
Setzer Gabbiani shuffled his deck as he walked to the throne room of the castle of Figaro.

Three months passed since Terra defeated Milan and they finally managed to return to they normal lives, because the world suffer severe damages (specially Kolighen, Maranda, Zozo and Jidoor) and it took some time to rebuild and repaired the damages.

Setzer opened the door and found Edgar sitten on the throne, visibly distracted with his left arm on a sling.

-What's up? – said Setzer, as he sat next to Edgar that snapped out of his thoughts and smiled, pleased and surprised.

-Well, isn't it the Gambler? – said Edgar – How you been?

-Better than you – teased Setzer as he pointed his arm – Busy with the casino. And I decided to visit you since I haven't seen you since the whole mess with Milan ended.

-I've been very busy – said Edgar – Helping to reconstruct the towns take some time, and the castle was in also in a very bad shape, and with all the projects and budgets I had to approve and sign... - he sighed – You can imagine that I barely had time to eat and sleep.

-Yeah, I can imagine...

-And have you seen the others? – asked Edgar.

-Well, actually, that's the reason why I came – said Setzer smiling – Come with me.

Edgar raised a brow surprised and asked:


-To a party in Thamasa – answered Setzer standing – Everyone is there, even Sabin.

-Sabin is in Thamasa?! – exclaimed surprised Edgar – But I thought he was in Maranda...

Setzer smiled:

-He was, but he is now in Thamasa – Setzer stretched his arms and said – So, you coming? Thiago and Braguin are already in the Falcon.

Edgar scratched his head and sighed:

-Do I have a choice?

-Get the hell out of my kitchen, you old nag!!!! – roared Relm when Strago tried for tenth time to eat some of Relm's stove.

-But I'm hungry – complained Strago.

-I don't care, you wait until it's ready and for the others to arrive – said Relm, irritated.

-BUT I WANT TO EAT!!! – yelled the old mage.

They continue to argue Clyde entered the kitchen and stared with a smile the argument between granddaughter and grandfather. The he sighed and step between them, when Relm raised a spoon in a very threatening way.

-Calm down you two – said Clyde retrieving the spoon from Relm's hand – What's going on here?

-This old fart that can't wait until everybody is here to eat and he insists in tasting my food with his dirty hands – explained Relm angrily.

-Because I'm starving – insisted Strago.

They began to argue again.

-SUHT UP!!!! – screamed Clyde. When they shut staring at Clyde surprised, the latter said – You're acting like kids – he turned to his daughter – Now, can you give your grandpa something to eat while the food's ready?

Relm nodded, still upset and grabbed a piece of bread that she threw to Strago that caught it, with some difficulty. Clyde reprehended Relm with his eyes and said to Strago:

-Come, lets go with the others in the living room.

The old man nodded and they left the kitchen, leaving a very irritated Relm. On the leaving room were Locke, Celes, Sabin, Cyan, Gau, Mog and Interceptor.

-What was all that screaming? – asked Locke when they saw Clyde and Strago.

Clyde explained the reason and they all laughed.

-Why am I not surprised? – said Celes.

-You two haven't changed at all – concurred Sabin.

Strago kept eating his bread without emitting a comment.

-Sir Sabin – said Cyan changing the subject – Are you sure Sir Edgar will come?

Sabin smiled and nodded:

-I trust in Setzer power of persuasion. I'm sure he'll bring my brother here.

-Yeah – said Locke – Lets trust the gambler. Besides I'm sure he wont need to use his "powers", he just have to say a word and Edgar would be here. And speaking of, where's Terra?

-Where do you think? – said Celes, pointing in direction of the grave of General's Leo.

Locke just nodded.

Terra was on her knees as she stared at the sword above General Leo's tomb. She arrived to Thamasa a couple of hours ago by ship, and after saying hi to everybody in the house of the Arrowny's, she immediately went to visit the General.

But this visit was different from the others. There was no longer that sense of loss and despair of loneliness and sadness.

-I couldn't came to see you sooner, because I had to put in order both, my thoughts and my feelings. Before the battle with Milan, I was really confused and lost. I no longer knew what I felt or how I felt about you. Then one day it all came clear. I realized that my feelings for you were only gratitude and a love you have for a brother or a dear friend, but I confused those feelings with love, true love, because I was eager and desperate to know how was to love someone. I was attached to you for so long and refused to let you go, but now I came to let you go. Because it's time. It's time to face my true feelings. It's time to face the truth – she took a deep breath and sighed and with a small smile in her lips she murmured – Good bye.

She stood and tied her ribbon on the sword and walked away slowly, without looking back.

-We just wait for Setzer arrival and then we can eat – said Relm removing her apron and sitting next to her father.

Strago opened his mouth to speak, but Relm said:

-If you're going to ask food...

-No – said Strago – I was just going to say if you know Braguin's coming too.

-According to Setzer he was coming along with Thiago – answered Sabin.

-I wonder why sir Edgar asked sir Braguin to stay in his realm – commented Cyan.

-Do you think it had something to do with the plaques? – asked Locke to Sabin, that shrugged.

-It's the only logical reason – he said – But Edgar didn't tell me anything...

-And now that we're on the subject – said Celes – What happened with Gaston?

-Well – said Sabin after a short hesitation – A couple of weeks after the battle, he finally regained consciousness and... he was not the same...

-What do you mean? – asked Clyde.

-When he woke up, Edgar and I were in the room and when he saw Edgar he jumped over him and hugged him and began to call him "brother" and the he hugged as he called me "father" and kept asking for forgiveness and began to tore his clothes and scratch his body. I have to knocked him down... - Sabin shivered – It was damn scary.

-And what you do with him? – asked Relm as she stroked Interceptors head that was lying on her father's lab.

-Edgar locked him in a special cell and he is in constant examination – Sabin sighed with sadness – According to my brother and Braguin, the infusion caused the lost of his sanity.

-At least he didn't end like Milan – said Locke with a face of disgust – That was a horrible way to die...

As Locke spoke, the door opened and Terra entered the living room. They all stared at her surprised when they noticed her hair. She frowned and asked:

-Is something wrong?

-Nothing – said Celes – It's just that we're not used to see you with you hair down, that's all.

Terra just smiled and sat next to Mog that was sharing the couch with Cyan and Gau.

-So, what you were talking about? – she asked.

-Well, Sabin was telling us about Gaston – said Relm – It looks like he's gone nuts.

Terra just nodded her head as pity appeared in her eyes. There was a moment of uncomfortable silence that was broken when male voices were heard outside the house.

-Are you okay, Braguin? – said Edgar's voice.

-Ohhh... grouse... - they heard Setzer say after a funny sound – Geez, old man, what you ate?

-This wouldn't have happened if you hadn't piloted like a maniac – said Edgar – Those maneuvers you made...

-I told you already that the wind made me do that – said Setzer – Besides, the kid didn't get dizzy... Only you and the oldie.

-That's because I spent most of my life on a ship – said Thiago.

-Are you done? – asked Setzer. They didn't hear the answer, but there was a knock on the door.

-Since when you are polite? – asked Edgar.

Relm opened the door. Setzer was grabbing Edgar from his neck as he rubbed his head with his fist and Thiago was carrying Braguin.

-Well, look who's here – said the young artist.

They all stared at Relm and smiled. Relm began to laugh and after the welcomes and hugs, they entered the house.

As soon as Terra's eyes met with Edgar's, the half – esper blushed and lower her eyes. Edgar just sighed and saluted everyone in the room just like the others.

-So finally someone convinced you to leave your crib – said Celes to Edgar – What trick did he use to bring you here?

Edgar smiled.

-He didn't use any trick – he said – I needed a break from work, that's all.

-So he didn't say a magical word – said Locke with suspicion. Celes nudged him on the ribs.

-Word? – asked Edgar as he frowned – He said a lot of words but none magical. What did you mean by magical?

-Ignore him – said Celes – He's just delusional from hunger.

-He's not the only one – murmured Strago.

-Well, everybody's here – said Relm – Let the party began.

They ate until they were stuffed and then the real party began. Setzer hired musicians from the Opera House to play in the party. And the dancing (and drinking) began. Strago, Edgar, Cyan and Clyde were sitten apart, talking about the plaques:

-So tell me, why Braguin stayed with you at Figaro? – asked Strago – Did it have something to do with the plaques?

Edgar nodded his head.

-I wanted him to keep studying them to determinate if it was safe to keep them in the castle – said Edgar.

-And? – questioned Clyde.

-After what happened with Milan and what he discovered, we realized it was far too dangerous to have those things around – explained Edgar.

-So what did thou do with them? – asked Cyan.

-I took them to a safe place. Only I know where they are and I'm taking the secret to my tomb – answered Edgar – It's the only way to keep them away from anyone who have intentions similar to Milan's.

They nodded in agreement and focused their attentions to where the others were dancing. Celes was dancing with Locke, Sabin with Relm, Setzer with Terra, Mog, Thiago and Gau where dancing by themselves, while Braguin was deeply asleep in one of the couches of the living room.

Terra stared at Edgar from the corner of his eye as she danced with the gambler. He was very serious and seemed to be immersed in his thoughts.

That was no the way Terra imagined their meeting was going to be. Edgar seemed distant and cold, and she had no idea how to approach him.

Edgar on the other hand, was unsure of what to do. He was happy to see Terra again, but for the first time in his life he was unsure of what to do. Go and talk to her or wait for her to come to him. Suddenly the whole environment became unbearable and the air was heavy. Cyan and Clyde were absorbed in their conversation and Strago was falling asleep. He silently stood from his chair and sneaked upstairs.

Terra noticed Edgar going upstairs and decided to follow him. The music stopped and she disappeared when they decided to switch partners.

Celes and Relm were the only ones that saw what happened and said:

-I hope things work out for them – wished Relm.

-Yeah, they deserved it – concurred Celes as Locke and Sabin began to sing: Oh! My love, so far away now...", completely drunk.

Edgar took a deep breath as he stared at the view. It was a beautiful night, there was a light breeze and the stars where shining in the sky, just like the moon.

He kept staring at the sky, still thinking about Terra. He never felt like that for any other woman he ever met before. Then he just seduced all girls that were attractive to his eyes but there was something missing. And now that he found the woman that fulfills that void, he's not corresponded, and that was really painful.

He heard the voice from the party and couldn't help to laugh when he heard the voices of Sabin and Locke sing, and chorused by Setzer, Gau and Thiago.

-They're a little out of the tune, don't you think? – said the voice of Terra behind him.

Edgar turned a little surprised and said smiling:

-A little? I feel pity for the ones downstairs. They're young to be deaf, except Braguin and Strago, they're already deaf.

Terra laughed and walked next to him.

-So, what you were doing here all alone? – she asked as they both fixed their eyes in the moon.

-I needed some air, that's all – he answered.

Terra nodded her head slightly.

-And how's your arm doing? – she asked pointing his left arm.

-Better, I just have to wear this thing for another month – he said pointing the sling with a annoyance all over his face – But tell me, how's everything in Mobliz?

-Excellent – she said – It was one of the few towns that resulted unaffected by Milan's attacks. So everything is just like it was... Well except for one thing...

-One thing? – asked Edgar frowning.

-Katarin is pregnant – she said with a smile.

-What!? – exclaimed Edgar – Again!? At this rate she will end up with like 10 kids. I mean she's like 18 years old.

Terra just shrugged. Edgar sighed and they felt silent. Terra kept staring at him from the corner of her eye. She wanted to tell him a lot of things, but she didn't find the words or the courage to do it. Everytime she was about to speak, she stopped her self and mentally regretted it.

-Come one Terra – she encouraged herself – Just say it. It's not that hard.

She took a deep breath and sighed. And finally she began to speak:

-Edgar, there's something I want to say to you – Edgar was going to say something but Terra continued – Please, don't interrupt me or I won't be able to say all that I have to say.

Edgar nodded frowning with surprise. Terra made a pause and continued:

-When the whole mess with Milan and the plaques I was really sad an depressed, as you remember, because I felt a strange emptiness in my heart and in my soul. I thought that longing and loneliness I felt was because of General Leo – Edgar's frown deepened – But I was wrong. I didn't love Leo, I just felt an immense gratitude for him. I still feel gratitude for him, because he was the first that told me that no matter who you are or what you are, you're able to love and to be loved... I was so eager to experience love, that I confused gratitude with love... And although I had my kids, I wasn't happy, I felt something missing, and as I said I thought only Leo could fill that void... And once again I was wrong. Leo could never fill that void... The one that fill that void was.. – she took a very deep breath and after sighing she said – The one that fill that void is you, Edgar – Edgar's frown disappeared and his eyes widened with surprise – The one I love is you. I love you.

Edgar couldn't speak. Have he heard right? Or was he hallucinating?

-What? – he managed to whisper.

-Yes... I love you – she repeated, blushing fiercely.

Edgar kept his eyes wide open, staring at Terra, incapable to speak a word. Terra began to feel uneasy. Maybe he didn't love her anymore. Maybe he forgot her. Maybe he found someone else. But why he stay silent?

-Please, say something – said Terra taking his hands in hers. Edgar kept staring at her. Why his mouth couldn't emit a sound? Why his throat was numb? He could see the angst on Terra's eyes.

-Is that... you love no more? – she murmured letting go of his hands. Edgar suddenly snapped out of his surprise as he heard this and said:

-No! That's not it – he put his hands on Terra's shoulders and continued – I'm just too surprised... - he smiled – I never expect you to love me... I've always believed you could never see me that way...

-Why? – said Terra – You have plenty of virtues to attract women... You're noble, comprehensive, easy to talk with, generous, wise, intelligent, caring... That's why I...

-Are you sure? – asked Edgar, still doubtful.

Terra then put her arms around his neck and buried her face in his chest.

-Of course I'm sure... - she said – I love you and I always will...

Edgar felt an intense happiness warming his chest and putting his good arm around her waist he said to her ear:

-And I love you – Terra raised her face and a smile lit her face, they stared into each other eyes as their lips grew closer. And finally their lips met. It was a kiss full of tenderness, love, passion, and commitment, with each other and with themselves.

-Finally!!! – they heard minutes later. They broke apart and blushed when they saw all of their friends, watching them with smiles, some of happiness, some of mock. -You've been there all the time? – asked Edgar as Terra hide her red face on his chest.

-Only since you had the stupidest face I've ever seen – answered Setzer – Congratulations, by the way.

-Yeah – said Locke, with a drunk voice – It was about time, you were boring me.

-I'm happy for both of you – said Celes – Now, I guess you want some privacy, so come with me – she said pushing everybody inside the house – And lets get you something to vomit your guts out.

They all returned inside. Terra and Edgar began to laugh, before they kissed again.

It was the begging of a bright future, full of love and peace.


AUTHOR'S NOTES: Well, this is the end of my first fic and I want to thank all of my reviewers, for the time and patience to read my fic. Each review encouraged me to keep writing. Until next time.
