Please give me your opinions.

Perhaps it will be today. Many are hoping that it will happen today. Far too long have they waited for it to happen. Has it been a year, maybe two years since they heard from her? Nothing has been said, but everyone knows that some people have given up, believing that she disappeared and will never return. A few people have caught sight of her whereabouts and heard her whispers in many story halls.

Finally, her voice was heard in her own hall, only to give an announcement. Many were disappointed that she hadn't told one her chilling tales of horror. Weeks past and the faithful and curious people who still came to the empty hall noticed a most peculiar sight; there was a scroll hanging in midair.

Hope filled many as they ran to spread the word. They sped off to tell their neighbors, family and friends. The hall was quickly filled as people came across the land for today must be the day. The scroll floating in the empty air had to be Her handiwork.

"Katzztar has finally updated!" That cry was heard far and wide.

The second cry of "Not another note!" followed as people finally got to read the scroll. Yet all was not lost, for Katzztar had named her next story and was asking for opinions of the type of story telling the people are interested in. She also gave them information of her tale. Read for yourself, scribe

Hello, Faithful readers

As I previously stated I have started the next part of my epic, "In the Dark of Night". I have altered the ending, and added new elements. The original plot had a rather dry second arc that was to be told in diary form, same as the first arc. This story would tell happened to Kohaku, Adam Holmes, Yoshiko and Shino Kuwabara. Also would show where Kazuma, Shizuru and Yukina are. The third arc would be present tense as Urameshi and Co join up with their missing friends and finally end the ghostly threat.

The problem I've had since finishing the first story is that I couldn't flesh out the second arc. I think of three or four chapters and that would be the end of it. My muse ran away with my inspiration. I read writing journals, (Writer's Digest is great) read horror stories, and finally watched the YYH movie again. They say the third try works like a charm. I have to agree. I got an idea to wrap into my current story, all I had to change in written chapters was one single scene for it to work with my new idea.

So I went and changed the scene of Amanda's death and Kazuma's 'birth'. And I just gave you a big clue for the future plot there. In the recent reviews, no one mentioned anything about that change. That one scene in the first arc is was ties into the third arc. There, a major tease.

With that change, the original idea for the third arc is going to be condensed into the second arc, allowing me to flesh out that pesky part. What I need is some input from my faithful readers on the POV.

"Dark of Night" was actually started as an experiment for me to write in journal form. It was still a POV, but allowed me to alter the POV to the person writing in the journal. One of the biggest mistakes we amateur writers make is having too many POV characters. For example some writers jump from showing Hiei's thoughts to Yusuke to Kurama. Think of the successful books, they don't do that. Harry Potter tells us what Harry's thoughts are but shows what Ron is thinking through his actions. A journal where several people write in is a tricky way to bypass that, and it doesn't always work.

is more than a site to post rambling. It is a site that technically is to help amateur writers improve their skills by allowing peer review. It is free to post and review the work of others here.

After reading "Dark of Night" please tell me how I did as far as writing. Don't say things like "Good story" and "I like it." Add why it was good and why you liked it.

I have gotten some good reviews that state I did deliver a good atmosphere to the story. What about other elements of storytelling? What was the POV like? Where did I miss some corrections? Are the any 'plot holes' that damage the flow of the story?

"Shadow Chase" will be the title for the second arc. I haven't decided how to tell it. Originally I was going to have as the second journal of the three books Kurama and Spirit World mentioned in the first arc, three books for three arcs. But I want to change that now. I am thinking about having the second book written a few years later teling the story of what happened after they escaped the house. But one problem comes up. Akira is comatose before Yoshiko disappears.

To get around this, My idea is that the second book is written by Kazuma during the three years his friends are gone. It will also tell why that painting disturbed Yusuke and Kurama in the prologue. (Hah, thought I forgot about that and would leave you hanging didn't you) So Kazuma is telling a story of what happened and how he and co deal with the hostile ghosts. As to how they hold of it; it stays as it says in the first chapters of "Dark" that Kurama found Kazuma's journal in the ruins of his house. This third book Kazuma writes in as a journal also covering time he worked with Urameshi. This one will not be part of the main story but act as a side-story of one-shots of Kazuma's thoughts through the years. The first book was given to Reikai agents by the friendly ghosts at the Bogey House. The second book in question …hasn't appeared yet.

What luck for me, I left enough wriggle room to create with the new flow of the story.

Please tell me what you think of my new direction.
