Chapter 13- Game over

Hermione was sat together with Serevus on the sofa, her head tucked under his chin and one of his arms around her as he gently stroked her hair with his free hand. He broke their peaceful silence first.

"Hermione...." he started

"Yes I know." She said turning her head slightly and sighing "What happens in this room stays in this room. Don't worry." She bit her lip and looked up at him shyly. "Do you think we could maybe come back here next weekend?"

He bent his head and kissed her neck softly before looking at her and smiling.

"Most definitely," he said silkily "after all we still have a party to plan, and I do believe that next time you may remember to bring some whipped cream, but I was just going to suggest that we finish this blasted game. Much as I would like to keep you here alone, people are probably looking for us now and it would be better if everyone else were awake when they found us."

He straightened up after saying this and passed her his shirt before standing and slipping into his trousers.

"I do not think we will be getting any more cards asking us to remove articles of clothing, as they have already all been removed," he smirked at her "but it would be wise to put something on before we wake the others."

Half an hour later Hermione sat next to Severus on the sofa and handed him her last handful of money.

"Well that's it. You won. Shouldn't they start waking up now?" Hermione asked, looking around at the still slumbering forms of her friends.

"Yes. They will awaken shortly." Severus replied smoothly, stroking her hair again "But before they do I think that you should give the winner of the game a kiss, to congratulate him on a well deserved victory."

Hermione made to punch Severus playfully on the arm but he grasped her hand and drew her close to him, eyes flashing. As they kissed she felt herself start to melt again and snaked her arms up around the back of his head and tangled her fingers in his hair.

A quiet coughing from the other side of the room a few minutes later made them spring apart guiltily and they turned to face the source of the sound. Professor Dumbledore was standing in the open doorway, eyes twinkling at them, flanked on either side by Harry and Ron. Ron had turned a brilliant shade of red and was sputtering loudly as his eyes took in first Hermione's disheveled state, then the trailing decorations still hanging from the ceiling before finally locking onto his sister, who was lying next to Draco Malfoy on the sofa, half-naked and just waking up. Harry was staring at Hermione, his eyebrows raised in incredulity with a questioning look in his eye. Hermione quickly stood up and moved to the other side of the sofa, digging her skirt out of her bag and quickly pulling it on under Serevus's shirt that she was still wearing.

"Ah yes, Ah yes." Dumbledore said as he moved into the room, eyes twinkling at everyone as they started quickly pulling their clothes on. He stopped and twinkled at Severus for a moment before turning and beaming first at Hermione, then at the other prefects in turn.

"Miss Granger, Mr. Malfoy, everybody. We have been most worried about you all today, but it appears that we have found you safe and well." He stopped and smiled knowingly at Hermione.

Ron, closing the door behind him, strode across the room and stood next to Ginny, glaring angrily between her and Draco Malfoy. Draco looked up at him and continued nonchalantly buttoning up his shirt. Harry moved over to Ron and put his hand on the red-head's arm, but before he could say anything Hermione had stormed over to them.

"Just what did you think you were playing at, locking us in here all day?" she hissed furiously at them. Harry and Ron looked taken aback.

"We didn't lock you in here!" said Ron indignantly "In fact when you didn't show up for dinner we went straight to Dumbledore and have been looking for you ever since!"

"Well what was all that rubbish at breakfast about Ginny and Neville then?" Hermione asked puzzled. Ron looked at Harry and sighed.

"If you must know we'd signed you up for a speed dating night at the Three Broomsticks." Ron said grumpily "Of course you've missed it now, and it looks like it doesn't matter anyway." He shot an evil look across the room to where Professor Snape was sitting putting his shoes and socks on.

Hermione looked at them both in shock and at this point Ginny exclaimed loudly. "Hermione, what on earth are you wearing?" Ron took this as his cue to start on at Ginny about her own state of undress and they were soon bickering away in a corner. Hermione turned back to the others.

"I remember getting stuck in this tower during my own time at Hogwarts." Dumbledore was saying, reminiscing unconcernedly. "It is a most grievous oversight that I did not remember it sooner. I was stuck here for 3 days before someone rescued me, it's the door you see- it can only be opened from the outside. Why if I hadn't left it open even I would not be able to...... "

His voice trailed away and his smile faded from his face as he turned and noticed the closed door at the other end of the room.

"Professor," Said Hermione stepping up to Dumbledore's side and grinning across the room at Severus "Whatever happens in this room, stays in this room. Anyone for Trivial Pursuits?"

...................................................................................... The end