Paw: Btw, something just reminded me... Was it that you once told me to look for a Jaree reference in the first Potter film? And what was it again?!
Ro: One of the owls. When he gets his letter-barrage, one of the owls is Jareth! I was almost expecting him to come in the window and do the sparkly-change thing.
Harry: Um... who are you?
Jareth: I'm him. I'm the Goblin King.
Harry: I'm sorry, what?
Jareth: 'Jareth'... The Goblin... King? Don't you want your brother back?
Harry: Oh, he's not gone, he's downstairs... At least, my foster-brother, he's downstairs. I wouldn't mind him going away, though...
Jareth: So... hang on, why am I here? What did you wish?
Harry: Did I say "wish"? Um... maybe I did... maybe I wished to be taken away from this awful place? I don't remember. I live under the stairs, you know.
Jareth: Could be, could be... Perhaps I'm here to turn your brother into a goblin?
Harry: He's already one of those.
Jareth: Oh...
long and awkward pause
Jareth: Fancy a magic peach?