girl with finess look good in a dress to kiss and

Caress I need a woman with less drama

Stress no fethumaness I need a female who would know what to do

When the cops come through who if

Things get dim she'll put on her timbs and role with the crew i

Need a girl who smart who thinks

With her heart when things falling apart I need a girl if I need

A point or part a she'll donate

A quart I need a lady who will trust me when I'm out at night one

Who when it's my darkest hour

She's my ray of light

She don't want my money she just wants me only and I when I need

Loving she quick to put it on

Me mami's a soldier and a roller and that's just that girl I


La Dee Dee la Dee Dee Dee da Dee day if your out there girl I'm

On my way

As he finished the he noticed one of the neighbors who was a senior woman and man to be exact heard him and said (the man) "You weren't that good sunny! But it was enough for your girl friend there!"

While the women said "Oh hush Frank mind your manners and you're a terrific singer. Now let's go inside and eat Frank"

Inuyasha and Kagome laughed and stopped abruptly when Inuyasha spoke.

"Kagome I am sorry what I said to you and I'm also sorry for saying your pregnant when you aren't I guess jealousy got in the way" he said looking and Kagome "and what I want to say is that I…I…I love you Kagome"

Kagome's eyes began to water did he really say that he loved her? The next thing she new was that she was running at Inuyasha and hugging him saying she loved him to!

"Inuyasha Aishiteru!" she said happily.

"Aa Aishiteru Kagome" he said in the embrace before kissing her.

They didn't notice behind the bushes that Miroku and Sango were watching them and when they saw what happened between them they had gotten a tingly sensation.

"Sango Aishiteru" he said looking at her.

She looked shocked but happy before saying:

"Aishiteru too Miroku" and shared a kiss.








Aishiteru - I love you