I do not own Inuyasha and co.

Well now, I have had quite an interesting break. I have started a new fic now, called Fang and the Feline (Link is on my ID page). Therefore, needless to say, I am busy, but I have an idea as to where this story will go next. Now, I am thinking that since things have settled down, I will end this fic with this chapter. Now, if you would like to see more on how things go for them, let me know. It's just that the main plot line for this story has definitely ended. I don't want to keep the story going with the same title if the Model of Inuyasha's village is no longer useful. So, if anything, I will begin a sequel if you all feel the story has merit. I have a few ideas of a couple of possible plot lines to choose from, but I more than likely won't continue it if you all feel it ending here is good, okay? So please leave some feedback and let me know what you would like to see. Thanks again for your support through this wonderful story! You all have been wonderful and I cherish your reviews.

Chapter 17: My Future

After a bit, standing outside and admiring the skyline became a little boring and Kagome started to be a little chilled. Inuyasha kept his arm around her shoulder as he walked her back to the house. Inuyasha thought long and hard about how much his life had changed within just a few short days. He couldn't get over how much the country had changed since time froze for them. He felt he had no direction or purpose, but to live a peaceful life. To feel a bit lost in what to do was a big change for him. He usually ran around the countryside looking for a fight when he was bored, but now, that would be impossible. Sure there was the possibility of schooling, like Kagome, but he knew he wouldn't fit in. He had no knowledge of what it was she was studying. From what he saw, it looked like she was studying unknown languages and he couldn't grasp most of it.

But one thing was certain; he had Kagome to consider. What would she do with a guy who knew nothing about her time? The possibility of him getting a job in her time was slim to none. He had no idea what kind of role he would fill if he were to stay with her, and if they became more than just friends or companions. That was another big issue. His wounded heart. There was no doubt in his mind that she could heal his heart, but how to put behind him what he went through. He began to wonder if he deserved her.

What Kagome and her family had done for him and the others was amazing. To take complete strangers into their home and help give them purpose and identities was more than anyone like them could ask for. They didn't have to do it, but they decided to open their hearts. The clothes they bought, the supplies, everything. He began to like how the clothing fit. She had bought him the loosest jeans, and the softest t-shirts, along with some undergarments called 'boxers'. He was able to toss away his fundoshi finally. As those thoughts raced through his mind, Kagome looked up to his face and saw his eyes to be deep in thought.

"You okay?" Kagome asked out of concern.

"Yeah. I was just thinking is all." Inuyasha sighed.

"About what?" She inquired.

"Well, how much has changed, and where we're headed, the group and I. Even where you and I are headed. I don't really know much about your era, and I'm not sure where I can fit in or how I'll provide for you. That is, if we go that far." He mentioned sheepishly as a blush shone on his cheeks.

"Inuyasha, you don't have to worry about that. I'm only 15. I have a long ways to go, and I'm sure we will be here for a long time yet. Don't rush into thinking you won't be able to grow enough before we even think about forwarding any kind of relationship." She said as she reached her hand to touch his blushed cheek. "You are so sweet, Inuyasha. To think about these things and worry about how you will grow and about your future here. Don't worry; we will help guide you, okay? We'll find a place for you, I'm sure of it." She smiled.

Inuyasha placed his hand on hers as he stared gratefully into her eyes. He had no other response to give her but, "Arigato, Kagome."

She nodded and he pulled her hand from his face and laced his fingers with hers, as he opened the door for her with his free hand and followed her in. The adults had retired to the living room where they sat around the table, drinking tea, and watching the television. They were watching an anime that seemed to take place during the warring states era. There were samurais fighting, and monks protecting a shrine as Inuyasha and Kagome peeked in to see what they were watching. Since they all seemed very enthused in the program, Kagome chose to take Inuyasha up to her room.

There was something she wanted to do ever since he came to life. She wanted to get her hands on his beautiful long hair. It looked snarled and needed some special attention. Being a man, he more than likely never really cared for his tresses. She considered his silver/black hair one of her favorite things about him. When they reached the top of the stairs, they heard the boys laughing in Souta's room. 'Must be playing video games.' Kagome thought to herself. As soon as they reached her bedroom, she pulled him inside and cracked the door.

"Why aren't we with the rest of them?" Inuyasha asked.

"Can I ask if I could do something for you?" Kagome asked as she put her arms behind her back and smiled.

"Uh…I guess. What?" Inuyasha asked curiously.

Kagome turned to her dresser and grabbed her hairbrush and held it up in front of her as she asked, "Can I brush your hair? Don't worry, I'll be gentle."

"Oh. I guess its okay. I haven't had anyone brush my hair other than my mom."

"I'm sorry. I hope it won't offend or upset you. It just looks like it needs a bit of care is all, and you have plenty to handle." She said sheepishly, holding both ends of her bush at her waist.

"No, it won't offend me. I liked it when she brushed my hair. No one else ever asked." He said as he complied with her request and sat down on the edge of the bed with his hair resting down his back facing her.

"Okay. Let me know if it hurts at all." She said as she knelt down to her knees and grabbed a handful of hair, and started brushing from the ends. He made no sounds of protest as she went from handful to handful, brushing from the ends up to the roots. His jet-black hair was soft but thick and strong. She figured with how thick it was she could make that an evening routine so he'd look well kept. His hair was one of his main assets. She had never seen hair that could change color before her eyes before.

"Inuyasha, have you ever cut your hair?" She decided to ask.

"I've never needed to. It has been this length for as long as I can remember. Must have something to do with being half demon. Since I never had to cut it, I figured I'd just wash it every now and then. Just like how I have never had facial hair, or chest hair. I've seen Miroku shave often, almost daily. But those things were never a concern for me. My body maintains itself." Ha explained as she finished the long tresses, and then climbed onto the bed and faced him, bringing the brush up to his short side hair.

He watched her intently as she worked. She had a look of care in her eyes, and she had a content smile on her lips. She was very gentle indeed. He had no reason to protest. She was also very silent save for the last question she asked. He just sat and watched her in awe as she worked, and wondered if he should say something.

'Ngh…my emotions have always been harder to control when I'm like this. Being human brings up a lot of crazy thoughts and ideas, she has no idea that my mind is thinking. She's only brushing my hair, but she doesn't know she's basically bringing me to feel affections for her. What do I do? Should I tell her?' He thought to himself as she finally finished, and sat back to look at her work.

"Much better. You are so handsome when you're properly groomed, Inuyasha. Would you like me to do this for you every night?" She asked as hope shone in her eyes.

"Yeah, you can. It was rather enjoyable actually. I was going to ask you if you would before you asked." He said as he turned his eyes away, obviously hiding something.

"Something wrong?"

"No. It's nothing." He grunted, but she saw him swallow hard afterwards.

"You look like you're nervous. Did I do something wrong?" She asked as she leaned a bit towards him.

Inuyasha noticed the slight tip in the bed when he turned his face back towards hers and wound up nose to nose with her. They both stopped breathing as they saw the situation they were in. Neither one could move. They both wound up entrapped in each other's gaze.

'Oh god…She's right there. I can feel her warmth. I want to kiss her, but…Should I? I may lose myself in it. I don't want to frighten her. I haven't been in this type of situation since…Kikyo…'

'He's right there, our noses are touching. He looks like he wants to…Oh my…Is he gonna kiss me?'

They sat there for just a few more moments, both afraid to blink. When suddenly, Inuyasha moved slightly, rubbing his nose with hers. She gasped and lost her balance. She was about to fall off the edge of the bed when he reached out and wrapped his arms around her, stopping her from falling.

Inuyasha held her over the edge of the bed in his arms. He felt trapped in her gaze again. He could see her cheeks flush as his burned. He gulped and inhaled finally. "Are you okay? Did I startle you?" He asked as he gained his mind back.

"No, I'm just a bit clumsy. You looked so nervous, I didn't know what you were gonna do." She replied as he lifted her upright once again, keeping his hands on her arms.

"I'm sorry. Its just…when I'm human like this, I tend to feel overcome by human emotions. I should probably leave you be for tonight. I wouldn't want you to get into trouble." He said as he removed his hands from her arms and looked down in shame.

Kagome smiled sweetly and lifted his chin with her finger. Once her gaze met his again, she said nothing but leaned closer and closed her eyes. Inuyasha froze as her lips touched his, her finger still holding his chin to her. He became overcome by emotions. His blood raced and his heart beat heavily in his chest as he gave in, and wrapped his arms around her and pulled her close. The kiss went from chaste and sweet to open-mouthed as they both let their emotions run away. Kagome noticed the difference in his kiss. While he was in his hanyou form, his kiss was more forceful and needy. As a human, he was tender and passionate. He was two different men at the same time. She was amazed how much he changed from one moment to the next. He not only changed physically, but emotionally as well.

As the tender and passionate kissing continued, they found themselves lying on the bed side by side, holding each other close, neither one opening their eyes. He felt he wanted to pull her even closer to his body, even though she was flush against him. She fit so well in his arms and against him, she felt like a part of him.

'What I'm feeling during this, I never felt with Kikyo. What does this mean?' He thought in his mind as his tongue delved deep within her mouth, loving the taste.

'Being in his arms, I feel like nothing matters. The world is non-existent. I don't want to stop. I wonder if he ever would. I love his kisses. It feels like my body is on fire!' Kagome thought to herself as she felt his right arm move, and his hand ran down her side, and then rested at her hip. Kagome became a little more aware of his movements, and wanted to make sure he wasn't going to touch her where she didn't want to be touched. When his hand finally went back up to her waist and pulled her close to him again, she mentally sighed as she allowed him to continue.

Then a moment later, he broke the kiss and kissed her cheek, then her neck as she buried her face in his shoulder. As he kissed her neck, she felt like she was a bit too overwhelmed. She then brought her face to his, breaking his concentration, and then directed his face to look at her. His eyes were half closed and his breathing was labored. She searched his eyes and saw the need in them.

"You let go…of the wall you put up around yourself. Does this mean you want to be with me after all?" Kagome asked, trying to gain her breathe as well.

"Kagome, I've never felt this way before. I don't know what to say, I just…"


He sighed as he broke eye contact and held her to him as he tried to think of how to say what he needed to say. 'I love her. I do. Why is it so hard to say? But what if it's because of my emotions and the fact that it's hard for me to control them as a human. Will I still feel this way in the morning?'

Kagome pushed away a bit from him and put her hands on his cheeks to gain his attention. "Did I do something wrong? Should I not have kissed you?"

"No, I'm glad you did, it's just…How do I say this…I usually distance myself and hide on the nights I'm human. One of the reasons is that my emotions are harder to control on these nights. Kagome, what I feel right now is that…I…I love you. But I don't know if I will feel the same in the morning. I don't want to hurt you. I enjoy kissing you, and I don't want to let you go. But if we keep on like this, I may lose control. I…" He closed his eyes in pain due to how he had treated her for those passionate moments when she spoke.

"Don't be ashamed, Inuyasha. It just happened. I won't hold anything against you if you don't feel the same in your other form. I love you too. Even I felt things I've never felt before when we were kissing. Don't shy away from me, please. I want you to let go. I know you need to." Kagome said as she held his face.

"Kagome…"Inuyasha moaned as he brought his face to hers in another passionate kiss, and once again enclosed her in his strong arms. He brought his right hand to the back of her head and tangled his fingers in her hair. Their legs became intertwined as they just basked in each other's affections as time flew by.

While in the midst of basking in their own little world, they were startled by the boys when they suddenly burst out of Souta's room as they laughed and ran down the stairs chanting, "I scream, you scream, we all scream for ice cream!" The first thing they did was untangle their legs and look to the doorway. They stared at the door for a moment until the noise dwindled and they relaxed. They then turned their gazes towards each other and just looked into each other's eyes.

"I don't want us to get into trouble with your mom. She could walk up here any minute and I don't want to suffer her wrath when I'm just trying to gain her trust with you." Inuyasha pointed out as he touched her cheek.

Kagome's eyes saddened a bit but she nodded in compliance as he lifted her to a sitting position and he then crawled out of the bed, and took his seat across the bed from her, his back against the wall like the night before. She felt bad for him. She wondered how hard it must be to have to keep his distance when he had been holding her to him so closely.

"Inuyasha, would you like to stay here? Or would you like to join the rest of the adults in the living room?" Kagome asked with a smile.

"I guess we can go downstairs. Kagome?"


"What was it the boys were screaming earlier?"

"Oh, they were just chanting about wanting some ice cream." She replied.

"What's ice cream?" He asked.

"Oh, it's a cold treat, basically frozen dairy." She replied, but the confused expression on his face never changed. "Here, I can give you some, it's yummy and it comes in different flavors." She said as she reached out her hand and grabbed his arm, lifting him off his butt and to his feet.

She directed him to the kitchen, where the boys were sitting around the table with bowls of the frozen treat. Souta looked away from his new friends when he saw a streak of black pass him off to the side. When he looked over to Inuyasha and Kagome, his mouth dropped and he couldn't help but stare.

Inuyasha suddenly felt eyes burn through him. He turned and saw the look on the kids face. "What are you lookin' at?" Inuyasha spat as Kagome turned and noticed what was going on.

"Souta, you're catching flies." Kagome said as she turned and opened the freezer to pull out the pint of ice cream.

"But…your hair. It's blacker than sis' hair!" He said as he continued to stare at the annoyed young man at her side.

"Yeah, and?" Inuyasha challenged as Kagome began scooping the treat into bowls for her and Inuyasha.

"Well, I was just wondering what happened. Whoa! Even your ears are gone and your eyes aren't gold!" Souta observed as Inuyasha suddenly let go of a low chested growl out of irritation.

"Souta, you shouldn't go on about his insecurities. This is something that happens to him, okay?" Kagome mentioned.

"It's true, Souta. On the nights of the new moon, Inuyasha loses his powers and becomes human. That's what he looks like when he's human." Shippo explained.

"Oh, wow. I never thought that was possible. What does it feel like, Inuyasha?" Souta asked out of curiosity.

Inuyasha looked towards the kid and said, "It's hard to explain kid."

"Is it painful?"

"Yes and no. Mainly annoying because I have no control over it, and my senses aren't as heightened." He replied in a serious tone.

"So, then you're just like me one night a month? Just a normal guy?" Souta asked.


"Wow. You're so cool! You're just full of surprises, Inu-no niichan!" Souta shouted.

"Like it's really anything to be excited about." He mumbled as Kagome handed him his bowl of ice cream and pointed her head out towards the living room.

"Well, I figured we might as well introduce your human form to my mother and grandfather." Kagome mentioned as she stepped into the living room, Inuyasha in tow.

The adults were still watching the television, only it was a different anime. They sat down on the other side of the table, facing the television. Inuyasha sniffed the ice cream before he touched it with his finger, and noticed it automatically melted and became liquid on his finger, like milk. He licked it off his finger, and then looked over to Kagome. She was eating it with that scoopy thingy. He watched her scoop the treat into her mouth a few more times, and then followed her example. It was good, sweet and it melted in his mouth. He liked it so much, he scooped it into his mouth, as he would rice for a few seconds. Suddenly, he dropped the bowl and had his hands on his head in pain.

Kagome saw him out of the corner of her eye, and everyone else turned around at the sound of the glass bowl hitting the wooden table. Everyone gasped as they saw him contorting in pain.

"Ow! My head hurts! Kagome!" Inuyasha shouted and whined as Kagome put her bowl of ice cream down and rubbed his back to try to help console him.

Since he was holding his head and his eyes were squeezed shut in pain, he didn't see her mother and the old man staring in shock. Miroku noticed their faces when he saw that it was nothing serious Inuyasha was going on about. Miroku took it upon himself to tap the woman and the old man on the shoulders to get their attention.

"By the way, this is Inuyasha's human form. This happens every night of the new moon. Don't be startled. During these nights, he's very vulnerable to pain and human emotions. He'll be fine, I'm sure." They nodded in understanding. Miroku then turned to look at the spectacle his friend was making and said, "So, you've had your first cold rush headache. Painful, huh?"

Inuyasha whined a bit, looked up to the monk and growled as he spat, "Yeah, thanks for telling me! Especially after the fact!"

"Don't blame him, Inuyasha. It was my fault for not warning you. I know about it so well that since I haven't had one in so long, I forgot to tell you." Kagome mentioned as she rubbed his back.

"I'd rather get mad at him than you, whether it was your fault or his." He said as he turned angry eyes to the monk across the table.

Miroku just lowered his head from his gaze and said, "Why do I always have to get blamed for everything?" under his breathe.

"Because you are the only other idiot here. He wouldn't dare blame me or Kagome, so he has to aim it at someone." Sango pointed out.

"Ngh...Thanks Sango." Miroku drawled out as he sat there, his head still hung in shame.

After Inuyasha calmed down from his ice cream headache, he told Kagome he didn't want anymore, so he helped her clean up his mess and they left for the kitchen. When they stepped in to put their bowls in the sink, they saw the boys had already left and gone upstairs again. Inuyasha followed Kagome up to the sink. When they placed their bowls in the sink, they both turned their backs to the counter and leaned against it, looking to the floor in front if them.



"What is a boyfriend exactly?" He asked then looked towards her with a serious look on his face.

Kagome swallowed nervously at the look he was giving her. "Um…Well, a boyfriend is someone who is more than a friend to a girl. More than just companions. They are boyfriend and girlfriend." She stated simply.

"Oh. What do people who are boyfriend and girlfriend do?" He asked, once again with a serious look on his face.

"Well, they do things similar to what we did earlier. They hold hands, hug, kiss, and they express their feelings for each other. Why are you asking about this?" Kagome asked suspiciously.

"Well…I was just wondering. The thought came to mind after what happened in your room, and I remembered you said that your friends stopped you and asked you if you had a boyfriend. You never explained what that was." He said as his gaze went from her to his feet in a fidgeting manner.

"Are you saying you wanna be my boyfriend?" Kagome asked.

Inuyasha tapped his foot for a second and then asked, "Would it be okay? I just think something happened that I'm not sure I really want to change when we were…Well, I just wanted to see if you could see me that way." He shrugged as he looked to her for her answer.

"Yes, I'd like that. I'll be your girlfriend, Inuyasha." Kagome responded with a smile. Inuyasha sighed in relief as he turned and embraced her, smiling widely.

As the couple embraced sweetly in front of the sink, the mother walked into the doorway of the kitchen and stopped short. She had caught them hugging sweetly. She was going to wash the dishes. She was surprised, but she figured it was bound to happen. She smiled, and went back down the hall to the living room. She would just have to wash them later, and give them their privacy.

That night, everyone went to their respective rooms for a much-needed rest. Behind the barely shut door of Kagome's room, the new couple sat cuddled on the floor, sleeping soundly as the rest of the house was unaware of their decision and how close they had really become since the strangers from the feudal era were accepted into the house as family.

For the first time since he was a child, Inuyasha slept as a human with his love in his arms. He fell asleep so deeply that he never kept track of the time, until sunrise, when his demon blood pulsed in his veins once again. He felt the change beginning to occur as he jostled Kagome in hopes of waking her.

Finally after a moment of saying her name a few times, she opened her eyes and looked to him to see what he wanted. That was when she saw a pulse of light embrace him, and she felt herself wrapped in power. She watched as his black hair became silver and his ears changed shape and traveled to the top of his head. He kept her eyes captive as his turned from dark brownish violet to the piercing gold she knew all to well. She saw his cheeks build out more as his fangs grew in and she felt his hands contort as they became chiseled and clawed.

Once the transformation ended, he sat there with his eyes piercing hers as she stared in awe. She had now seen him in all three forms within a matter of days. She had no idea how complicated his life had been until now. To know he must suffer through three different personalities, maybe even souls was interesting. But, to see him in all his glory as a hanyou made her feel special. He was so unusual, and that was how she liked him. Different from all the rest.

She sat and looked at him with questioning eyes, regarding their conversation the night before. She wondered if he still felt the same about her as he did the night before. His eyes looked the same as they did before he became human. Furrowed brows over piercing eyes full of regret and pain. Kagome deduced from the look he was giving her that he only felt that way about her while he was human. She turned her eyes away, and to her hands as she fidgeted and wondered what he was going to say or do next.

"Kagome?" Inuyasha asked as he lifted her head to look on him again. His eyes pierced hers at first for only a second, and then turned soft as he allowed a smile to grace his lips.

At seeing his expression, Kagome smiled in return, and he brought her lips to his once more in a tender 'good morning' kiss as they both embraced each other tightly and basked in their emotions once again.

Awww…sniff Well, at least you all know where their relationship is headed. Yeah, you all will probably say his opening up to Kagome was a bit rushed, but hey…It's a play on his human emotions…Remember how he was towards her the first night he was human with her in the series? That was where I got his emotional rollercoaster from. Since Kikyo's out of the picture and the situation is definitely different from the anime, it fits. So, I figured I'd save you all the confusion as to why they ended up making out suddenly. But ya have to admit, it was very sweet though, right? Okay. That is inevitably the end of this story, and remember, please let me know if you'd like to hear more. Once again, thank you very much for your support and your comments throughout. Well, Ja ne!