Hello, and welcome to chapter 8!

Shuriken: Yeah, I know it's kind of weird that Starfire got what was wrong on the first guess, but I was lazy and wanted to move the plot along quicker. It isn't that Raven lost the memory of her emotions, she can't feel them. When you think of the word "happy," you kind of picture times you were happy or things that make you happy. You just understand the emotion without words. Raven can't picture things that make her happy because nothing makes her happy. Someone has to teach her a word definition so she can understand happy in a new way. And, I know physical pain isn't an emotion. That's why Beast Boy is comparing emotions to physical pains for Raven to understand them. I guess I didn't make this clear, but the blood on Raven's hand and arm wasn't hers. It was from the guards. The point I was trying to make was that Raven had just murdered, not wounded but murdered, those guards in cold blood. Thanks for pointing those things out though.

Woodelf193: No, she doesn't. Beast Boy's having a heckuva time with her, isn't he?

TsukasaSIGN: Yeah, I hate cliffies too. But if I didn't make cliffies, who's to say anyone'd come back later?

Possesed Angel: Yep. She sure is. BTW, cool name!

Mars: Don't worry, your first review wasn't a flamer. What you did was constructive criticism, and thank you for that. I was just trying to get through chapter 1 so I could get to the actually interesting bit.

High Mage Kaizen: No, thank YOU for beta-ing! Hope you liked my advice on Crimson Shower, Scarlet Rain. And thanks for beta-ing again.

Chocolate covered Videl: Glad you like, and update I will.

Disclaimer: Don't own anything. 'Cept the plot. I own that. yee!


"R-raven!" Beast Boy gasped, grabbing her hand and pulling it up. "What happened to you?!"

"Nothing happened to me," Raven said evenly. "I stopped four guards from hurting me, and stopped three more from hurting Starfire, Cyborg, and Robin. I am uninjured, and I think they are too."

"Stopped them?" Beast Boy echoed. "Stopped them how?"

"I stabbed one in the chest with this metal, I stabbed the second one in the stomach but he kept moving so I cut his jugular..."

"Enough!" Beast Boy said. "I don't want to hear any more. I get the picture. You killed them."

"Yes," Raven said.

Beast Boy shuddered at all the blood on Raven's hand. He let it drop.

"Are you cold?" Raven asked. "You shivered."

"Yeah..." Beast Boy said slowly. "I think I am cold."

"Would you like to borrow my cloak? I'm not cold."

Beast Boy looked at the blood on Raven's cloak and shook his head wildly. "NO! I mean... no. It's not that kind of cold."

"Are you creeped out?"

Beast Boy looked at Raven. "Yeah... kinda... no."


Beast Boy nodded slowly. "Yeah... how'd you figure that out?"

"You told me what horrified means."

There were slow footsteps around the corner. Raven and Beast Boy whirled around, Raven raising her metal shard defensively.

"No, let me take care of this," Beast Boy commanded, stepping in front.

The footsteps came closer, and around the corner came... Robin.

Beast Boy relaxed, and stepped forward. "Robin! What a relief! I thought you were someone else."

"Yeah, well..." Robin cleared his throat. "I think Raven took care of that." He opened his mouth to say something more, but never got the chance to.

"We should go," Raven said, starting to walk. "Slade is getting farther ahead."

"Right," Beast Boy said, following, Robin right behind him.

They walked in silence a few minutes, following Raven, before Robin spoke to Beast Boy again.

"Do you know what Raven did back there?" Robin whispered.

"Kill the guards? Yeah," Beast Boy whispered back. "But she did it to protect you, right?"

"That's not all I'm concerned about," Robin said ominously. "It's the fact that after she had killed three and the others started running away, she caught them and killed them too." Beast Boy's eyes widened.

"She's dangerous like this," Robin said. "You know it as well as I do. And you don't know how to help her."

"That's not true! I have a plan!" Beast Boy protested. "At least, I think I do."

"How good is it? Are you sure it'll work?" Robin demanded. "I think we should just go ahead and send her some place she can get help."

"What?? NO!" Beast Boy said angrily. Raven stopped walking and turned around.

"Is there something wrong?" she asked. She seemed to be asking that a lot lately. For a person who didn't care about other people...

"No, keep going," Beast Boy said. "We're just talking."

"Okay," Raven said, turning and leading the way again.

"Man, she's like Ella Enchanted, isn't she?" Beast Boy commented.

"Don't change the subject!" Robin said. "Listen, you can't help her on your own."

"Yes I can," Beast Boy growled. "You're just trying to get her to go away because you're— you're— scared of her!"

Robin glared at Beast Boy. "I'm not scared of Raven. Why would I be?"

"Because she just killed seven people, can't feel, doesn't understand half the things we're saying and says things we can't understand, and she has that creepy look in her eye," Beast Boy listed, counting off the reasons on his fingers. "Look, if I think I can help her and you think I can't, maybe we should get an objective opinion?"

Beast Boy looked forward. "What do you think, Rave?"

"Beast Boy seems capable of helping me get my emotions back if he wants to," Raven said. Robin's jaw dropped.

"She was LISTENING?!" Robin asked.

"Yeah," Beast Boy said. "We were yelling half the time."

"Well, her opinion isn't exactly objective, is it?" Robin said, changing the subject. "She has something to gain by letting you help her."

"You think she wants emotions?" Beast Boy said. "All she wants is to survive. I said before, she's running on animal emotions, and that's all they want. They don't want emotions or anything like that. Just to survive and help the group they're with survive, if they're in a group. And, believe it or not, Raven was helping you earlier, when she freed you and Star and Cyborg..." Beast Boy stopped. "Where are they, anyway?"

"Starfire got freaked out, so Cyborg is taking her back to Titan Tower to rest a little," Robin explained.

"Look in there," Raven said. She'd reached a door, and was holding it open. Light poured out of it. Robin and Beast Boy carefully looked through.

It opened into a glass elevator. They stepped inside and closed the door behind them. "Weird," Beast Boy said. "An elevator with a normal door."

Looking through the walls, they saw Slade down below them. A young man was tied in a chair, a wild, frightened look in his eyes. Beast Boy noticed Robin's hands clench into fists.

"What did he ever do to Slade?" Robin muttered. "He doesn't deserve to be trapped like that."

"Then we should get him out of here," Raven said. Robin looked at Raven like that was the first thing she'd said since she lost her emotions that made sense to him.

Down below, Slade had obviously spoken to the tied-up man, because he focused his eyes on Slade. A few seconds later, he shook his head vigorously. Slade was not pleased. He stepped forward and whacked the man with the back of his hand, hard enough to make the chair topple.

"That JERK!" Robin screamed, punching the wall beside him in frustration. Unfortunately, he had punched the control panel, crushing it with his fist.

The elevator, with the three Titans still inside, went into a free-fall.


So, there ya have it, chapter 8! I know, nothing happened and I ended in a cliffie, but next chapter the Titans get to battle Slade and free James Warp.