I decided since im low on ideas that I would make a one shot. Ok well………. On with the show. Err or story.

Summary: Kagome is a girl that hasn't talked since she was 6 and she's 16 she wont talk AT ALL to ANYONE not even her own parents. But what will happen when she meets Inuyasha and she starts talking to him? What has she got to hide that resulted to never talking again? And what is with her father being so conserved about her talking to Inuyasha? Read and Find out and remember that silence holds all answers.

New girl

"Hey did you guys here about the new girl that came here from across town?" Miroku asked a group of his friends. Miroku was a tall boy with short deep black hair pulled back into a little hair tie in the back. His violet eyes waiting for an answer from his friends.

"Ya I have actually. She was supposed to be rally weird, I heard she doesn't talk to any one not even the teachers," a girl named Sango said as she sat up in amusement. Sango was an average height, with dark brown hair to her mid back. She had a dark greenish color eye that almost looked brown.

"Its not like I care if she talks or not she just better stay away from me if she's another one of those wanna be gothic punks that think they are all that because they are so independent," their other friend Inuyasha said from his spot on the front steps of their school.

Inuyasha was also pretty tall with long silver hair and an unusual pair of dog ears atop his head. This wasn't unusual for his friends because they knew he was a hanyou. He also had a unique pair of golden eyes that would mystify any one that looked into them.

"Oh come on Inuyasha have some kindness in your heart besides I heard she was hot," Miroku said with a perverted grin on his face.

"Geese Miroku is that all you think about?" Inuyasha started.

"Don't even think about going near that poor girl we haven't even met her and your already thinking about that gosh," Sang said hitting him on the arm.

"No need to get physical Sango dear," Miroku looked at her with a false puppy face, "and besides I was only kidding."

"Ya right," Inuyasha and Sango said under their breath.

Miroku was about to protest when the bell rang.

"Well let's head to class to meat the new girl," Inuyasha slumped as he headed to their first class.

"Class I would like you to meet Kagome Higurashii," the teacher told the class, "Kagome why don't you tell the class a little about your self."

The teacher got no answer she just stood there and looked around the class. She spotted Inuyasha and looked at him for a while. She looked at him even when he looked back. They just held eye contact until the teacher told Kagome to take her seat.

"Um lets see you can take that empty seat by Inuyasha over there in the corner of the room ok Inuyasha please raise your hand so Kagome will know who you are," the teacher directed Kagome towards her seat.

She took her seat by Inuyasha. They were in the far corner so the teacher couldn't really hear them so Inuyasha thought it would be a good time to see If she would talk.

"Hey um girl uh Kagome," he stammered trying to think of her name that was just said only 5 seconds ago.

Her only reply was to look over at him and nod her head.

"Any ways can you talk at all?" he asked.

She looked at him for a while and nodded her head again.

"Well then why don't you?"

She just shrugged her shoulders and did something he really didn't expect. She spoke. Her voice was the sweetest clearest thing he had ever heard and he didn't expect some one that never spoke to have such a sweet voice.

"Sometimes its better to be quiet and observe then to be loud and obnoxious," she said in a very low whisper that only he could hear.

Inuyasha nodded his head in understand. He knew what it was like to just wish to be quiet and relaxed for once.

"So would you like to come sit with me and my friends at lunch?" he asked her. He wanted to hear her sweet voice again but no luck all she did was nod her head yes.

"Ok well can I see your schedule?" he had a lot of other questions but reframed from sounding noisy.

She handed him her schedule with out a word.

"You have all of my classes that's weird. You only have this one with Miroku and Sango their my friends," he said very fast but she understood.

Kagome giggled. She liked this guy even if he was kind of weird and well different but that's why she liked him.

Just then the bell rang and class was over it was time for second period. Which Kagome and Inuyasha had together so they walked their together.

"I don't have any class with any of my friends except first period so this will be cool that you have all of my classes I guess," he said as they walked down the hall towards their next class.

"Even though you don't talk I think your kind of cool you know Kagome," Inuyasha said earning a smile from her.

"I think you're cool too," she said just above a whisper so he could hear.

He couldn't believe it. This girl that never talked to any one and by rumor not even to teachers or her own parents was talking to him of all people. But this time he wasn't the only one who heard it.

Their principal Mrs. Shikon heard her little sentence to him and called her parents right away.


"Yes this is your daughter Kagome's principal Mrs. Shikon, and I would like to inform you as we agreed that Kagome has been talking little sentences to this boy at school who goes by the name Inuyasha Takanashi, she hasn't spoken much but just little sentences now and then, they seem to be friends," she informed the voice on the other end of the phone.

"Ah I see so she has been talking to this boy Inuyasha was it, yes we will have to come down and see for our selves this is really hard to believe since our daughter hasn't spoken in 10 years since she was 6 so we have been waiting for this moment for a very long time now," said a male voice on the other line.

"Yes I could imagine the anxious feeling you are feeling right now so I will allow you to come down during lunch and witness this your self just be careful not to disturb our students," she told this man that was supposedly Kagome's father.

"We will be sure of that, thank you Mrs. Shikon, have a nice day."

"No thank you bye."


With that she hung up the phone and looked out towards the school grounds where the students would be enjoying their lunch in not only but a few minutes.

Ok well maybe this wont be a one shot. I guess im going to be making this into a story but this will go really slow might I mind you because well im just to busy ok well. PEACE.