I received a review letting me know I was missing two chapters and either because of that or because of the fact that I haven't read enough "good stories" my FF is choppy. I can't explain these missing chapters. When I went to preview it myself it wouldn't load for me either. Rest assured my kind readers... they are there... other wise people wouldn't have positively reviewed them. I'm not sure what the issue is causing them to not load to everyone but I'm sure the glitch isn't going to last. It has happened to other stories I have read before and within a few days they reappeared. For the time being I will try replacing them.

For those of you reviewing I thank you very much for all of your ideas and opinions. I do ask that those of you who are keep in mind that a lot of stories posted may be someone's first. This is indeed the first one I posted. If this story has called into question my writing abilities I am truly sorry that I have wasted a good idea on terrible craftsmanship. Before, however, you judge my abilities read my other stories. Though in the arms of his brother isn't the best way to show that I am capable given that it is meant to be choppy at first as it follows the insanity of Kagome, it is a better piece as you read on.

Ladies and Gents, these stories are not just stories but someone's work. I understand you wont always like what I/someone else writes, or how, but remember when you insult someone (mildly or outwardly) that they do have feelings. Think before you review and make sure you are giving constructive criticism... don't combine constructive crit. with smart remarks or insinuated insults, it doesn't automatically become ok because you gave a good suggestion. Be kind to the writers, even more so if you have no work to prove you have right to speak at all.

I have decided that the Entrance of Renee is the end of this story and that as it should go it would be picked up in the Domindo chapter of the series just as it was. Thank you all very much for reading my story and all your reviews. I'm so glad some of you even emailed me about it after I had left it for so long. I'm very pleased you enjoyed it and I hope you will give me many suggestions for a new better SM FF that I can write with all of you in mind! Hope to see many new ideas for me to work with!


Your humble serving author

Pearl Knight