For the next couple weeks everything pretty much went back to normal. Madison and Ephram both decided that she should go on the pill, and they were both pretty happy. Then the dreaded "point" decided to show its face. The couple started fighting constantly about the stupidest things. As soon as they made up they would find something else to fight about. Everything, as Madison had said it would, was getting much harder.

One day, after a particularly nasty fight over Ephram's cologne, Madison knocked on the Brown's door.

Delia answered.

Delia: Madison!

Madison: (bending over to her level) hey sweetie! Is Ephram here?

Delia: You guys had another fight didn't you?

Madison was about to answer, when she looked up and saw Andy walking towards them.

Madison: (standing up straight) Hi Dr. Brown

Andy: Hi Madison...(he looked at Delia) Delia, I thought I asked you to clean your room?

Delia: Well I thought you would forget...

Andy: Nice try...go...(he pointed up the stairs)

Delia put her head down and stomped up the stairs.

Madison: Is Ephram home?

Andy: No actually...he's been out all day...but he did leave you a message...

Madison: a message?

Andy: Yeah...he said you would know where he was...and to meet him there

Madison thought about it for a second, she had no idea what Ephram meant by this, then suddenly she remembered. It had been so long since they had been there, their spot by the lake, she had almost forgotten about it.

Madison: (smiled) ok...thanks

Andy: No problem...good luck

Madison walked away as Andy smiled to himself and closed the door.

Madison drove for a while, she had no idea what Ephram was up to. She just wanted to apologize to him for earlier. The past 2 weeks had been really hard for them, she just wanted to make sure that he was still in it, but this whole meeting at their "spot" thing scared her. What if he wants to break up? She couldn't even handle the thought of that.

She finally got there, but sat in her car for a couple minutes, still thinking to herself. She finally got out and made her way over to where Ephram was sitting. She stopped a couple feet behind him and tried to see his expression. Maybe it would clue her in to what this was all about. She couldn't really see his face because he was looking forward, but she did notice that he was playing with a small box. What could that be? She finally walked up and sat down next to him. He didn't say anything, just continued to look forward.

Madison: (looked forward at the sunset) It's beautiful...

Ephram: Yeah...

Madison: I'm sorry Ephram...the whole thing was just stupid...I mean looking back on all the fights we've had these past couple weeks, all of them have been pretty stupid...

Ephram: I know...

Ephram looked over at her and noticed that she was staring at the box in his hand. He decided to explain it.

Ephram: (holding up the box) I bought this like a week ago...after the fight about sharing toothbrushes (Madison smiled) I-I just wanted you to know that I was getting through this point thing...

Madison looked at him happily, but also confused. Ephram saw this and continued.

Ephram: It's a promise ring...f-for your right hand...I was waiting for the right time to give it to you, but...I don't know, I couldn't find the right time...and then earlier...well that was one of the worst fights that we've ever had...and it was about cologne! S-so I came out think about what to do with this...with us

Madison was starting to cry now, she wasn't sure where this was going and she feared the worst.

Ephram: (continued) and I figured it out...I know where I am...I just need to know where...I need to know where you are Madison...if you're in this, if you're committed...if we're gonna get through this...cause I'm in this...and if you're not then-

Madison: (cutting him off) I'm in it...I'm committed to us...and I know we're gonna get through it

Madison lifted her hand to wipe away tears, but Ephram stopped her and wiped them away for her. Madison smiled as Ephram opened the box to reveal a beautiful silver ring, with a silver heart in the center. He took Madison's right hand and slipped it on her ring finger, he held her hand in his as she leaned in and kissed him. She rested her head on his shoulder and they watched the sunset in each other's arms.

Madison: We're gonna get through this

Ephram: (rubbed her back) I know we will

Madison: I love you

Ephram: I love you too...always


A/N: I would just like to thank all of the readers. It's so sad to see this story come to an end, it seems like the end of an era, but I think it's time. Thank you to everyone that reviewed, and encouraged me, I appreciate it more than you know. I hope you liked the ending, I really tried to make it work. Thanks again to everyone.

P.S. Maybe sometime in the future I will write a sequel, but for now I am just working on my other fanfics.