Till there was you Bubbles

Disclaimer: I don't own Friends and all that jazz...

AN: Sorry this chapter took so long. I've been having computer problems but hopefully they will be worked out soon.



Chandler starred down at the sushi on his plate in disgust. He was now regretting coming to this place. Looking at Rachel's happy face though, made it worth it. He wanted his feelings to go away. He shouldn't be feeling them. It was Rachel. He knew about Rachel before he knew her. Ross was always talking about this Rachel girl. So Rachel was off limits. It would never be ok to even think about dating her. Besides, he felt wrong feeling happy feelings since Joey died. He wasn't sure why.

"You ok Chandler?" Rachel was saying.

"Huh? Yeah I'm fine." He said quickly putting a California roll into his mouth and trying his best not to have a look of total detestation. Rachel laughed.

"Thank you for bringing me here." She said. That brought a smile to his face.

"I'm glad I could do it." He reached across the table and squeezed her hand. Her smile slowly faded and she quickly looked away from him. "What's wrong?" Chandler asked wondering what he did wrong.

"It's...uh...Joshua." She said quickly. Chandler cringed inwardly. He hated hearing about this "Joshua" guy. He hated him and felt terrible about it because he'd never even met the guy.

"What...what about him?" He asked hoping he sounded supportive.

"Well today is my last day with him and I've been trying to think of ways to get to see him away from Blooming dales." She explained pushing her food around. Her voice had the same adolescent tone it always had when she talked about him. It reminded Chandler of when they first met at Monica and Ross's house the first time that one Thanksgiving. The thought of Ross made him feel bad again.

"Well I'm sure you'll think of something." He told her. She shrugged and looked at her watch.

"Oh, it's about time I get back." She said. "Joshua should be coming soon."

"Well you better hurry and get back to him fast." Chandler said quickly standing up.

"Yeah, well thank you so much for lunch, it means a lot to me." She hugged him and then gave him a quick kiss on the lips. He smiled at her.

"I had fun." He said and she nodded.

"I'll see you later." Then with a wave she was gone. Chandler sat back down at the table and called for the check. As he waited he looked out the window and up at the sky. He got an overwhelming feeling of complete loneliness.

"God Joe," He mumbled. "What am I gonna do?"


So they threw a fake going away party for Emily. Joshua was invited so Rachel could show him what she was really like, but she was not doing so well. Chandler didn't understand why she was messing up with this guy so much. Maybe it was because she was in love with him or something. The thought of that made him want to die.

"Chandler?" Monica said coming up with a trash bag. "Will you take the trash out for me?" He nodded and headed to the door. Ross suddenly came running back in.

"Monica!" He shouted. Chandler decided he didn't care enough to see what that was about and went out the door. Rachel was out there sitting on the step. She was in that old cheerleader uniform with a napkin with an ice cube in it up to her lip. Her lip was swollen from a cheer gone wrong. At that moment Chandler thought she was the most adorable thing on the planet.

"Hey," She said looking up at him. "You're a pathetic loser right?" She asked.

"Oh yeah." Chandler said smiling.

"Sit." She ordered and he did. They sat there like that for a while. They both said nothing, just sat there.

"So how did things go with Joshua?" Chandler said finally breaking the silence.

"You saw." She said. Chandler nodded and put his arm around her letting her rest her head on his shoulder.

"I know," He said. "I'm sorry." They were quiet again until Ross and Emily walked out.

"Oh Rachel this was so great and I thought you were just fantastic." Emily gushed.

"Well I am glad you enjoyed it." Rachel said smiling.

"Emily you go on ahead, I'll be right there." Ross said. Emily nodded, waved goodbye, and headed down the stairs.

"Rach, are you gonna be ok?" Ross asked. The amount of care in Ross voice made Chandler want to crawl under a rock and die. He felt like the worst friend on the planet. Rachel reached up and took his hand that still rested on her shoulder. "I'll be fine." She told him. "I got Chandler." Ross smiled and then quickly left to go after Emily.

"Do you want to come in?" Chandler asked pointing to his apartment.

"Sure." Rachel said after she thought for a minute. "I wanna change my clothes first."

"I've got clothes you could wear." Chandler had no idea where that came from.

"Oh that's great." Rachel said getting up. 'Oh well' Chandler thought. Rachel seemed to think it was a good idea. They went into the apartment and Chandler got her some pajama's to put on.

"I'm sleepy." She said when Chandler handed them to her.

"Well just put these on and you can lie down." Chandler suggested. Rachel nodded and Chandler left so she could change.

"Ok, I know." Chandler said. "Not smart." He had decided that talking to himself was allowed now because he was talking to Joey. One bitter night he had decided that if he had to lose his best friend he could at least get the comfort of talking to him out loud without getting odd looks.

"You can come back in." Rachel called from Chandler's room. When he went back in she was laying on his bed with her knees drawn up to her chest. He got on the other side of the bed and sat down.

"Am I pathetic or what?" Rachel mumbled.

"You're not." Chandler said.

"Please, did you not see me tonight?" Rachel said. Chandler then realized she was crying.

"Well tonight, yeah." He said. "But you never act like that."

"It's no wonder why Joshua doesn't like me." She mumbled.

"Hey, don't say that." Chandler said. He lay down next to her and put his arm around her pulling her back against her chest. "Joshua is an idiot for not liking you."

"Really?" Rachel said turning to face him.

"Yeah." He said as he carefully tucked a strand of hair behind her ear and wiped a tear from her eye. "You know back in college Ross talked non-stop about you." Rachel smiled. "I kept thinking, this girl sounds too good to be true. He's just so in love with her that he doesn't see all the flaws that she must have. I mean no one can be that wonderful and beautiful." "Ok, are you trying to make me feel better?" Rachel interrupted.

"Yes, now let me finish." Chandler said with a small laugh.

"Ok, go on." She said.

"As I was saying." Chandler said. "I was convinced you were this ugly, horrible creature. And then I met you." Rachel gaze became locked on Chandler's. "I have never been more wrong about something in my entire life." He said. "I couldn't believe it. You were gorgeous and funny, sweet, caring. Everything and more that Ross had said about you." Rachel smiled. "So if Joshua doesn't see that then forget him. He's the one that's gonna be missing out on the best thing that could have happened to him."

"Chandler." Rachel said softly. He smiled and she leaned up to kiss him. "Ow!" She said suddenly drawing back holding her mouth. She looked back at Chandler and laughed.

"Why don't you get some sleep." He told her smiling.

"Ok." She said burying her face in his chest. "Thank you." She said.

"Anytime." He said. He held her and could feel her falling asleep. Right when he thought she was asleep, she started making noise.

"Did you say something?" He asked.

"I said, I love you Chandler." She said sleepily. Chandler hugged her.

"I love you too." He said and kissed her forehead. He just wished she meant it in the way he did.


Let me know what you think!