She laid her head softly against her pillow as she took in the night sky outside her bedroom window. The stars were shining bright and the moon was full as it cast shadows along her bedroom walls. She took in the sounds of the night. The crickets were chirping merrily and the night breeze could be heard as it brushed the leaves on the trees.

She could feel herself drifting off in sleep as the darkness surrounded her. When she felt another body against her bed. She could smell his scent even before she opened her eyes. She knew that scent anywhere and it only belonged to one guy.

The bed shifted under his weight as she felt his arms wrap around her body and his lips brush against her temples. She smiled softly at his touch as she turned in his arms. The piercing blue intensity of his eyes held her captive as she felt herself drowning in them.

"Hey you!" he whispered as his breath tickled her skin. "I missed you today!"

She raised her hand up to his face and gently grazed the side of his face. "Hey…" she pulled his face closer to hers until it they were a mere inch apart. "Mmm… this is a nice surprise." She closed her eyes as if to savor the feel of him next to her.

He leaned his forehead against hers, enjoying the feel of her soft skin against his. "Have I ever told you how intoxicating you are?" He whispered hoarsely as he inhaled her scent. "I can't get you out of my mind Brooke. Your smile, your laugh, your beautiful brown eyes…" He cupped her face in one hand. "Every time I see you I just want you in my arms."

She felt her heart beating faster and faster at his words. Words she had longed to hear. "You have me in your arms! The question now is, what are you going to do with it?" She raised her eyebrows in question.

He crashed his lips to hers in a passionate kiss savoring the feel of her with his mouth. His arms wrapped tighter around her waist as he pulled her closer to him. He could feel her body molded perfectly with his. The feel of her against him sent his nerves tingling and his heart fluttering a thousand miles a minute. "I want you!" He grounded out as he pulled from the kiss and looked deeply into her eyes.

She could see the question in them, and nodded her head in ascent. "I want you too Lucas!" And that was all the answer he needed as his lips came claimed hers once again. He rolled his body on top of hers as he lips traveled from her lips and along side her face. His breath coming in quick and shallow as his hand feverishly ran up and down the side of her body until it came to rest just under her breast.

He raised himself up to take off his shirt, but not breaking contact with her eyes. Not wanting to break the connection with her. He watched as her eyes traveled down his body and smiled when he saw the desire burning in them.

Desire coursing through her veins, she raised herself up to meet him as she grabbed his face in her hands and brought it back to her own. "I want to hear you say it!" she whispered. "Tell me Lucas, I need to hear it."

He smiled in understanding. "I love you Brooke Davis!" He brought his hands up to cover the ones that were covering his face. "I love you!" He repeated, knowing how badly she needed to hear those words. "I always have!" He wiped a single tear that found it's way down her cheeks as he replaced it with feather light kisses instead.

Brooke awoke to the sound of her alarm clock going off in the distance. She burrowed her head deeper into the pillows, trying her hardest to shut out the annoying sound. But to no avail. Unwillingly, she forced her eyes open. She brushed a hand wearily through her tousled hair as she shook the last remnants of sleep off. She had been having that dream again. Of her and Lucas!

In the weeks following the appearance of him at her doorstep, they had spoken casually. She still hadn't wanted to hang out with him alone, not yet. But she had promised him they would hang out together, and today was the day. She had somehow convinced Haley and Nathan to catch a movie with her and Lucas.

Brooke quickly got out of bed and trudged her way to the bathroom to get ready for the day. After she was done with the bathroom she walked back out into her room and reached for her phone.

Dialing a familiar number, she brought the phone to her ear only to get a voicemail.

Hey, you've reached Peyton, sorry I can't come to the phone, leave a message and if you're lucky, I'll catch you back!

Brooke frowned into the phone as she waited for the beep. She had been trying for days to reach Peyton, but to no avail.

"Hey Blondie, it's your bestest friend, whom you haven't called back. What's going on with you? Anyway, wanted to know what you were doing tonight, thought we could all do something. Call me!" She clicked the phone off and threw it onto her bed. She didn't want to go out with Lucas without Peyton there. She didn't want it to seem like she was going behind her friends back knowing how she felt about said boy.

Brooke shrugged her shoulders in resignation before heading back to the bathroom to shower. Hey, she thought to herself, at least they can't say I didn't try to include her.

Well, she thought, today was definitely going to be interesting. How she was going to face Lucas without remembering her dream was beyond her.


A/N: Hey all, sorry for the lack of updates. Writers block. Anyway, I know this chapter is short, but I promise, good things to come. Hopefully, you're still reading!