A/N: I am sooo sorry about the delay. I'm a very bad author. I got a virus, something called a Trojan on my computer, and it made my computer restart automatically every 2 minutes. It was very frustrating. I'm not sure how this story is going right now, I don't know if I really want to continue this story anymore. I'll try my best to see what happens. READ AND REVIEW PLEASE!!!!

Disclaimer: I wished I own Oliver and Draco, but sadly, I do not...


Chapter 10

Hermione woke up early the next morning feeling refreshed and ready to start the school year. She got out of bed and walked over to her window. She looked outside to see no one on the school ground.

Hermione slapped her hand on her forehead, "It's Saturday, no wonder no one is on the ground."

Hermione decided to get dress since she wasn't going to fall back to sleep anyways. She walked to her large closet and looked around her surrounding before selecting her attire for the day. She looked in the mirror once more.

"Very nice, Hermione," the mirror said.

"How did you know my name?" asked Hermione in surprise.

"Why my dear, I know everyone's name that lived in this room," the mirror replied.

"Ok, then what's your name?" Hermione asked.

"I'm known as Quinn," Quinn answered.

Hermione smiled, "Nice to meet you then Quinn. I would love to stay, but I figure I take a look at the books outside my room."

"No problem, I'll be here, I can't exactly move," Quinn answered.

Hermione smiled at Quinn one last time before stepping out of her door. Hermione walked down the grand staircase still looking around her surroundings. She quickly walked over to a section and began looking through the different books. She grabbed a book that caught her attention and opened it starting to read. She walked over to her couch with her nose in the book, and curled up as she sat down.


Draco woke up a few minutes after Hermione did and looked out his window. He groaned as the bright light streamed into the room.

"Remind myself to close the curtains before I go to sleep at night," he grumbled before throwing his cover over his blond head.

The room was silent for a moment before Draco gave a sigh and pushed the cover away. He stared at his ceiling for a moment before throwing his legs over the side of his bed.

"Might as well get up, I can't go back to sleep," Draco mumbled to no one.

He dragged himself into his closet and grabbed some clothes for the day. He quickly put his clothes on, and looked in his mirror.

"Looking good, Draco," his mirror said.

Draco smirked at the mirror, "Of course I look good," he replied.

"My my, what confidence in your looks you have, but I can understand," the mirror said, "By the way, my name is Teelan."

Draco nodded at the mirror acknowledging his introduction.

"Tell me, why are you up this early?" Teelan asked, "If I'm not mistaking, it's a Saturday, and students don't have classes today."

"You're correct Teelan, but I forgot to close the bloody blinds last night, and the light disturbed my sleep," Draco replied.

"Ahh, of course," Teelan said.

"Well, I'm leaving now," Draco said, "See ya when I get back, Teelan."

"Voyez-vous plus défunt, Draco," Teelan replied.

Draco nodded before leaving the room.

Draco walked down the winding stairs taking in his surroundings before settling on a figure on a Gryffindor couch.

"Figures she would be up at the ungodly hour reading," Draco thought.

He watched her for a moment more before deciding to disturb her reading by clearing his throat.


Hermione was caught up in her reading that she didn't notice Draco walking down the stairs. She didn't realize he was there until he cleared his throat. She looked up at him expecting some rude remark from him, instead she got a surprise.

"Granger, I..." Draco trailed off.

"Ugh, why can't I just apologize, just two simple words," Draco thought.

"You what Malfoy?" Hermione asked with interest with one of her left eyebrow raised.

Draco cleared his throat once more before whispering, "I'm sorry."

Hermione thought her ears were playing tricks on her when she heard him apologize.

"You're what?" she asked in amazement.

Draco groaned inwardly before he said it louder.

"I'm sorry for what I've said last night."

Hermione looked shocked, and then replied, "Just for last night?"

She closed her book and walked toward Draco trying to hold her anger in.

"What about the past 5 years of name calling and bullying? What about the past 5 years of pain you've caused? What about the past 5 years of making me and my friends miserable?" Hermione asked with her fist clenched at her side.

Draco tried not to flinch at her tone of voice.

He looked into her cinnamon eyes, seeing the pain radiating out from them.

"I'm sorry for the past 5 years of pain, I'm sorry for everything that I've ever done to cause you pain, I'm sorry," Draco whispered.

Hermione's eyes soften a little at the sincerity in his eyes, but her voice still held its indifference.

"I don't know if I should believe you Malfoy, not after all you've done," Hermione whispered.

Hermione looked into Draco's eyes before walking away from him. She walked toward the exit only hesitating once.

"Not until you prove it," Hermione whispered before walking out of the portrait.


"Not until you prove it," Draco heard her whisper before disappearing through the portrait.

He walked over to the couch and plopped down with unDracoish grace. He put his head into his hands and groaned out loud for the first time that morning.

"I tired to apologize, I tried, but she wants me to prove it? How can I prove that I'm sorry to someone that I've taunted for over 5 years?" Draco asked out loud, "This is too hard, and I'm getting a headache from all of this thinking."


A/N: That's the end of Chapter 10, I hope everyone liked this. I wonder what Draco will do in order to make Hermione believe him? Hmm...Maybe I should continue the story...I don't know. I'm hoping I'll be able to. But so far, it seems as if a lot of things are trying to keep me from writing this story. Anyways, liked I said, I'll see what happens. This chapter is so far the longest out of all of them. Almost 1000 words. Please READ AND REVIEW!!!!