Title: Rote Feste Landstraße

Authors: I wrote this chapter!

Rating: Pg-13

Genre: Finally..back to the humor

Disclaimer: I don't own FMA

Pairing: Ed/Roy


This was the chapter that more or less inspired the rest of the story…we kinda thought this up and just ran with the idea…

Note about the last chapter—No, Ed didn't understand everything that was implied when Al said "I love you, Brother"…but I am working on the chapter when Ed does learn about it…I'm basing it off of actual events between me and my sister!

IM SO SORRY I HAVENT UPDATED THIS IN FOREVER! My grandfather died recently and I haven't really been able to write much.

It had already been a month since Roy had proposed, but the thought of it still made Ed feel giddy. He leaned against Roy's shoulder as they walked down the street together. As they passed by the large window display of a clothing store, something caught Ed's eye and he stopped dead in his tracks.

"Roooyy…" he said, beguilingly.

"Yes, Ed?" he responded, wary of that tone Ed was using.

Ed managed a smile that was somewhere between a flirty grin and an evil smirk.

"I was just thinkin'…We really should start planning things for the wedding…ya'know-food, location, clothes.." his voice trailed off as he stared at the window.

Roy looked at the window, to which Ed's eyes were transfixed. Behind the glass was a beautiful, white wedding gown. Beaded down the front in intricate swirls, and a long train along the back.

Roy's jaw dropped. Visions of Ed's small frame in that dress swam through his head. He turned slowly toward Ed, practically drooling, and was rather surprised to see a very malicious grin on Ed's lips. He immediately realized what Ed had been implying.

"ABSOLUTLY NOT!" Roy shouted, causing the people around them to start staring.

"Please?" Ed pleaded, nuzzling against Roy, "I'll bet you look great in it."

"No!" He said sternly, "I'm not wearing that at our wedding!"

Ed sighed, feeling defeated when an idea popped into his head. "Will you wear it for me on our honeymoon?"

The word 'honeymoon' caught Roy's attention and after a few more moments of arguing, Ed was dragging Roy into the dress shop.

Not a great chapter, but at least it exists…I don't think ill be updating this for awhile cus I'm working on Zunächst Nach Tag…but ill try to get the next chapter written pretty soon.