'Allo? Anyone readin' this? Yes? Good.

Okay, this is a freaky freak . . . thing . . . that I came up with. It's kinda, repeat, KINDA a Beastboy/Raven, but kinda not. Let's just say it is. Y'know, since the genre is romance. If you don't like Beastboy/Raven fics, pretend this isn't one. You'll be happy. And there's no kissy or anything anyway. ^-^

Let's pretend that, for the fic's sake, that Raven's magic mirror thingie doesn't teleport you into her mind, but actually contains her emotions. So, if it were, say, DESTROYED, she wouldn't have anymore emotions. Do you understand what I'm sayin'? You DO?!? Great, explain it to me! XD

BTW, did anyone notice that Raven spelled backwards is Nevar? That's like never with an A! And never is part of the word Nevermore! I thing I finally understand Edgar Allen Poe's mind. Heh, cool.

And so . . . the fic!

Disclaimer: Don't own them. Nope. However, I DO own your soul! : ] Heheheheh . . . HAW HAW HAW!



Raven dodged another fireball. It hit the wall behind her and exploded. The explosion singed the back of her cape. "Stupid . . . THING!" she yelled, lifting a nearby lightpost and throwing it at the monster.

Yep. Another monster was in town. Destroying anything and everything in its path. It shot fireballs out of its mouth that exploded when it hit things. Original, eh? Well, IT'S IMPORTANT TO THE PLOT, so get used to the cliché- ness of it.

Starfire threw a ball of that green energy stuff at the monster, driving it back into the lake around Titan Tower. It roared, and sent a huge fireball flying towards Starfire, who flew out of the way just in time.

"You okay Star?" Robin asked. Starfire nodded.

Raven uprooted a couple of trees and threw them at the monster. She ignored her teammates. They weren't doing much to help. They were just trying to keep from getting hit. Raven would have to fight this battle.

The monster started powering up a huge fireball in its mouth. Thinking fast, Raven telekinetically raised a wave of water and slammed it into the monster's face, dousing the flame, but also pushing the monster back into Titan Tower. As it fell down onto the tower, Raven suppressed a gasp as she realized what she'd done. She felt her insides shatter as the monster crushed the sixth story. Her room was on that floor.

"My mirror!" Raven cried in anguish, before she fainted.


Pitifully short, huh? Well, this is just the intro. The thingie before the show starts! Yeah! Oh, whatever. It's the prologue, okay?

Expect the next chapter out later today! It's Labor Day, and I finished all my homework Sunday! I have lotsa time to type! *Cringes as all the Invader Zim fans tell me to work on Crossover 1* Um, yeah . . . I'll get to my other fics sometime . . . Heheh . . .