Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha in anyway, whatsoever.

A.N.: Well, how long has it been since I last updated? I've gone through two computers thanks to viruses and all of my story data was deleted…ouch! My brother, the virus king, seems to be able to get them no matter how protected my computer is. I've been trying out some Proto-type stories to get the rust out of my typing and it appears that I can still type! Well, as I have said before and I'll say it again, on with the chapter!

Chapter 18

The masked man let the arrow fly in the direction of Inuyasha but he was too quick. He cursed himself and gave chase towards the silver dog demon.

"A little slow, aren't we?" mocked Inuyasha, sticking out his tongue.

The man merely grunted and broke off half of the mask. He bit his thumb and a trickle of blood appeared. He covered his arrow head and fired in the opposite direction of Inuyasha.

"You do realize that you're aiming the wrong way?" asked Inuyasha, bewildered by this assassin's stupidity.

"I wouldn't be so confident, Inuyasha."

A small smirk formed on his lips and Inuyasha's ears rotated. He spun around and was sent flying at the masked man. The arrows had locked onto Inuyasha's scent and had exploded into his chest! The explosion did not harm his kimono but instead, burnt his skin on the inside.

The masked man brought out a black knife and charged at the rapidly moving Inuyasha. He tried to move his body but it felt paralyzed and weak.

'Those arrows must contain drugs in them, why couldn't I see that?' thought Inuyasha but he stopped thinking because he realized that something was wrong.

"It is over, Inuyasha. You should have been more careful." Inuyasha was confused by this but when he looked down, he realized that the man had a knife right through Inuyasha's stomach.

Inuyasha let out a cough of blood on the masked man and he let out his trademark grin, although; it looked faded and less cocky.

"I don't fear death, you bastard."

The masked man walked away and let the black knife stay his gut. He began to walk away but as he turned around to give Inuyasha one last look, he whispered,

"There is still a chance for you to live but it is up to your friends to find the cure to your soon-to-be demise. I bid you farewell." He bowed deeply and picked up the smaller killer. In a flash of black leaves, he was gone.

Inuyasha was beginning to fall into unconsciousness but as his vision faded, all he wished was that he could see the face of Kagome on last time…

With Kagome:

Kagome tore off her mask and let out a shaky breath of the chilly night air. Kohaku had woken up earlier and was looking at her worriedly. Strangely enough, he felt as if he wanted a sister and this girl seemed like a great choice. He let out a strange smile and shouted,

"Maybe Master Naraku will let us play a game together? I've always wanted someone to play with but all of the demons are scared of me and everyone else is too creepy. Do you want to be friends?" Kohaku knew that he would have to make her be his friend before he could start calling her sister.

This seemed to brighten Kagome's cold mood before and she whispered,

"Alright Kohaku, maybe we can play a video game or something…"

Kohaku looked at her in a strange manner and he asked,

"What's a video game Kagome?"

Kagome suddenly stopped and Kohaku let out a yelp when he crashed into Kagome. Her head was down and her fist was clenched tightly. Kohaku saw a drip of liquid drip down Kagome's face and he realized she was crying. He ran up to her and hugged her tightly.

"Please don't cry, sister Kagome. It will make everyone in this forest depressed if they find such a bright person like you weeping."

Kagome rubbed Kohaku's hair and let out a small smile when she remembered that Kohaku had called her sister.

"One day Kohaku, when I can remember everything that happened and this whole thing is over, we can live together like a family. Won't that be nice, being free?" wondered Kagome, her pale face getting some colour back into its natural pigment.

Kohaku nodded but in his heart, he knew the dreadful fact that it was almost impossible to join Naraku and leave without being killed. So he gave her a fake grin and they continued to walk along.

"So sister Kagome, why did you start crying when I said… video games?" Kohaku winced and closed his eyes, hoping that Kagome didn't start again. When he opened them, she was grinning at him.

"Don't worry; I'm not somebody who cries all the time. It's just, it reminds me of someone…" thought Kagome wistfully.

"Well, I don't like it when you are sad so please be happy all the time!"

Kagome let out a small laugh and took one look at the blood stained bow on her back. It made her feel guilty about trying to kill the poor dog demon and his hair looked so soft!

'I just wish that I could run my hands through his…, no! I must remember that Inuyasha is Naraku's enemy and he should be dead, but did I do the right choice? Naraku might be pretty angry if he found out I let the demon have a chan-'

"Watch out Kagome!" shouted Kohaku as a gigantic paw swiped at Kagome. Kohaku jumped in the way and was smacked in the leg. He screamed as the pain reached his brain and he tried to get up. It was unneeded though as his leg would not respond.

"Kagome, you're on your own on this one. I can't move at all and all of my weapons are missing!"

"That's because I have them." Whispered Kagome as she swung Kohaku's scythe and looked deadly at her opponent.

A large troll demon if she was correct. Naraku had told her that they were as dumb as rocks and those who were actually smart were geniuses beyond words. This one however, resembled a rock so it was pretty obvious that this was not an intelligent life form. He held a large club in his hand and it was being pounded against the ground repeatedly, as if this demon was losing valuable time.

Kagome watched calmly as the troll took a homerun swing at Kagome. She hopped onto his club and the troll was confused as to where Kagome could be hiding.

"Come out, little girl, I merely want to devour your bones and drink you blood if that is okay with you."

Kagome snorted at him and he turned his head quickly, wondering who made that sound. Kagome jumped off and landed on the rocky skull of the troll. He roared and scratched at his grit-like skin and small chunks of skin fell like boulders. Kagome delivered three quick kicks to his temple and the troll groaned in pain.

"Prepare for your purification, pathetic demon!"

Kagome swung the scythe down and it wrapped around the demon's neck. She tugged tightly to make sure it was secure and she began whispering. A red and pink light swirled around her and caused the scythe to tighten. The troll was now chocking and Kagome gave the troll a hug before whispering,

"Purify…" The troll's eyes rolled back into his head and he exploded in a ray of crimson light. She dropped down elegantly and caught the scythe between her two fingers.

"Well, that was much easier than I thought! Wait a minute, why does this feel like a clich-"

Kagome spun around and clawed away with the scythe. The troll demon's body had disintegrated but now it was just a body made of ashes!

"This body has no more use to me! Girl, you will pay for your insolence!"

Kagome smirked at him and yawned to mock him. The ash demon grew red hot and he began breathing out a hazy smoke. Kagome became confused and she covered her face to prevent the chance of smoke inhalation.

"You cannot fight what you cannot see!" The demon screamed and charged at Kagome, his body changing into a pair of teeth.

"I'm afraid that you are wrong, my foul friend."

He barely had enough time to register the girl holding a glowing arrow before he was sent into oblivion…

Naraku's Castle:

As Naraku slowly let his trademark baboon skin slide off his shoulders, he let out a small chuckle. He did not expect Kagome kill Inuyasha that easily and as soon as he had seen the first stab, Naraku had summoned his poisonous bee back to him before he could find out what happened. His mind wanted to remember the face of Inuyasha's suffering for a long time.

"With my newest minion, I will have complete dominance over this land. Now, what hall I do with Kagura..."

Naraku went into his storage room and found the jar that contained Kagura's very life.

"Your existence is no longer needed, Kagura. You desire freedom, I shall let you have it…" Naraku dug his hand into the jar and let found his prize. His throat croaked with malicious laughter as the hazy miasma around his fortress grew stronger…

With Sesshoumaru:

Sesshoumaru held his head tightly as he tried to find Naraku's latest hideout. Naraku had hidden himself well this time and even Sesshoumaru's powerful senses could not detect the foul spider demon.

"I have stressed myself for far too long. We shall wait until sunrise and than we will continue our journey. Do all of you understand me?"

Rin nodded happily while Kagura grumbled about slowing down their hunt.

"What is your problem, Kagura? Is there a reason for your behavior towards me?"

Kagura glared at him and merely jumped off Ah-Un, but not before she got a good kick at the dragon. Ah-Un roared loudly and Jaken was thrown off but Rin quickly caught him before he could fall to his doom. Sesshoumaru placed his hand on the dragon's muzzle and they grew quiet.

"If you have a problem, do not take it out on my loyal subjects. Do you understand me Kagura?"

Kagura landed gracefully onto the earth below her and she smirked at Sesshoumaru in a mocking manner.

"As much as I would enjoy kicking you around, Sesshoumaru, I would rather not waste my time talking to you right now. Now if you don't..." Kagura suddenly became silent and everyone watched her warily.

Naraku was sitting in on top of his castle with a small pipe in his hand that blew out purple miasma to help further the reach of his poisonous gas. In his hand was a glowing heart that had a feather stuck in its side. A spider symbol smothered the normal enchanting glow of the grey feather and it took the appearance of fear itself.

"Now Kagura, let us see how far your power will really go."

Kagura listened to Naraku's words and she realized that she had lost control of her body. With all of her strength, she whispered through her teeth,

"It is too late, Sesshoumaru, I have lost my chance..." Kagura's face suddenly turned blank and she drew her fan.

"Kagura, why do you speak of such foolishness? Are you attempting some kind of jokes as I do not find it humorous." stated Sesshoumaru coldly.

Kagura merely laughed and Sesshoumaru's breath seized up. He had heard that same laugh so many months ago and it still boiled his blood to the core.

"Naraku, what have you done to her and tell me at once!" demanded Sesshoumaru through gritted teeth.

"Oh, so the pathetic dog demon has something for my minion? As for your question, it is quite fun to play with the aspects of control when you have the very soul of your object. Why not test its limits on you, eh Sesshoumaru?"

Kagura opened her fan, spread it widely, and she dragged it along the ground on a horizontal angle. A numerous amount of rocks built up and were blasted at Rin. Sesshoumaru noticed it and calmly produced the poison in his claws and clawed furiously at the incoming storm. It blew apart and didn't even come near the intended target.

Meanwhile, Kagura had sneaked behind Sesshoumaru and intended to finish him off when the paper material began to burn away from her fan.

"Don't take me as a fool, Naraku. Your paper weapons are of no effect on me.

Naraku let out a howl of laughter using Kagura's voice and whispered,

"Who needs paper when I have this?"

Kagura pointed her hand out like she was holding a weapon and miasma swirled around her left wrist. Sesshoumaru realized what was going on and he shouted to Rin and Jaken,

"Get down before he has time to attack!"

Ah-Un raced over to Rin and Jaken and he draped himself over them. The two heads nodded to eachother and they braced themselves.

"Rin does not like sitting under smelly Ah-Un. Rin thinks this game is not-" she was suddenly cut off by a loud explosion and she paled instantly.

"Will Master Sesshoumaru be okay, Jaken? Rin worries very much so and she must go check on Master Sesshoumaru now."

Jaken pulled her back down and barked,

"You listen here, girl. If you go out there than we'll all be killed so obey his lordship and everything will turn out fine!"

Rin hugged him for thinking so highly of Sesshoumaru but Jaken merely shoved her away. Human germs were not something he particularly enjoyed and this one was a nuisance.

Moments before the explosion, Sesshoumaru had noticed that Kagura/Naraku had created a miasma-like fan and he knew its dreaded purpose. He had barely enough time to punch the ground and cause the rock to rise up like a shield. Kagura had swung the fan and had been knocked out from the power of it all. Sesshoumaru's temporary barrier crumbled feebly and Sesshoumaru covered his mouth quickly to prevent inhalation.

While looking forward, Kagura was completely outcold but could come back at any minute.

'Are Rin and Jaken okay?' thought Sesshoumaru with a hint of worry.

Ah-Un was still sitting over them so he walked up and he stroked Ah-Un's cheeks but he received no reaction. He placed his ear over one of the mouths and could barely hear a breath. Sesshoumaru checked the eyelids and lifted them, finding himself coming face to face with foggy eyes.

"He is nearly dead..., Rin, Jaken, get out from under there now!" barked Sesshoumaru.

Sesshoumaru lifted Ah-Un's unconscious body so that they could scramble out but Rin was the first to notice Ah-Un's condition.

"What has happened, Master Sesshoumaru? Why is Ah-Un unmoving and still?"

Sesshoumaru ignored her and drew his Tokijin. He stood over Kagura and poised it at her neck.

"I cannot allow you to live any longer while knowing that you may not be real. Goodbye, Kagura."

Sesshoumaru lifted the blade and wordlessly thought to himself,

'Am I doing the right thing?'

Everything became silent as he made his choice...

End Note: After five days of typing, Chapter 17 is finally done! Review if you liked it or hated it and remember, I'll try to update at least once a month or more as school is a pain right now. Anyways, thanks for all of the reviews and I hope I can hear from my old reviewers too! Anyways, see you all later and I'll keep on reviewing stories and I'm out!
