A/N: I'm blushing here frm your compliments... ;-)

Kristen: Oh my God! You told me I was as good as J. K. Rowling... Wow!!! That was the most wonderful compliment I could ask for! Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D I will always remember you for that!


Draco knew he had failed in convincing Hermione. He would have gone home immediately - had he not been afraid of his mother's reaction.

He remembered her words: Beg on your knees if you must! This meant that he had to do whatever he could to make Hermione forgive him. Anything.

He stayed in the park for the rest of the day, thinking hard. What could he do to make Hermione forgive him? He was truly sorry for what he had done to her; he felt ashamed of himself when he remembered how he left her to take care of a baby all by herself. But he was only human. Everybody is allowed to make mistakes, aren't they?

Why couldn't she forgive him?

He stayed awake all night, too, sitting on the bench and forcing himself to think. What could he do? Send her flowers?

No, she would tear them into pieces.

Send her an apology letter? No, she wouldn't even open it, she's too angry.

Go and beg like his mother told him to? No. There must be another way to make her forgive him! Hermione didn't seem like a person who liked people begging on their knees in front of her. Draco was happy about that, because he didn't really feel like doing it.

Eventually, he realized he had no idea how to make her forgive him. He had to consult with someone. The only question was WHO...


"He did WHAT?!"

"He told me he still loved me," Hermione repeated. "He told me he had never forgotten me and always wanted me back."

"Well, that's odd, because he had definitely shown another thing lately," said Ron bitterly.

It was the same day, and they were sitting in Harry and Ron's place on the couch. Hermione's parents were watching Monica again while Hermione went out. She had to tell her best friends what had happened that morning.

"How dare he come back and tell you this," said Harry, his voice breaking with fury. "After all this! Just coming back, telling you he still loves you - I'm glad you didn't take him back, Hermione, I knew you were too smart to do this. He underestimated you if he really thought you'll forgive him this easily."

"Actually, I'm not sure I won't forgive him one day," said Hermione quietly. She felt very uncomfortable saying this, but they were her best friends, and they had to know the truth about her feelings...

Harry and Ron were both quiet for a moment. Then Ron said in a low voice: "What?"

"I know I don't have any self-respect, but I still love him," said Hermione with a long sigh. Harry and Ron both stared as she went on: "I don't want to love him. I want to hate him for what he did to me. He doesn't deserve my love just as Monica doesn't deserve such a father, but - "

"That's it! Monica!" said Ron. "You don't know - what if - say you forgive him and take him back, then what? Then you'll have to let him be a parent. Do you really want Monica to have HIM as a father? She may even become Monica Malfoy instead of Granger!"

"I know," said Hermione, "this is the only reason I didn't take him back when he apologized - because his apology was too touching, and he also seemed honest - but I kept thinking about Monica."

"And this was the best thing you could do," said Harry hotly.

"But listen, you guys," said Hermione, "I'm afraid he's not going to give up that easy. He'll come back, I know he will, and I'm not sure I'll be strong enough to turn him down for a long time."

"So - you might take him back?" asked Ron.

"That's what I've been trying to say, yes."

She expected them to protest and try to convince her, but they both just shrugged and nodded.

"Look, Hermione, it's your choice," said Harry. "We're not going to stop you from doing as you wish. I also kind of understand you."

"Yeah, me too," Ron added.

"Thank you," said Hermione softly.


Ginny had gone out with a friend that night and spent the entire evening with her. She returned home at about 11:00 P.M., but just as she walked into the region of The Burrow, someone caught her from behind.

"Oh!" she shrieked and turned around. There stood no other than the infamous Draco Malfoy, his blond hair almost glowing in the dark, his eyes dark-gray and narrowed.

"You!" said Ginny angrily. She wasn't afraid at all now; Ginny had spent most of her last four years in Hogwarts practicing for Quidditch. She was muscled and well-built, and could beat up most guys easily. Her marks in Charms and Defence Again the Dark Arts were specifically high, so she could also cast many useful spells as well.

"What are you doing here?" she demanded.

"Looking for you," he replied immediately.

"Well, here I am." She folded her arms and gave him a dirty look. "What do you want?"

"Nothing much. I need advice."

"Advice? From me?" Ginny couldn't hide her surprise.

"Yes," he answered, "you're the only one who can give me the advice I need. You're Hermione's friend and you're also a girl."

"And what on earth makes you think I'll give you anything you need?"

Draco swallowed hard. "I want to make up with Hermione," he said. "I love her. I know what an idiot I've been during the last year, I know what I've done to her, and I regret everything, I really do. This is one of the reasons, but it's not the main one." He took a deep breath; Ginny knew he had a hard time confessing in front of her - he had never even talked to her before. "

"What is the main reason?" she asked.

"Well - I have a daughter now," said Draco, "I saw her this morning for the first time, when I came to apologize in front of Hermione and ask her to take me back. And, I saw Monica and everything and - what can I tell you, it was the most amazing thing in the world, Ginny. I saw my own daughter, and she has Hermione's eyes and my hair and - I can't even describe it. Anyway, SHE'S the main reason, you see what I mean? I have to be with my child. I simply have to. I'll die if Hermione doesn't agree. Please, Ginny, you have to help me."

Ginny felt confused after this speech. She didn't know what to do. But after a few minutes of deep thought, she reached a decision.

"All right," she said, nodding. "I'll help you."

"Oh, thank you so much, Ginny!" Draco looked grateful.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah, just don't mention that to anyone," said Ginny impatiently. "OK now. I first have to know what you said to Hermione when you apologized."

"Well," said Draco, biting his lip and trying to remember, "I told her that I've loved her all that time, that I never forgot her, and that I would do anything to make it up to her if she could forgive me."

"And?" said Ginny.

"And - what?"

"That was everything you told her?"

"Sort of, yes."

"You didn't mention Monica in your apology, not even once?"

"Umm - no, I think I didn't."

Ginny sighed loudly and rolled her eyes. "You idiot," she cried, and Draco felt he was really getting sick of all these women calling him an idiot all the time. "Don't you get it? If you want her back - you can't talk about her all the time!"

"What?" Draco gazed at her, knowing he looked just as stupid as he felt. "What are you talking about? I thought you women LIKED us talking about you all the time!"

"Yes, but not in this case," said Ginny, stomping her feet. "I guess you're not going to understand by yourself, huh? All right, look. If you tell her what you told me about Monica, how you felt when you saw her and why you have to be with her and everything, and say it exactly as you feel, it might work."

"But don't you think it could be better to tell Hermione how much I love HER?"

"You've already seen the results of this - haven't you? You just have to trust me. So, tell her how you feel about Monica. This is the best advice I can give you."

"But WHY? Why would she listen to that?"

"Because she's a mother and Monica is her child, and she cares about Monica more than she cares about herself. She wants the best for Monica and not for herself, so if you manage to covince her that YOU are the best thing for Monica, she'd take you back."

"Are you sure?"

Ginny gave him a hard look. "Just go and do it, Malfoy," she said sharply.

He turned away.

"Oh," said Ginny, "and good luck."

Draco turned again to smile at her. "Thanks - Ginny."


Monica had always been a peaceful, sweet baby. She used to sleep very well, nearly never waking up in the middle of the night. However, in the night before - after Hermione and Draco had a fight, just before he spent the night on her doorstep - Monica must had been affected by her parents' anger. She slept very badly that night and woke Hermione up three times. This was, in fact, one of the reasons Hermione was so nervous and angry in the morning, which caused her to shout at Draco like that. She was just tired.

That night, however, right after leaving Harry and Ron's house and picking Monica up from her parents' house, Hermione went to bed. She was exhasted and dozed off a few seconds after getting into her bed.

But apparently, she was very unlucky about sleeping. Only two hours later, a loud knock on the front door woke her up. She was so tired, she wanted to ignore it and go back to sleep, but then she heard the knock again. She stared at the clock on the bedside. It was nearly midnight. "Damn!" she complained and got up.

As she opened the door, she almost fell off her feet. Draco was standing there, and after confessing her love for him in front of her friends only few hours before, he took her breath away. She wanted to stay calm, but the surprise was too big.

"Draco?!" she said, gazing at him in disbelief.

"Yeah, it's me," he said seriously.

"It's almost midnight - what the hell are you doing here?" she became angry again. "I thought I told you something this morning! Haven't I made myself clear enough?"

"Yes, you did," said Draco in a low voice, "but there's something you ought to know."

"Says who?"

"Says me."

"Does it have to be in the dead of the night?" she leaned on the lintel. "Couldn't it wait until tomrrow? I'm too tired."

"I know, me too. But it's really urgent."

"Fine," she replied tiredly. "Go ahead. Talk."

"Can I come in?" he asked hesitantly. "We'll be more comfortable."

She narrowed her eyes again and thought for a moment; maybe her tiredness beat her. "Fine," she said and let him go in. She closed the door, led him to the living room and sat down.

He looked around as he walked after her. The house was small and furnished quite simply, but it looked warm and inviting, just as he had expected Hermione's place to be. Then he thought about Monica. She came here as a baby and was brought up in this house.

He sat down next to her and she looked at him.

"Right," said Draco. He bit his lip. This was going to be difficult.

"Talk," said Hermione with a big yawn, "before I fall asleep."

"Yes," he said. "Well - I - "

How was he going to put this?

"Look, Hermione," he suddenly said, throwing cautious to the wind, "I'm not here to talk to you about us again. You already know how much I love you, but it's not what I want to say. What I really want to talk to you about is - Monica."

That seemed to get Hermione more alert.

"You see," Draco continued heavily, "I saw her this morning for the first time, and - and it completely broke me down. She's simply - everything. You probably know what I mean... you're the only one who knows. You're the mother, and you know how you would feel in my place."

He looked at Hermione, begging her silently to respond, but she didn't, so he had to go on:

"I'm not asking you to forgive what I did to you. I know it's too hard. All I'm asking is that you'll let me see my daughter - from time to time. Because I - I'm her father, and I don't want her to be fatherless just because of my stupidity. Please, Hermione, let me be the father of my child. I need her. I'm sure she needs me. Today in the garden - I don't know how to explain it, there was an immediate connection between us, you saw it yourself. Hermione, I have to be with Monica. Will you - allow me?"

Hermione gazed at him for another moment, then she looked down.

"Please," said Draco again.

"Draco, I - I don't know what to say," said Hermione, not looking at him. "It's just - so hard. It's hard for me to make such a decision, you see?"

She raised her eyes. "I believe you," she said softly, "but I don't know... I just don't know what to do."

"I won't press it on you," said Draco quietly. "Let me know when you decide."

He got to his feet and walked towards the front door. He opened and went out. The cool night air hit his face as he closed the door behind him and began to walk away. He almost reached the gates of the small garden and -


He turned around. Hermione was running over to him, crying; she ran from the door, leaving it open, and threw herself in his arms.

Draco was too shocked to react, but Hermione threw her arms around him and sobbed into his shoulder. He raised his hand and stroked her long, beautiful curls as she clung onto him.

Eventually, she raised her head and looked straight into his eyes; their faces were suddenly so close.

"I love you, Hermione," he whispered.

"I love you too, Draco," she whispered back. "I've never stopped loving you. And I know what to do now."

She moved closer to him, her lips so close, but just as they touched his - he pulled back. "Are you sure, Hermione?" he asked, searching for any sign of doubt. "I don't want you to ever resent this. You have to make a decision you'll never regret about. Are you sure?"

"I am," she answered truthfully. "I love you with all my heart, and I know Monica does, too. We both need you. I know what's right for us."

"You are my princess," he whispered, not even knowing why he was whispering.

"No, Draco, we already have another princess," Hermione replied, in the most beautiful smile Draco had ever seen before. "Monica is our princess."

And then their lips connected in a kiss, and the darkness around them seemed like a sunlit day in their eyes; as they laughed and talked and kissed, and got back into the house, none of them felt tired anymore (although they were exhausted) - all the wanted to do was spend as much time as they could with each other, confessing their love, planning the future and blabbering about nonesense - normal stuff that tired people do, especially when they are madly, insanely, desperately in love with each other.



A/N: Oh, wow, it's over - I don't believe it!!! I've already become to connected to this story... :( But anyway - all good things must come to an end, and at least this ending was good! I just wanted to say that I had a great time writing this story, especially thanks to all the wonderful reviews I got and appreciated. Thank you.