HUGE spoilers for episode "Doppelganger"! Only in author's note though.

Tuesday nights episode "Doppelganger" had to be the best episode of NCIS ever! Okay, one of many. I really loved it becuase there were another group of detective people just like them. RachelKate, MillerMcGee... so on and so forth. Plus it was cool that Gibbs finally got a girl.. too bad for him though Karen was the murderer. I like the part where Abby answered the phone in her lab after her argument thing with McGee.

Abby: WHAT!

Gibbs: Geeze Abby. What did McGee do this time?

Abby: He stuck his size ten foot in his size twelve mouth.

Priceless. Anyways, this is the story that I wrote around Christmas time that I promised everyone. ENJOY!

Title: With the Whole Team Watching


Shipping(s): Tate and a small Gabby

Kate stared open-mouthed at her reflection in the mirror. She hadn't noticed before how her sparkling, red, spaghetti strap dress flattered her every curve. Or how her now curly brown her cascaded in a sea of waves around her face. She took a quick glance down at her feeet, now appreciating the fact that she had painted her toes scarlett red and went with the black heels instead of the red ones.

Getting this dolled up for the annual Christmad party had not been her intention, but then she learned that a former long-time boyfriend, Nathan Summers, was planning on attending. Deep down she still had feelings for him, but she wanted to prove to him that she was happy without him. Or was she really trying to prove herself? She shook the thought from her mind and focused on the gown that Abby had bought.

Barely two weeks ago, her and Abby had went "dress" shopping. Abby picked out a fabulous black gown with off the shoulder sleeves and a plunging neckline. When Abby tried it on, Kate was totally surpised at just how stunningly beautiful she looked in it. Nobody ever really took the time to think of just how pretty Abby was. Of course she was pretty, but with her hair out of their normal pigtails and non-gothic clothes, she looked... radiant!

Then Kate turned her attention back to herself. Was this really too much? She had curled her hair, painted her toes and even taken the time to put on a little extra makeup. Then a second question began to form in her mind. Who was all this for? Herself, Nathan... Tony? What the hell! Tony. That thought scared her. She didn't have feelings for Tony. Why dress up for him? He was probably busy chasing some big chested blonde in a mini-skirt anyway.

Moving out of the view of the mirror she walked to the bathroom to spray on some Lucky You perfume and touch up her lipstick. Then retreating towards her bed, she picked up her small black handbag and headed to the door.

Out at her car she felt butterflies in her stomach. What was wrong with her? It was just a little party. So what if Nathan was going to be there. He was the one who had decided that they were better off without each other. She no longer needed him to be happy.

Climbing into her silver Mazda, she put the key in the ignition and heard the motor crank. As she pulled out of the parking lot she took a quick glance at her apartment and began the twenty minute drive to the party.

So how was the 1st chapter? I am sorry that it was short as most of the chapters I write are. I know that Kate probably doesn't drive a silver Mazda on the show, but come on... give me a break. I don't know anything about cars and I don't pay attention to any of the cars on the show.