Chapter 1

"Ginny, that's not really appropriate."

"Ah, shove it Charlie. Like I'd care one bloody bit what you think about my choice of clothes." A devilish smirk came over Ginny's dark red lips as Charlie glowered at her. She honestly didn't think her outfit was all that bad; she was wearing a pair of knee-high stiletto black leather boots, a black skirt (which came down a few inches above her knee), a dark red v-neck sweater, and a black chocker with a dark fairy on it. Her hair was in a half ponytail with a few black feathers in it. The feathers fit perfectly with her new hair, as she had darkened it to a blood-red color, contrary to the flaming mop it had been before. Now, it hung just below her shoulder blades in loose spiral curls. She had some black eyeliner on, along with dark red lipstick and black nail polish.

"You know, you really have some nerve."

"Flattery will get you no where with me, dear brother."

"Ginny, why do you have to be so against the family?" Charlie was seething; he didn't like Ginny's personality, he didn't like her clothes, her friends, her house (Slytherin), or her taste in music. Frankly, there wasn't much about her he did like.

"Oh, but she's not against the family, Charles. Just against the majority. Don't go confusing the two." Ginny turned around to see Bill, her favorite brother, leaning against the doorframe of the kitchen door.


"Good evening, Enya," Bill said with a smile as he swept Ginny up in a huge bear hug.

"And why do you insist on calling her that?!"

"Oh, relax Charlie! Merlin!" Ginny rolled her eyes in disgust.

"I call her Enya because that's what she wants me to call her. And who am I to deny the requests of my baby sister?" Bill smirked as Charlie's anger grew.

"He's right you know. I mean, Enya fits her so much better than Ginny does." Vivi-Anne, Bill's girlfriend, appeared in the doorway behind him. She shot Ginny a dazzling smile, which Ginny returned.

As Charlie and Bill started to argue about Ginny's free will, or lack thereof according to Charlie, Ginny examined her two brothers. Bill was clad in a pair of black trousers and a black, tight fitted t-shirt, over which he was wearing a leather jacket. His hair had grown to touch his shoulders and looked particularly scruffy that day; Ginny assumed he'd driven there on the motorcycle. Charlie on the other hand, was wearing khaki trousers and a dark green sweater and his hair was cut relatively short.

Then, Ginny turned her gaze to Vivi, who was watching the entire scene with amusement plastered all over her face. She was wearing a long red skirt, which really complemented her long legs. This was accompanied by a Chinese-style shirt, which hugged her figure. It was black with shiny red embroidery; her hair was pulled into a tight bun with a pair of chopsticks. Vivi, herself, was Chinese; she had stunning dark brown eyes and raven-colored hair that was straight as a board. Her little sister, Zi Chang, was Ginny's best friend, but Vivi herself was pretty close to claiming that title. Vivi's other sister, Cho Chang, was the long-time girlfriend of Draco Malfoy, Ron's best mate.

Finally getting tired of the bickering, Ginny spoke up. "All right, children. Let's try not to kill each other; cleaning up blood is a very messy business. And d'you have any idea how much paperwork I'd have to fill out?" Vivi and Bill snickered at Ginny's comment, while Charlie just shook his head, annoyed. "Well then, if we're all done here?" Without waiting for an answer, Ginny strode out of the kitchen and up to her bedroom, knowing Bill and Vivi would follow.

"He's such a bloody prat!"

"Really now, Bill? I would have though you'd have noticed after living with him for 20 years, but then some people just aren't the brightest crayon in the box." Ginny smirked at her brother, waiting for his reaction.

"Aww, Gin, I see that all my hard work has paid off! Oh, I'm so happy!" Bill faked a sob and wiped an invisible tear out of the corner of his eye, laying the other hand over his heart.

"You're such a git," Vivi said, smacking her boyfriend upside the head.

"Oh, Viv, I'm hurt. You're so abusive!"

"Yeah, yeah." Vivi rolled her eyes sat down next to Ginny on her bed as Bill sat down on the window seat opposite them. "So, Enya, how's it been so far? Almost an entire month without relief from him!" Vivi jerked her thumb towards the door. "I admire your courage."

"But Slytherins aren't meant to be courageous, now are they?"

"No, they're supposed to by cunning. So tell us what cunning tricks you've played on our dear brother since you've been back." Ginny had spent the first two months of her summer with Bill, Vivi, and Zi in Egypt, but the rest of the family had had a fit, so she had to come home for the last month. Now there were only two more days until she returned to school for her sixth year.

"Oh, nothing much. A few strategically placed pranks ... he thinks it was all the twins. Not to mention the fact that I 'accidentally' dropped three of his books into the fireplace." Ginny grinned evilly, remembering how it was Charlie's three favorite books (all scientific books on Dragons) that she had 'misplaced' into the fire.

Bill shook his head, beaming. "Damn I've taught you well."

"Damn straight you have," Vivi agreed.

"So how was Egypt? Or the last month of it anyways?"

"Not terribly exciting, especially with you gone and all," Vivi replied with a grin.

The Next Morning, The Burrow

"Enya, come on!"

"Oy, Bill keep your damn knickers on for one bloody second," came Vivi's voice from the top of the stairs. A few seconds later, Ginny appeared next to her and the two started down the stairs.

"Okay, we're ready now." Bill smiled at the two women in front of him; Ginny was wearing a pair of black trousers and a red Chinese-style shirt with gold embroidery that she had stolen from Vivi. It was accompanied by a pair of red, kitten heeled shoes and Ginny's usual makeup regime of black eyeliner, mascara and red lipstick. Her hair was up in a messy bun, tied with a black ribbon.

Vivi was wearing a knee-length black skirt and one of Ginny's hunter green sweaters. She also had a pair of black stilettos; her makeup consisted of some black eyeliner, mascara, though she had clear lip-gloss and her hair was left hanging straight.

"Finally, god you women with your grooming habits."

"Well as much as I love to piss Charlie off, I don't think coming down here in my birthday suit is really a good idea," Ginny responded, smirking.

"Yeah, you're probably right."

"What're you talking about William? I'm always right!"

"You call me William again and you're walking!" Bill said, doing his best impression of McGonagall.

"Honey, we're going by floo," Vivi interjected in a sweet voice.

Diagon Alley

"If it isn't our little Enya!"

"Zi! Oh my god!" Ginny ran to her best friend and enveloped her in a bone-crushing hug. The two friends started chattering excitedly in Chinese, which Zi had learned from her parents and Ginny had learned from Zi and Vivi. The four people were standing in the middle of Diagon Alley and after a few minutes, Ginny and Zi's chatter started to die down a little bit.

"OO! Let's go buy some new dress robes!" Vivi said excitedly, but looked down sheepishly as Bill rolled his eyes.

"We've got to get their school stuff first, Viv."

"Aww, Bill you're no fun anymore!" Zi stuck her tongue out at Bill, who just laughed and shook his head.

"Come on, you can buy all the robes you want after we get your stuff for school." Bill offered Vivi his hand and she took it as they started for Flourish and Blotts.

The Next Morning, The Burrow

"Morning Ron, Draco, 'Mione." Ginny smiled cheerily from her seat at the breakfast table at Ron and his two best friends, who smiled either nervously or sleepily back.

"Enya?" came Bill's voice from the next room. "Enya?"

"Bill, I'm in the dining room you dolt." Ginny picked at her bacon as Bill strode into the room, grinning like a fool.

"There you are! C'mon we've got a surprise for you."

"Oh really?" Ginny smirked and followed her brother upstairs, leaving "The Golden Trio" to eat breakfast by themselves.

"She's an odd duck, that one," Hermione stated calmly as she sat down and started eating from the plate that Mrs. Weasley had set out for her. Draco laughed half-heartedly.

"One black sheep among whites."

"No, it's more like two black sheep and their little followings against whites," Ron corrected. "I mean she's got Bill, Vivi-Anne, Chang, Potter, Parkinson, Crabbe, Goyle ... well okay, she's got all of the Slytherins. But my point was that she's not the only one in our family like that. Bill wanted to be a Slytherin, but the Sorting Hat told him he had so much courage that he should be a Gryffindor."

"We know the story Ron. Bill, being a scared little first year, didn't argue with the Sorting Hat, and now he's a Gryffindor." Hermione grabbed the Daily Prophet off the table and started to leaf through it.

"Oh my god!" Ginny ran into the room and started dancing around. "Ron, look!" She held up a long, velvet and silk cloak. The outside was a dark green color that really complemented her complexion and the lining was silver silk. "Bill, Vivi it's beautiful!" Bill and Vivi came into the kitchen, smiling as Ginny dancing around hugging her new cloak.

"Well we wanted to get you something for becoming a Prefect."

"It's so beautiful, Bill. I love it!" Ginny smiled happily for a moment, before noticing the time. "Oh bloody hell! I'm going to be late! Ah!" With that, Ginny ran up the stairs to her room.

"Ginny, watch your language!" Hermione yelled after her, shaking her head.

The Hogwarts Express

"Watch where you're going, Malfoy," Ginny snapped as Draco accidentally bumped into her.

"Well maybe if you and your cronies weren't taking up the entire bloody hallway, I wouldn't have bumped into you," Draco spat back.

"Learn to count, ferret-boy. There are only two of us." Ginny and Draco glared at each other for a moment, before they were interrupted.

"Something wrong here?" Ginny whirled around to see Harry Potter, one of her best friends, and Blaise Zabini, her on-again-off-again boyfriend, standing behind them.

"Harry!" Zi ran to her boyfriend and caught him up in a tight hug, kissing him quite roughly, as Blaise turned to Draco, glaring threateningly.

"Keep yourself in line, Malfoy. I wouldn't want you upsetting Ginny." With a final glare at Draco, Blaise wrapped his arm around Ginny and he, Ginny, Harry, and Zi headed to their compartment.

"I don't understand why she has to be so mean to my friends. I mean she could at least try and be civil." Ron had come up behind them heard the tail-end of the argument. "C'mon mate, let's go find 'Mione."

Draco sighed; he had never done anything to make Ginny hate him, yet she did nonetheless. And it wasn't exactly a good thing to be on the bad side of the most loved girl in all of Slytherin. "This is going to be a bloody long year," Draco muttered to himself.

A/N: Alrighty, I know that this is a really really big switch from what I mostly write. But I got inspired and I just couldn't ignore it! Hehe! I really hope you all liked this and I promise it will get a lot better. I realize this chapter probably sucked, so please no flames until at least the second chapter. Please please please review! I really want to know what you all think. Chapter 2 is partially written, so it'll be up in a few days.