WARNING! Author's note ahead! If you don't want to read it, LEAAAVE!

Please don't hate me. ;; I know some of you were thinking 'Holy shiznit she updated!' but I haven't! I'm working on it, I am, but it's the final year of school and I have so little spare time… I'm also working on re-writing the first chapters, since my skill with writing has decidedly improved, and I cringe every time I read them. I can to much better.

BUT! This is now what the AN is for! And if I'm not allowed to do this, someone tell me, and I shall deeleet it. But! I NOW HAVE A account! Which means, buh buh! You'll see my UNIQUE works! Yes, ladies and gentlemen, UNIQUE WORKS!

I currently have a fiction called 'How it Began' by CrimsonMistress on and I was wondering, perhaps, maybe, please oh please, if some of you wonderful, lovely, darling readers of mine could go take a wee squizz and see how I can improve it, since it is, in fact, a competition entry for myself. Am I allowed to do this? If I'm not someone let me know. BUT! It's entered in the first chapter/ short story category, so if I love it, I might write more!!

Only problem is… I deviate a lot, and get distracted. I come up with an average of three story ideas a week, usually more, and I just dive into them so much I get so distracted. Don't hate me! Please!

So I was thinking about constructing what will be called… Pulls aside a curtain. CRIMSON MISTRESS' SCRAPBOOK OF IDEAS!

It would merely be something that I could use to make characters, throw up ideas and let you, the reader, look through them and see how you like, nyeh? What do you think? I am really riding on your opinions here!!

Well, let me know in reviews and the like, and I'll try to get Genesis Zero updated uber fast. ;; I love you guys! You are my motivation to continue on!!!


XXX Crimson Mistress