Taking Our Time

Disclaimer- I own shit.

A/N- Um...wow, tis has been a while, and it's my fault, of course, but...even nagging doesn't help, sorry if you did think it would. Trying to finish up some old stories and start new ones as well, I guess. But we'll see, since I'm so "busy" and all. But...enjoy the fluff.

Marissa slowly slipped into the kitchen, finding Theresa sipping a cup of coffee at the breakfast counter. "Morning," she greeted quietly, sitting down next to her with a glass of orange juice. "No coffee?" Theresa raised her eyebrows. Marissa shook her head and placed her hand over her tiny, but growing stomach. "Not for another 8 months," she smiled. Theresa nodded knowingly and whispered 'congrats'. "It'll be hard and everything. But Ryan's..." she looked down at her coffee, "Ryan's great at that stuff."

Recieving a nod from Marissa, she continued to sip her coffee as a silence encased the small room.

Marissa circled her fingers around the mug than finally caught Theresa's stare. "You should really be thinking of everyone, not just for yourself when you decide on this move." "Nothing to decide on," she snapped, "it's final."

"You have to think of Maddy while doing this. You have to think of Ryan while doing this. Of Eddie. Of Allison." Theresa whipped her head from its original position. "Ryan and Eddie are just gonna have to get over it. And Maddy's young. She can make new friends easily." "You're taking away from the two men that love her the most!" Marissa piped up, standing up, towering over her. Theresa followerd suit, setting down the coffee mug. "I think I know what's best for me and my daughter. And a change will do us all some good." "Theresa. Moving thousand miles away won't do any of us any good. You have to realize that now. That whatever choice you make, it'll affect you and..."

"...you." Theresa interupted. Marissa looked away and than back. "Yeah. It will affect me. And Ryan. And Eddie along with Allison, and...these two new babies we have to take care of soon." "I know, but it's a sacrifice we're all gonna have to deal with."

"But we shouldn't have to." Marissa grabbed her elbow and continued. "That little girl in there" she pointed to Maddy's room "will need both her fathers as she grows up. So please, for her sake, for Ryan's sake" she stopped "for my sake, don't make this move. Not right away."

"You don't know what it's like. Living with the humility of having your husband cheat on you." Tears sprung to her eyes and she wiped them away quickly, sitting on the stool. "I lived in Orange County long enough to know" Marissa cut in "trust me, I know. But it's something you move on with. And if you run away, both those men are going to chase you. Like they always have." She finished slowly. "I'm not doing this for myself. I'm doing it because everyone needs a fresh start. All of us."

"There's plenty of other ways we can do that. Ones that don't come to mind at the moment, but their there. You know that and so do I."

Thersa gulped and shook her head. "It's just...something I have to do."

Marissa sighed and walked away to wake up Ryan, hoping he'd have better luck getting through to her.

"Maybe we should call Eddie...he needs to be here too." Ryan suggested, looking straight at Theresa, a hopeful glance at Marissa along the way. "Maybe you two should talk about it first. And I'll call Eddie. And maybe, we can all go out for brunch or something and talk about it?" Marissa offered, getting up and starting to walk away, backwards, a small, hopeful smile shining on her lips. Ryan shot a her a nod along with a smile and squeezed her hand affectionately as she walked to the phone and left Ryan and Theresa awkwardly alone.


"So you want me to see her every other weekend! I got a baby coming Theresa, I can't afford that kinda shit!" Eddie yelled. "Hey, hey," Ryan warned, pointing to all the people in the restaurant.

Marissa looked up from her food to be met with Allison's eyes. She showed sorrow, envy and regret as she looked at Theresa. Marissa gave a nod to show that she understood and went back to her mashed potatoes as Allison did the same.

"Eddie, my decision still stands. It's just best for us all." She looked at Allison, who was to Eddie's right and than Marissa, who was to Ryan's left. She watched both pregnant women play with their dishes and than looked at both men.

"I'm really sorry you guys, all of you," she made eye contact with all the adults, "but...I've got to move on and this is the best way."

"Theresa," Ryan interupted, "this isn't the best way. You know it, I know it, and Maddy knows it. And like Eddie said, we can't just pick up our lives and move...we have kids on the way."

Theresa started to get up from her chair, picking her purse up along the way. "Nothing you can say can change my mind, and I'm sorry it had to come to this, but I have to do what I think is best for me and Maddy."

"What if we-" Eddie pointed to himself and Ryan while looking at Theresa, "get a laywer--" Than suddenly realizing Ryan was a laywer, Eddie grinned, "there's something we can do? Custody! Make her stay in Cali...? Something?" He asked hopefully, before Theresa cut him off. "I've already talked it over with my lawyer, nothing, you can do," she spat out, opening her purse and throwing a 20 dollar bill on the table, than leaving to go pick Maddy up from the sitter.

Ryan sighed, looking back at Marissa, who only had her face stuffed and gave him a sad smile. Gulping her food down quickly, she took his hand in hers and pressed her forehead against his, breathing softly on his nose "We'll work it out somehow."


Marissa's legs swayed lazily off the bed and played nervously with her hospital gown, glancing nervously at the clock. The doctor had promised to be back in the room in just a 'few minutes'. It had already been 10. Ryan wasn't with her and all she could think of was the worst.

She heard footsteps nearing the door and breathed a sigh of relief, thinking it was the doctor. Instead; came through a sweaty, flustered, tie hanging off his loose collar and no jacket on, Ryan. "Hey," he smiled, going in for her lips, kissing her longer than she expected him to. He pulled back, resting his hands on her bent knees, "Traffic was..." he started, "well..." he smirked, "traffic." Marissa smiled and hugged him, "I'm just glad you're here, where's Maddy? I thought you had her this week."

Ryan pointed towards the direction of the waiting room and smiled, "she's getting chatty with the nurses." Marissa nodded, continuing to play with her gown when she noticed Ryan sniffing himself. Getting an eyebrow raise from her, Ryan smiled sheeplisly. "I smell?" He questioned. She laughed, raking him in her embrace her again, "a little," she giggled.

"Yeah, the air conditioning in the car broke, I guess I have to take it in again. That damn car is costing as..."

Marissa blushed and looked him squarely in the eye, tracing her fingers up and down his tie; interrupting him, "Hey. What do you say about..."

Ryan urged her to go on with one of his famous looks. "You know," she brushed his bangs out of his face, "a car for us." "Us?" With a nod, Marissa continued, "I mean, you can't fit a car seat in what you have now, along with Maddy and me." Ryan looked skeptical, "why not?"

Rolling her eyes, she looked away, "never mind."

This was not the reaction she had been ready to face, but knew not to push it any further.

Inside Ryan's mind, he knew he pissed her off, especially when she looked so hopeful, but he wasn't sure they could afford with what he was trying to plan. "Hey," he took her chin in his sweaty hands and kissed her lightly. "We will. Soon. Okay?" "Sure, whatever," was her response, lifting her sticky knees from the waxy material underneath her, letting Ryan slide right in between them. "You nervous?" he asked. "A little," Marissa admitted, "the doctor's been gone for 10 minutes. Or 14." She watched the clock positioned above the door. "15 now."

Ryan laughed. "Don't be worried, I'm sure it's nothing." "How can you say that? I--"

Suddenly, the door opened, a woman with her attention glued to her clipboard. "Marissa, nice to see you again," she faked a quick smile. Ryan eased himself out of Marissa's embrace and stood by her side, nervously. "I assume you're the father?" She spoke, her back turned towards them, working with some gadget in her hands. "Uh...yeah, Ryan." He gave a wave to her back and Marissa giggled.

"Great," the doctor enthused sarcastically, "I'm Marissa's doctor. Dr. Thomas," she faced her back to them again, pulling the ultra sound machine near Marissa.

In the meantime, Ryan mouthed 'that's your doctor?' Marissa shrugged and stayed tight lipped as the doctor started to take certain plugs and get the gel while Ryan clasped her fragile hand tightly, grinning nervously.


"It's ugly. And it's black. Why do you have a black baby?"

Marissa sighed and set down the sonogram she had in her hands on the coffee table, removing her feet in the meantime. "That's just how the picture turns out, the baby doesn't actually look like that sweetie."

"And why is it so small? Is it stupid?"

"Here we are," Ryan bounced in the room, trying not to trip over himself as he handed Marissa a cold ice tea and Maddy a glass of orange juice. "I want a Diet Pepsi," she shoved the orange juice back. The father raised his eyebrows, "What?"

"I like Diet Pepsi now, not orange juice 'n' more." "It's not good for you," Ryan retorted, placing the glass in her hands. "Dadddddy!" She whined, sitting on the floor, looking up at him.

Marissa watched the exchange between father and daughter amusingly, taking a sip of her iced tea every few words. "What a diva," Ryan sighed, as Maddy ran into her room.

"You mean noopsie," she giggled. Ryan made a playful shocked face, "My daughter is not a noopsie."

"Soon enough," Marissa grinned playfully, setting her drink down and placing her feet in his lap as they heard Maddy's over dramatic cries coming from her room.


"So...this is costing a little more than I expected," Ryan sighed nervously, running his fingers though his sandy streaks. The brunette smiled, handing his jacket back to him. "When you're ready, let me know." Ryan smiled unsurely and headed out to his car.


Ryan rolled over in bed, looking quickly at the clock, making sure he hadn't overslept. Glad to find out it was 3 in the morning, he felt naked skin stuck to his back and peeled Marissa off himself, looking down at her fast asleep angelic face. "Ryan, stop staring at me. And get some sleep, we have to go to Kirsten and Sandy's." She said with a sleepy smile.

A soft laugh let out of Ryan as he looked on nervously. "You know about that car issue..."

Marissa stood up on her elbows and stared, bewildered that he would bring it up in the middle of the night. "What about it?" "I was thinking that maybe you were right..." A cheesy smile smothered his lips, "it'd be a good idea. I mean, we're starting a family and a little at a time would do us some good." He looked down at her again, to find her smiling and wrapped his arms around her torso, kissing her. Kissing down her bare chest, Marissa felt his lips turn up as he neared her little bulge where their baby would soon be born. "Any names?" he questioned, kissing up her body once again, running his index finger over her belly button, finally settling back into the mountains of pillows. "Not yet," she inhaled, "we've got a while." She breathed out in quick little puffs, tracing unidentified shapes over the blankets with her lazy hand. "I don't wanna focus on names right now, not until last minute." She smirked and looked up slightly. "We've got time, for everything. Names, baby shopping--"

Ryan snorted, but Marissa continued. "Maddy?" She continued, now leaving his warm arms and getting up to put a robe on. "What about it? And where are you going?" he questioned, pulling the covers over himself even more. "I'm hungry, hang on for a few," she left their bedroom quickly and returned back with a plate of cookies and a glass of milk. "Expecting Santa Claus?" Ryan teased as Marissa got into bed, pulling over a sweater over herself.

"Have you decided what you're going to do yet?" The blonde haired beauty sank her teeth into the cookie, a look of satisfaction overcoming her as she gulped it down. "Well?" she urged, shoving him slightly with her feet, "I mean, I know Eddie's not the smartest guy in the world, but he's got a good heart. And I know he loves Maddy as much as you do."

He sighed, "I know, I know. But..."

"There's got to be something you can do. Pull a few strings. Have anyone you can blackmail?" She looked serious. Ryan managed to keep his laughter in and raised his hand to her cheek, slowly brushing away some cookie crumbs. "I'm not Sandy, Mariss'. I haven't been in the business long enough to know what I'm doing besides a few divorce settlements here and there."

Marissa looked thoughtful and looked directly. "We're meeting Sandy and Kirsten tomorrow. Talk to them about it, see what they can do to help." Ryan's lips turned into a straight line and nodded. "Not such a bad idea, all right, I will." Marissa smiled proudly. "We're going to be bathing in cookie crumbs for days," she teased, getting up and putting a pair of shorts on. "No, no, no" Ryan whined, "you're putting clothes on. Why?"

Marissa rolled her eyes, "I'm cold," she smiled, shivering and running her hands over her arms. "Need me to help you keep you warm?" He smiled, pushing her down on the bed and spooning up against her. "Much better."

A few moments of silence followed before Marissa popped her eyes opened. "Ryan?" she whispered. "Mmhmm?"

"I just want to let you know-- that...I love you and I know how important Maddy is to you." Ryan's eyes opened completly. "And if she does go to Atlanta, than I'd be willing to come." Ryan smiled in her hair, kissing the nape of her neck. "You won't have to." He dug his head back into her tangled mess of hair. "Good, cuz for once..." She took his hand and placed it over her stomach, following suit with her hand, "I'm actually liking California."

"Me too," he added after a few beats, rubbing her stomach silently, falling asleep right away while Marissa stared at the wall in front of her, trying to guess what the future would hold.

A/N- Don't know when you can expect the next update :) 3 years maybe...but I seem to be on a semi-roll, so we'll see. It's boring, it's all fluff but we can't win 'em all, eh? ;)

Hope you enjoyed.