Ok, so this is my version of the future that Pheobe saw in her premonition, the Utopia thing with the Avatars. I don't know what the title of the episode was but it was in the 7th season. Anyway, this story will began at her premonition and there will be flashbacks in the story to explain how things got the way they are.

I'll quit talking now.

Chapter 1-Daddy's Home

Pheobe stood outside of the elementary school waiting for the children. Today, it was her turn to pick them up.

The children were released and ran out of the building towards her.

"Hi, aunt Pheobe," said Wyatt.

"Hi, Wyatt," she said. "Hi, big guy," she said refering to Chris.

"Mommy, mommy," the little girl cried running towards Pheobe.

Pheobe picked the child up.

"Hi," Pheobe said before putting the child back down.

"What are you doing, my little ladybug?" Pheobe asked.

"Mommy, Chris was scaring me about the demons again," the little girl said.

"Chris, it's not nice to tease," Pheobe scolded the child.

"What did I tell you about the demons? They don't exist anymore. Not since the Avatars," Pheobe explained to her daughter. "Let's go," Pheobe said taking Prue's hand.

She led the children to the S.U.V. and buckled them in.

"Do you have any homework?" she asked.

"She's in kindergarten. They don't have homework," Chris teased.

"I do too," little Prue yelled.

"No fussing guys," Pheobe said.

"Aunt Pheobe, can you turn on the radio?" Wyatt asked.

"Yeah," Pheobe said turning on the radio and switching stations until Wyatt told her to stop.

The ride was quiet except for the music.

They arrived at the Halliwell manor a few minutes later.

The boys jumped out of the car and ran up the stairs and into the house.

"Prue, leave your backpack in the car. I don't want you to lose it again. We can only stay for a few minutes. Go say 'hi' to Aunt Piper and Uncle Leo," Pheobe told the little girl helping her out of the car.

She ran up the stairs trying to catch up with her cousins.

Pheobe followed behind.

"Hey, Piper, whatcha cooking? It smells great," Pheobe asked.

"Nothing special," Piper said. "Just spagetti. It's the boys' favorite."

"Where's Leo?" Pheobe asked.

"Upstairs, fixing the sink," Piper said.

"Well, I gotta go. The baby's at home and I told Sarah that I would be home in an hour and that was oh...like an hour ago," Pheobe said.

"I can't believe you have the perfect babysitter for a neighbor and I get creepy old lady and loud frat guys," Piper said.

"Well I'm not going to have her for long if we don't go," Pheobe said. "Prue, we gotta go. Say bye to your cousins," Pheobe yelled since the child was upstairs.

"You could just walk up there," Piper said.

"Yeah, but then I wouldn't get to see that priceless Piper look," Pheobe said.

Prue ran downstairs.

"Bye, Aunt Piper," Prue said and hugged her aunt.

"Bye, Piper," Pheobe said. "Bye, Leo," Pheobe yelled and laughed at Piper's face.

"Bye," Leo screamed back.

Pheobe walked to her SUV and helped Prue into it.

She proceeded to drive home, living only about ten minutes from her sister.

"Daddy's not home yet," Prue said disappointed, noticing that his car wasn't there.

"He'll be here in a few minutes," Pheobe said getting the little girl out of the car and grabbing her backpack.

"Prue, I want you to do your homework while I take care of your brother, okay?" Pheobe said.

"Okay, mommy. I only have one worksheet," she said.

"Good," Pheobe said walking into the house.

She handed Prue her backpack and the little girl ran into the living room.

"Hi, Sarah," Prue said to the teenager who was sitting on the couch holding a crying baby.

"Hey, Prue," Sarah said trying to get the baby boy to stop crying although it seemed like nothing was working.

Pheobe walked into the livingroom.

"Hey, Ben," Prue said to her baby brother. "Why are you crying? Do you want some of my toys?" Prue asked walking to the corner and getting a handful of small toys out of a basket.

"No, Prue. Ben is too young for those. He could choke on them," Pheobe said taking her son from the babysitter. "Thanks, Sarah. Fifty dollars is on the table."

"Thanks," Sarah said. "Bye, Prue. Bye, Ben."

"Bye," Prue said getting her homework out of her backpack.

As soon as the baby was in his mother's arms he immediately stopped crying.

Pheobe walked into the kitchen to fix the infant a bottle while Prue did her homework.

Hearing a car pull up, Prue stopped what she was doing and ran to the door.

"Daddy's home," she screamed.

He walked inside and ambushed.

"Daddy," she squealed.

He picked her up.

"How's the prettiest five year old?" he asked.

"Good," she said. "Mommy and Ben are in the kitchen. I gotta go finish my homework," she said as her father put her down and kissed her forehead.

She ran back into the living room.

He put his stuff down and walked into the kitchen.

"Hello, beautiful. Hey little man," he said kissing his wife and taking his son.

"Hey,," Pheobe said.

So, who's is the father? I know that you probably know but still review and tell me who you think or want it to be. I actually have a whole theory type thing for how this story works together. It's not just a 'what if' or 'I hope this happens' story. I actually think that this story is possible. Anyway, please review and tell me what you think. I know this chapter was a little boring but I liked it.