Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha or Yu Yu Hakusho so get away from me you nasty lawyers.

A/N: sorry the first chapter was sooo short I promise this one is longer. Sort of, I'm trying to gradually increase my chapters in lengh. Constructive critism is welcomed.

Spring and Autumn

By: MistRider

Chapter 2: Sealed fate

"Mom I'm home!" Kagome yelled, closing the door behind her.

"I'm in the living room Honey!" her mom called back in a muffled voice.

Kagome made her way into the living room and found her mother sewing her school uniform up. Although it looked like she was having a lot of trouble considering the numerous gaping holes in the uniform. It was the same uniform she wore at the final battle against Naraku.

"Mom, it's ok you don't have to sew it up. I doubt it's ever going to be the same after what I put it through."

Her mother smiled. "I guess you're right, I'll call school and ask them to send a new one."

"Thanks mom, you're the best." Kagome hugged her mom tightly.

"Oh and by the way I packed your bag for you. I wouldn't want you to be late. You know how Inuyasha and Youko get." Her mother winked. Kagome blushed.


"I'm just kidding sweetheart." It was just like her mom, unworried when she went back 500 years to the feudal era.

Kagome went up to her room. Sure enough she saw her big worn out yellow backpack on her bed stuffed with things from crayons to medical stuff. Oh great just how am I supposed to bring all this stuff with me.

Kagome heaved the backpack on and was surprised that it wasn't as heavy as she would've expected. Maybe I'm just getting used to this, she thought nonchalantly.

"Where is she! She said 3 days to visit her family and she'd be back before sundown!"


"If she doesn't come back soon I'm going to go and drag her back myself!"


"Then I'll forbid her to go back ever again."


"I knew I shouldn't have let her go in the first place!"



"I was going to say that it's not sundown yet."

"Feh." Inuyasha pouted before jumping into a tree to sulk.

"In plus, you're hurting me and Youkos ears. Right Youko?" Shippo jumped eagerly onto his idols shoulders."

"I agree with Shippo, although I am not a demon all your ranting is starting to hurt my ears." Miroku agreed calmly.

"Feh, nobody ever takes my side." Inuyasha grumbled angrily.

"Alright, I'm leaving Mom! I'll be back in a week!" Kagome called behind her as she opened the well house door.

"Bye sweetie, remember I want grand babies soon, with cute little ears."

Kagome blushed a bit before turning back around and walking down the well house stairs. Peering over the well she shuddered, it never looked welcoming to jump down there. It was like a dark pit of emptiness but she had to do it if she ever wanted to see her feudal friends again.

Kagome sat on the rim of the well. She turned her body around so that her legs were dangling into the well. Holding her breath, she kicked off and jumped in. She landed at the bottom with a soft thump.

This time there were no welcoming warm blue lights.

This time she couldn't smell the crisp fresh scent of feudal Japan.

This time….this time, the well wouldn't let her through.

"That's it now it's past sundown, I'm going to go get her."

"No, I'm going to get her," Youko contradicted stepping out in front of Inuyasha and walking towards the well. "I have a feeling something's wrong."

" Hah, I bet the well won't even let you through."

"There's only one way to find out….." Youko mumbled absently. Youko peered over the edge of the well.

"What, you afraid to jump in." Inuyasha taunted beside Youko, also peering into the well.

"Hn. What do you take me for, a mutt like you?" Inuyasha growled.

In one quick leap Youko jumped into the well. "Damnit! I just know something is wrong!" Youko growled.

"I'll show you how it's done, Fox."

Inuyasha, too, jumped in the well. Once again the well didn't work. "The well…. the well is…..is sealed."

" Jaken! What day is it today?" a voice growled.

"T-today is February 17, 2005 Sesshoumaru-sama." Jaken bowed low on his knees.

"Then today's the day."

"Today's the day for what Sesshoumaru-sama?" Jaken asked curiously "If you don't mind me asking of course." Jaken added hastily, bowing again.

"Today's the day the well is sealed, along with Kagomes fate."

"Kagome…..Kagome….." Then it dawned on him "You mean Inuyasha's wench."

Sesshoumaru growled and picked Jaken up by the throat "You shall say her name with respect, she is the one who defeated Naraku." Sesshoumaru spit his name out before throwing Jaken to the side.

Jaken's eyes widened she defeated N-Naraku. Jaken got to his knees once again. "I-I'm sorry Sesshoumaru-sama I didn't know. Please forgive this lowly servent."

Sesshoumaru turned, looking out the large window. "Yes….yes…of course you didn't know." he whispered quietly to himself.