Ok here it is, the sequel to Speed Bumps. This story is going to be a lot different than the first one. First of all, it's in a different format. I'm also going to try and make it more dramatic, but it will definately have to mushy scenes, no need to worry about that. I need the mushy scenes just as much as you do. Well I hope you like this first chapter!

Madison and Ephram were driving to dinner. The ride was silent, every time Madison glanced over at Ephram he would look away to avoid eye contact. He had been acting distant ever since Madison had come back from visiting her mom in Florida. She figured if she just left it alone he would eventually come and talk to her about it, but he never did. She decided to just bring it up, "Ok Ephram...what's bothering you?"

Ephram looked over at her shocked, he hadn't expected her to say anything. He shook his head, "N-nothing...nothing's bothering me...I'm fine"

Madison smiled, "We've been together for 3 years...do you really expect me to believe that?"

Ephram sighed, he had dreaded this moment. He knew it would come eventually, but he had hoped he would have more time to prepare. "Can we just talk about it later?"

Madison shook her head, "No...I don't want this cloud over us during dinner...just tell me what's wrong"

"I-I-I-I can't ok? Not now..."

Madison pulled the car over. "Ephram, seriously...just tell me, whatever it is, I'm sure we'll be fine..."

Ephram quickly shook his head, "No-no we wont! Please...I'm begging you...let's just talk about it later...now is not the time"

Madison could tell it was really serious, she grabbed his hand, "Ephram...sweetie, just tell me, please..."

Ephram practically had tears in his eyes. He took a couple deep breaths. He tried to look at her but he couldn't so he looked down. "Re-remember...remember a couple weeks a-a-go ...when...when you went to-to Florida?"

Madison looked at him and tried to read his mind, what could he be getting at? She nodded, "Yeah...but what does that have to do with-"

"Just listen ok?" he cut her off.

She motioned for him to continue.

"Well...wh-when you left...I-I went..." he ran his hands through his hair, trying to figure out how he was going to say this.

"I went-I went to Bright's restaurant...in Denver...for some party he was having..."

Madison continued to listen.

"Well...when I was there...I-I saw Amy...and I hadn't seen her for a while-you know...so I-I-I talked to her...and we caught up...and stuff...and-and then something happened-"

Madison quickly let go of his hand, she had an idea of where he was going with this and she felt tears start to form in her eyes, "w-w-what...what happened Ephram?" she said with anger.

Ephram tried to grab her hand but she pulled it away, "Please Madison...please just hear me out-"

Madison looked at him, tears rolling down her cheeks, "What happened?!"

Ephram took a deep breath and looked away, "I made a huge mistake-"

"What happened?!"

"I-I...well...we..." He took a deep breath, "I slept with her..."

Madison put her hand over her mouth in shock. Not in a million years did she think Ephram would ever do something like that. She pointed to the door with her trembling hand, "Get out"

Ephram tried to touch her but she quickly pushed him away, "Madison...Madison please listen to me...it was a mistake-I didn't mean to-"

"Get out!"

She was crying hysterically now, "I can't even look at you right now"

Ephram looked down, knowing he had just ruined the best thing that had ever happened to him. He opened the door and stepped out.

Madison pulled the ring that Ephram had given her off of her right hand and threw it at him. She leaned over and closed the door on her relationship.

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