I hope that people will still read and that this story isn't completely forgotten. Please Review and Enjoy!

Chapter 11-The Beginning of Hope

"Benjamin," Elizabeth cried as she pulled herself off of the bed and into his waiting arms. "How are you here?"

"You didn't think that I would let you die, did you?" he asked with a smile as he placed a kiss on her tear stained cheek and when he felt her stiffen, he added. "I'm not going anywhere."

Cole watched the scene before him and allowed the few memories he had of his father to come back to him. They were vague and fuzzy, but they were there, himself at age three running to father who returned home from work, waiting for the candy that he was certain would follow his return.

"Ah, my boy," Benjamin looked at his son as he disentangled himself from Elizabeth and walked closer to Cole. "I'm so proud of you. You're everything I ever wanted in a son," he assured Cole before pulling him into a hug.

"But I messed up so much, hurt so many people," Cole disagreed as he pulled away, his blue eyes full of unshed tears.

"But now you're making up for that and helping people," Benjamin told his son. "And raising your children to be good."

"Cole, I think I figured out how to save Eliz..." Pheobe stopped mid-sentence as she walked into the room and realized that her mother-in-law seemed fine. "How did she get healed?" she asked

as she shifted Patience to her other hip before taking in the man standing in the room.

"Pheobe, this is Benjamin Coleridge Turner, my father," Cole introduced the man before him. "He healed her."

"A pleasure to meet you." Benjamin smiled holding out his hand. "I'm so glad that you two were able to find each other. I know how much my son loves you."

"Not as much as I love him," Pheobe accepted his handshake with a smile, but was forced to turn her attention to the toddler in her arms when she let out an unhappy wail.

"And this must be my grand-daughter," he looked at the unhappy girl, then looked to Pheobe for confirmation before holding out his arms. "May I?"

"Of course," she passed the small girl to her grandfather. "She's just a little fussy because she missed her nap today."

"Mommy!" the young boy screamed as he ran into the room.

"What is it? A demon?" Cole asked, immediately on alert.

"The puppy had to go real bad but I'm not a'posed to go outside unless I ask so she had an accident in the hall," Ben explained, before looking at the man holding his sister. "Who are you?"

"This is your grandfather, my father," Cole explained and the boy looked up at the man in amazement as Pheobe slipped out of the room to deal with the little 'accident' the puppy had left in the hallway.

"Really?" Ben asked and was pulled into a hug by the man.

"Yeah, and he and Nana are going to watch you and Persephone for a little while so that me and Mommy can take care of a couple of things," Cole explained to the child. "You're going to be good for them, aren't you?"

"Yes, Sir. I'll be really, really good an' I'll take care of Sephie an' the puppy," Benjamin promised his dad.

"Good," Cole kissed both his kids goodbye and waved to his parents before leaving the room, completely amazed that both of them were here, back in his life.

The couple walked into an empty room, Cole trying his best to reassure his wife that their children were safe at the moment, "As long as they are in the house, Piper can't get to them. There are shields to keep them from being pulled out of the house and to keep Piper from getting in. They'll be fine."

Finally allowing herself to believe what he was saying, Pheobe took in their surroundings, "Why are we here? I thought we were looking for Leo."

"I didn't exactly want to go to the manor and we couldn't call for him at home because of the shields. This office won't be in use for a while, so I thought it would be a good neutral place for us to talk," he explained as he kicked a piece of wood. "Go for it."

"Leo!" she screamed and could only hope that he would still answer her call after all these years, even though it seemed like he could care less about any part of the Halliwell family. "Leo!"

After a full ten minutes of calling, the blonde man appeared in sparkling blue and white lights, looking little like the man Pheobe had remembered as her brother-in-law.

"You look like hell," Cole stated, taking in the man he had once thought of as a friend's appearance.

He looked like he hadn't slept in a week and was in dire need of a shave.

"What happened to Piper?" Pheobe solemnly asked, her eyes threatening to let the tears fall. "She's trained that little boy to use magic for personal gain, for evil."

"She lost all of her sisters!" Leo screamed. "You should know!"

"I didn't have a choice!" Pheobe yelled right back at him, but when she felt Cole's arm touch her shoulder, she allowed herself to calm down. This wasn't a time to argue. They needed Leo. He was the only one that could help Piper and Wyatt, if it wasn't too late. "Have you seen Piper lately. . . or your son?"

"No," he looked down as he spoke, clearly ashamed that he hadn't fought harder to save his marriage and his place in their son's life. "She wouldn't let me back in the manor."

"Why?" Cole asked him, not really understanding why Piper would forbid the man she loved from coming into contact with her or their child. "What'd you do?"

"I wanted her to let it all go. We had our son. I thought that was enough, but she wouldn't let it go. She wants revenge. She won't stop until she avenges Paige's death, until you're all dead."

"Why didn't you get Wyatt out of there? She's not in the best shape to be taking care of him. He looked exhausted. She's going to really cause him harm, Leo. You're his father. You need to do something," Pheobe refused to let him off the hook. Her sister could be a scary, stubborn woman sometimes but that was no excuse. "He needs you before it's too late, before he's too far gone, evil."

"You can still get in the Manor and get him out. Once we know Wyatt's safe, we can try to focus on Piper, try to help her get over her anger. If that's not possible, at least we know that the boy won't be hurt because of her actions," Cole added, before practically pushing Leo. "Go get your son."

Giving them a look of defeat, Leo waited a moment to sense before orbing out.

"Do you think we'll really be able to help them?" Pheobe asked her husband as she let her head rest on his chest.

"I hope so," was his reply.

"Get out!" she screamed motioning her hands and blowing him into a million orbs.

"Not without Wyatt," Leo demanded as he reassembled. "I just want him to be safe, Piper. You're not fit to raise him right now."

"Don't tell me how to raise my son!" she screamed and raised her hands to blow him up again, but was cut short as the blonde haired little boy walked into the room. "Go back to bed," she ordered him.

"You don't have to. You can come with me," Leo encouraged the child in a soothing voice. "Do you remember me, Wyatt?"

"You're bad," Wyatt insisted, backing away. "Mom said you're bad."

"It's not true, Wyatt. It's not true," Leo told his son, furiously shaking his head back-and-forth. "I'm sorry I haven't been here. I'm sorry I left you, but I'm here now and you can go with me if you want."

He held out his arms and saw the fight raging within the little boy. "It's okay, Wyatt," Leo insisted.

He still saw hesitation in the child.

Crouching down to be on the level of his son, he made one last attempt to win him over. "Remember when we used to go to the park and your favorite thing was the slide. You would go down the slide about a thousand times in a row. You wouldn't play on anything else. Just the slide. Do you remember, Wyatt? I used to carry you on my shoulders and run through the house and we always woke up extra early to watch cartoons."

There was a spark in Wyatt's eyes as Leo spoke. "Daddy," the boy said in a voice that barely even registered as a whisper, but it was enough because Leo heard him and encouraged him more until the child spoke in a full-fledged six year old voice. "Daddy."

In a matter of seconds, the boy was in Leo's arms, holding on so tight that it would be impossible for anyone to pull him away from his father. Leo was holding him with as much strength and tears fell from his eyes as he was finally reunited with his son.

K, thought I'd leave it there because it would probably take me another month to think of more. So, there's gonna be another chapter after all before the epilogue. I'm really sorry for how long this took me. I really have no excuse, well actually there have been horrible family problems, but I don't think I need to get into those, not exactly the nicest subject for me to talk about. I hope this chapter is okay. Please Review.