FASH: This is an AU (alternate Universe) fic. WARNING: yaoi (m/m kissing ect.), it is an Ozuma/Tyson pairing. Cuz I think they look cute together! If you feel uncomfortable from....gayness....turn back now before it's too late!

Disclaimer: This is for the who fic. takes deep breath I DON'T OWN BEYBLADE SO DON'T SUE!

""-talking ''-thinking

Chapter 1

Tyson ran down the empty hall, trying to get to class before the final bell rang. 'No my first day and I'm all ready late!' He thought, trying to find his homeroom.


'Another boring school day begins nothing fun ever happens around here.' Ozuma thought idly as he sat in the back of the class, totally aware of the infatuated starring he was getting from all girls in the class, except one, Miriam, and even some from most of the guys in the class. 'sigh nothing ever changes why can't I find the perfect guy.'

"Class. Class. SHUT UP YOU IDIOTS!" All talking instantly stopped as they paid attention to their stressed teacher Mrs. Wellington

"Ah-hem, now as I was saying glare today we are going to have a new" knock knock the teacher was interrupted by the door.

"Ah that must be the new student," she opened the door.

"Sorry I'm late I couldn't find the class." Said a male's voice from the other side of the door.

"It's alright, but be here on time tomorrow. Now come in and introduce yourself." Said Mrs. W in a scolding voice.

"K." And in walked the new guy. Ozuma did a mental gasp. "Yo! I'm Tyson Grainger" Tyson said with a nervous smile.

'Tyson.' Ozuma made sure to engrave the name in his head.

Tyson was wearing what he usually wears, his dark grey jeans, yellow shirt, red vest, and, of course is baseball cap.

'I feel like there's someone watching me' looking up Tyson looked around and saw a freaky pair of green pupilless eyes watching his every move. 'Why is that guy staring at me like that, do I have something on my face?' Tyson stopped this train of thought as the teacher told him where he was to sit.

FASH: YAY 1 down and 19 give or take a few chapters to go! And now to introduce you to my little helper. CHIBI TYSON. CT: blinks Hewo, wead am wevu (read and review) pweaz? Give authors puppy dog eyes FASH: Awwww! glomps CT You heard the oh so cute one, read and review!