Disclaimer: I do not own Jimmy Neutron or any of the characters, inventions and so on associated with Jimmy Neutron: Boy Genius.


What if Jimmy hadn't had a successful Brain Blast in the episode "Birth of a Salesman"? What would happen to him now that Cindy Vortex officially owns him after buying him for a measly $2?


Pain and Pleasure

Chapter 1: A Nightmare Come True

"C'mon! Think! Think!" Jimmy said to himself. He just HAD to think a way to get out of this mess. His ultimate salesman, the WL3000, is poised to sell him to Cindy for $2.

"NOOOOOO!" Jimmy screamed. He couldn't think of a way to stop the WL3000!

"S-sold to the blonde girl for 2-2 $2!" The WL3000 announced.

"YES! NEUTRON IS MINE!" Cindy screamed with joy.


"Aw man! Carl! Why didn't you get me more money! Now I can't own Jimmy." Sheen said, very disappointed that he didn't have more than $2 to buy Jimmy.

"Hugh! Why didn't you bid higher for Jimmy!" Judy shouted.

"But Sugar Booger, I only had $1." Hugh moaned.

Cindy started to sing with glee now that she own Jimmy.

"Hey Jimmy, do you have any food? I'm hungry." Carl asked his best friend.

"Well...I have some of my book gu-" Jimmy stopped. Book gum? Of course! Eating too much at one could be dangerous...but it was too late to save himself. Well, at least he could save the rest of his inventions.

"Could I interest you in some free gum?" Jimmy asked the WL3000.

"D-did you say fr-free-ee?"

"Of course." Jimmy said as he handed the WL3000 his remaining Book Gum. The WL3000 took the gum and ate it...and short circuited shortly afterwards.

"Well Neutron, I own you so from now on you will do what I say when I say with no questions asked. I have plenty of witnesses here so say that I bought you and as soon as I write up a contract and you sign it you are no have no contact with anyone except me so go to your lab and wait for me." Cindy commanded.

"B-but..." Jimmy began to argue but Cindy gave him a threatening look. "Oh...okay." Jimmy said sadly and slowly walked off to his lab.

Cindy pranced around the street happily as she continued to sing about owning Jimmy and all of his inventions and his lab.


Jimmy sat on the cold stone floor in his lab and sighed. A few tears managed to escape as he knew that Cindy would use him and treat him appallingly. He would have no free will...only her will. His purpose in life would now be to do her bidding and live for the betterment of Cindy Vortex...whether he liked it or not. He had no choice...unless he assassinated everyone who saw Cindy buy him. Jimmy would never do that as that would mean killing his parents and his best friends, something that he would never do. He started to cry as Goddard came in having finally escaped the man who the WL3000 had given him to.

Goddard gave a depressed whine and sat next to Jimmy.

"Oh Goddard! What happened? Why did I build that stupid thing?"

Goddard opened his front to reveal his screen. Jimmy looked at it.

"Because you were so psyched up about selling more candy than Cindy. You forgot to think things through properly before activating your salesman." The screen read.

Jimmy knew Goddard was right. It was like an arrow being shot through his heart when he read those words...it was his fault. There was nothing he could do now.

"Jimmy! Open up!" Cindy called.

Jimmy looked at the main screen to see Cindy hammering on his door so he opened the trap door.

"Might as well have some fun before I sign a contract that will spell the end of my freedom." Jimmy said to Goddard as he let a light laugh escape.

Cindy wailed as she fell down the tube and smacked onto the floor.

"Ow!" She moaned and rubbed her lower back. "Here's the contract." She said as she handed him it.

Jimmy looked at it. The contract read:

I, Jimmy Neutron realise that I am now the possession of Cindy Vortex. All my personal belongings now belong to her as does my free will and my soul. I will honour and obey her every command and do her bidding without asking any questions and I will never question any action she may wish to take. I understand that it is my duty to please her in any way she wishes, to comfort her in times of strife and to give her all my support no matter what is thrown her way. If I fail to agree to these terms I understand that she has the right to terminate my life with immediate effect or give any punishment that she deems fit.

After reading her contract, Jimmy was quick to sign it. He knew that if he didn't sign, she would make him regret it more than if he did sign. He handed the signed contract back to Cindy who smiled and sat next to Jimmy.

"Thank you James." She said and patted his shoulder. "I'll expect to see you tomorrow morning at 7am at my house. Be there or I'll have to punish you." She told him as she left his lab...well, her lab now.

Jimmy ran a hand along the cold wall. He looked around Cindy's lab for one last time and then called to VOX.

"I'm sorry VOX."

"Sorry for what?" the female robotic voice of VOX asked him.

"Sorry for giving you to Cindy." He replied as he left the lab with Goddard behind him.

It was the start of what would be hell for Jimmy. He knew his life was going to be nearly impossible to live with Cindy getting him to do everything that she wanted done.

To Be Continued...


Just a note, the next chapter will be set 7 years later with Jimmy still under the ownership of Cindy.