A/N: Sorry to leave you all hanging. I know I suck. I'm back up at school now, and of course that resulted in an epic battle with my internet connection. Anyways...here it is.

The Halloween ball was coming to a close, and as the exhausted students slowly left the great hall, there was not a solemn face among them. Professor Dumbledore smiled warmly into the crowd of bright young faces, but his eyes were searching the room for a familiar stately figure. When he finally spotted her standing in the doorway, bidding a group of first years goodnight, he quickly glided across the room to take a place by her side. He waited until the students had slowly wandered away before leaning down and whispering in her ear.

"The wards have been broken, and Professor Snape is missing."

Minerva McGonagall sighed sharply, but kept a weak smile on her face. Her students were drifting by, smiling or nodding their heads as they passed. She envied how they could chatter and giggle, never knowing the tremendous danger they could be in at this very moment. Turning slowly to face Professor Dumbledore, she sighed again, before placing a shaking hand over her eyes.

"Do you have any idea how they managed it Albus?" She said, careful to keep her voice in a near whisper.

"The dark mark Severus bears, it may be a provide a link to Voldemort powerful enough to break the wards." Dumbledore said slowly. "It has always been a possibility, but one I never thought would be realized."

"What needs to be done?" Minerva asked, a sinking feeling quickly forming in her stomach.

"We can only wait until morning, and see if they return." Dumbledore said, a slightly pained look spreading across his face.

"They?" Minerva whispered. "Katherine is missing as well?"

Before Dumbledore could respond, the large front doors were quickly pushed open, and a tousled looking Hagrid slowly stepped inside. Fang was close behind, his tail back and his large ears perked up.

"Professor Dumbledore." Hagrid whispered. "I think there's somethin' out 'ere you need you see."

In the darkness of night, it would have been impossible to see the four figures walking briskly across the grounds. No one spoke, and the only sound that could be heard was the distant sound of the wind whispering through the autumn leaves. It was not until they reached the castle's entrance that the silence was finally broken, and the fifth person among them was revealed.

In Hagrid's large arms Severus Snape lay still, his face a deathly pale underneath the layers of fresh blood and dirt.

"Do you think he'll survive?" Katherine whispered, trying hard to restrain a fresh onslaught of tears.

When no one responded she no longer tried to hold back her cries, and began to sob in earnest. Minerva harshly forced a hankerkief into Katherine's hand, and then let out a wavering sigh.

"The fact remains that it is no longer safe for you at Hogwarts." Dumbledore whispered, his voice sounding extremely hoarse. "I'd rather not move Severus in his condition, but if we wish for him to recover, it must be done."

"They'll be looking for you." Minerva piped in, suddenly looking on the verge of tears herself. "And this is only way."

"I understand." Katherine whispered morbidly, her eyes carefully avoiding Severus's broken and bloody form. "But where are you sending us?"

"Number Twelve Grimmauld Place, my dear."


A/N:: Okay, I know your like, what the hell kind of ending was that? One that leads into a sequel of course. I'm working on another story right now which seems semi-promising, and entering block (a semester for education majors that results in tears, nervous breakdowns, and compulsive hair pulling) so it may be a two weeks or so before I get that up...if anyone's even interested. This one will have a much better plot (I swear!), and will be an improvement on this, which seemed to go downhill rather quickly. Anyway, thanks to everyone that reviewed, I've appreciated it so much! Look out for the sequel...here's a little summery below.

"A Band of Gold": Hiding away in Grimmauld place, will Severus make a full recovery? What will the order members do when they learn of Katherine's cowardly deception? And what happens when Katherine ends up in bed with a certain werewolf? (Okay, I suck at summaries...dammit!)