Disclaimer: I don't own anything!!!!

A/N this is my first fan fiction ever, I tried my best, so I hope you guys will like it! Please review!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Chapter 1


(Logan's Apartment)

Max was leaning against the glass window. She was staring into darkness for the last half an hour, she could hear Logan speaking, while typing something on the computer, but she didn't pay any attention she was lost in her own thoughts about her life and future. She began to question her and Logan's 'relationship' she thought that they were destined to be together, but then there was virus, and someone's always trying to hunt her down. But she decided to leave those thoughts alone and go have fun with Cindy.

"Logan I gotta go, I'll drop by your place tomorrow k?" she said walking over to the door.

"Yeah ok, bye" but before he could finish, he heard the door close, he sighted, and turned back to computer.

Max hoped on her baby and rode into the darkness.

(Max's and OC's Apartment)

"Hey Boo, sup?" Cindy said walking out of kitchen. "Nothing much, you ready to hit the crash?" max said flashing OC a smile, but her eyes were sad. OC couldn't help but ask, "Hon what's on your mind?"

Suddenly Max's eyes were filled with sadness and hurt she had to tell some one eventually so she started spilling her guts to OC

"Well today when I went to see Logan, I kinda zoned out for half an hour thinking about my future... with or without Logan..."

"Boo, wat are ya sayin', you breakin' up with the lover boy?"

"I dono, the love that we had before was gone, since the day I got this bitch virus, but it's not only that, when I see him, I don't even know what to say to him, it's like we are two strangers in the same room, I just... I dono... I'm confused" Max set down on a chair and let out a sigh.

"Sugah, don't worry, maybe it's just because you're giving up on a search for cure, don't Logan didn't give up on you, so boo don't give up on him, it aint over, till you both say it is. Have a little faith boo" Original Cindy said walking over to Max and hugging her by the shoulders.

Max let a hot tears drop from her eyes, she was to confused with where this relationship was going and... Her thoughts were disturbed by a soft knock on the door.

"I'll get that"

She opened the door and saw Alec leaning against the doorframe

"Hey OC, is Max home?"

"Uhh yeh she is why?" Cindy said raising her left brow.

"Umm I forgot my phone, so I came to pick it up"

"Its on the table" Max whisperer but with Alec's super hearing he notices that her voice was sad and weak.

He walked through the door ignoring Cindy. He stopped right in front of a chair where Max was sitting, her knees supporting her chin and her arms hugging her legs, her cheeks were wet from tears, and her eyes were slightly red. He kneeled down, so he was on the same eye level as her

"Maxie, you alright" his voice was filled with concern, and his lips were curled in a sad smile.

Max was a bit surprised that he even cared.

'I'm fine, hey how bout all of us hit the Crash now huh?' she forced a small smile on her face.

Alec knew that she wasn't alright, but he let that go for now. They were walking out the door when Alec's phone rang

'hello.. hey Logan, what's up buddy?'

"oh, yeh she's here, ok then we'll be there in five minutes" Alec hanged up, and looked over to Max, by the look on her face he could tell that she wasn't up for this.

'No Alec, we're not going anywhere, we're going to Crash to have good time, we'll worry about saving the world tomorrow"

"Hey, it's not like I want to, and that doesn't really sound like Max we all know" he finished and cocky grin formed on his face.

"Sorry Maxie, but Logan said its Important"

A/N this is my first fan fiction eva, please review!