A/N: Thanks for all your support

Chapter 11: Misery and Despair


I woke up at around 3 in the morning recalling the night events. I felt miserable and confused; I mean, it wasn't supposed to end up like this, Hao was the one who taught me pain and anguish, he taught me how it was to cry and regret. He was the one who murdered my parents and destroyed my home. He was the one who took my life for all its worth but, just last night I gave myself entirely to him, and I would have been a liar if I would have said I didn't enjoy it.........I actually did but I couldn't help but question myself why? Or atleast why him?

"Kami-sama........." I murmured to no one in particular as I finally urged myself to stand up. I gathered my discarded attire and lazily put them on within less than a minute. I then quietly exited the room, having noticed that Ren and Horo Horo were still asleep in each other's arms after their late night activities. I faked a smile as I soundlessly closed the door and headed towards the balcony.

The breeze was nice, and somehow it helped clear my thoughts as I gazed at dark sky. "Normally there would still be a few stars even at this time........." a familiar voice said as I turned to see Yoh heading towards me, and abruptly leaning against the railing. "Ne, What are you doing up Lyserg-kun? Isn't my nii-chan with you?"

"He left" I replied blatantly as I stayed beside him. "Um, why are you still awake Yoh-kun?"

"Huh? Uhm.........well there were these really weird noises coming from your room, so I couldn't really get any sleep" the shaman replied as I automatically turned to an intense shade of red having remembered myself and Hao to mention Ren and Horo Horo doing it all night long. Yoh smiled knowingly "To say that Ryu's wet dreams about you gets worst by the minute"

"WHAT?" I paled as Yoh started to laugh. I didn't really care if Ryu was having wet dreams but the mere fact that it was about me was pretty much disturbing.

"Well he was doing this weird groaning sounds and was uhm.........moaning your name"

"You expect me to believe that, lair?" I growled irritably as Yoh grinned at me in reply

"I'm not! I'm only telling just truth" he replied and I was speechless. Afterall Hao usually quoted the same thing and having to think of the shaman all over again confused me more "Daijobu Lyserg-kun?" Yoh blurted out as he glanced at me. I must have looked pathetic

"It's nothing Yoh-kun" I faked a smile

"You miss him don't you?"

"Huh? O-ofcourse not.........w-why would I?"

"Do you um.........love him?"

"............I don't know........." I replied, finally giving in. It's weird but Yoh had this certain charisma that makes you want to trust him. He was so like Hao but different.........

"Ne, you know what? I think he loves you........."

I smiled and shook my head "Are you sure it's love and not lust?" I replied coldly as Yoh only shook his head in reply.

"If it was just lust then why would he protect you from Marco? Or why would he bother salvaging you from Anna-san? To mention that why would he want to make Ryu jealous and grope you all the time?" Yoh pouted as I smiled. Hao usually groped me because he was a sly hentai baka who wanted to get into my pants ever so often.........well he definitely got what he wanted

"Ne, Yoh? Do you thinks it's wrong?"

"What's wrong?"

"To fall in love with him, he murdered my parents"

"Maybe he had a reason for doing it.........everyone does........." Yoh replied before turning his gaze at the sky. I never really thought of that. If Hao DID had a reason for killing my parents then I definitely wanted to know what it was.

"Yoh............" I murmured, "Anna-san said about this being Hao's last night............d-did she mean it literally? Or was it just a bluff?" I stuttered as I felt my cheeks reddened

Yoh frowned before turning his gaze at me "Iie.........She had meant it literally" he murmured "Lyserg.........we have to defeat Hao before he claims the great spirits"

"Oh........." I muttered not entirely sure on what to say. "Defeat him.........that's all we have to do right.........we don't need to kill him or anything ne Yoh?" I finally blurted out as I abruptly grasped the other's shoulder and started shaking him. Yoh frowned

"I don't know Lyserg.........but we might have too.........either that or the Great Spirit will do the job for us" he replied as I felt myself freeze at the abrupt revelation. Why was this happening to me? First my parents and now, the one person I had claimed to love? Were the Gods THAT cruel to mankind?

That was it. I couldn't help myself any longer as I walked towards Yoh and abruptly buried my head in his chest. I couldn't hide my emotions anymore as I burst out crying in his arms. The shaman just stood there before wrapping his arms around my waist.

Hao was an idiot!!! Why did he have to claim the great spirits in the first place? For power? For redemption? Or was he just a suicidal fool? It was weird that I was feeling this way.........Hao was the one who taught me...........made me cry and regret.........

And yes, I regretted having fallen in love with him, but until the end Hao was still the one who made me cry.........


I got back to the forest at about quarter to three. My companions were all asleep and I didn't bother on waking them up for my sake as I settled myself on top of a tall tree. Okay, true enough I was feeling guilty for having left Lyserg alone, it was alien that I had already missed the boy's touch, that I already missed him. I sometimes wonder what made this boy, Lyserg so special?

"Hao-sama?" Opacho's tiny voice interrupted me from my reverie as I glanced at him from down below. I faked a smile as I leaped down to meet with him. "Hao-sama, we were worried" my slave murmured sadly as I patted him on the head

"I'm sorry, I just needed some time alone. Now go to sleep" I commanded as the boy only glanced at me

"Is Hao-sama alright?" he persisted as I chuckled a bit.

"Yes Opacho, Hao-sama is fine........."

"No you're not............" the boy suddenly blurted out and looked down as he finally realized what he had just said, "I-'m sorry............it's just that" he stuttered as I smiled at him apologetically.

"You don't need to be sorry Opacho" I sighed "And you might say I'm just a bit agitated............I'll be afterall claiming the Great Spirit"

The boy's eyes widened "B-but Yoh-sama.........and Lyserg?"

I frowned "I'll have to kill them if they do stand in my way.........and Lyserg is not an option" I muttered as I hopped back to the tree top and refusing to hold another conversation with my slave. Did I really mean that? Was I really serious when I said I would kill even Lyserg if he stood in my way.........was I even capable of doing it?

How pathetic can I be as I plainly faked a smile as if assuring myself that everything would work out fine.........


I watched as Yoh held the boy Lyserg in his arms. I pitied the boy, but I never bothered on showing it, atleast not to anyone. It was around 2:30 when Hao, yes, Hao, the obnoxious one of the Asakura twins decided to talk to me. Being the itako that I was I agreed, it was the least I could do.

"So you know?" he whispered

"Know what?"

"The outcome of the final battle? My bloodline DID teach you to predict the future didn't they?"

"Yes........." I replied coldly

He smiled "Do you know why I do this Anna?" Hao muttered, having the guts to call me by my first name, but I shook my head nevertheless. "Because it was meant to be.........it's as simple as that"


"An accursed child, a heretic, a devil incarnate............that's what I am" he continued on

"And Lyserg............" I questioned

"I'm hoping that he'd understand............"

"And if he doesn't?" I asked as Hao plainly shrugged

"It doesn't matter anymore, Anna............I'm gonna die anyways............"

I shook my head "It's your decision Hao.........but you CAN change this you know........."

"Perhaps.........but I don't regret a thing." He replied solemnly and I knew for a fact that he was satisfied that Lyserg had given him something that no one had ever given him before. He was satisfied enough that he had known the boy and it was now his decision with what to do.


I know it was confusing but the next chapter will explain everything. (I'm not yet sure but it maybe the last chapter) Please read and review.

My author's note got earased so again if you don't like yaoi then please don't bother reading/giving me bad reviews because you have been warned!!! Thanks, and yes schools' a bitch.......oh well, god bless to all of ya!