Still Locked Up

"So how do you thinks it's going?" Harry asked the girl in his arms. Harry and Ginny were
back in the common room sitting on the coach across from the fire. They had been sitting in that position, Ginny's head on Harry's shoulder and Harry's arm around her.

"Knowing them…not well." Ginny answered honestly. Harry thought this too.

"Yeah, but I'm okay with that right now."

"Why?" Ginny moved to face him.

"Because I'm with you and your brother's locked up so can't kill me."

"Yet," Ginny smiled and kissed Harry. Once they broke apart they went back to silence and Ginny put her head on Harry's shoulder again.

"Happy Christmas" Hermione said to Ron.

"What?" After dinner Hermione and Ron went back their side of their room. Hermione had finished reading her book and started a new one. Ron was playing chess by himself (figuring out ways to beat Harry but let him put up a good fight). "It can't be that late."

"It is."

"We've been in here for five hours?"

Hermione looked at her watch, "yes" after she did the math.

"Well Happy Christmas then too!"

"Not much of a Christmas though is it?" Hermione sounded disappointed Ron heard it in her voice wishing he could do something to make the situation better.

"It's still early."

"But they probably wont come till tomorrow or what if they never come and they leave up in here till school starts or until-" Hermione was cut of by a 'SHH' from Ron who got up and moved closer to her.

"It will be fine" He finished by patting her back.

"Yeah. I guess I'm just getting tired and wish I had a pillow or something" As Hermione wished a pillow and a blanket appeared. But when Ron asked for sleeping necessity he was denied.

"That's weird." Hermione said.

"Yeah. Wonder why this room doesn't like me."

"It's a room Ron, it doesn't have feelings." Hermione laughed. Making Ron feel stupid. Hermione stopped when she saw his face. "I'm sorry."

"It's okay."

"No it's not. Here you take the pillow and the blanket."

"Keep them you need them more then me. I'll stay up."

"Ron they're not coming tonight there's no point in that."

"I know but still you keep them I'll go play more chess."

"You sure?" Hermione questioned. Looking sad when Ron started to move back away from her.

"Yeah" then Ron added in a soft voice so Hermione didn't hear him "good night Mione." And he watched her lie down and fell asleep.

please review this one!! Wow i thought i put up the last chapters. the next one will be up very soon i promis.