Inuyasha's eyes snapped open as he felt one less presence in the room. Glancing around he noticed Kagome was nowhere in sight. He quickly stood up, feeling something bad was about to happen. Grabbing tetsusaiga, he left the hut in a blurr, running towards the well. As he came upon it, he saw kagome sitting against it, her legs pulled up to her chest and her head down on her arms that were wrapped around her knees.

Kagome glanced up as she felt Inuyasha staring at her. Somehow before she even looked up, she new it had been the man she loved but could never have. Tears sprang to eyes as she thought that. Quickly wiping away the the hated tears she glanced at her beloved.

"Hello, Inuyasha. What are you doing up so late?" She asked, plastering a smile on her face.

Inuyasha looked at Kagome oddly, knowing that she was just putting on an act. Was it for pride or for his benefit? He didn't know.

"Kagome, Why are you out here? And why are you crying?" Inuyasha asked softly, not wanting to upset her anymore.

Kagome stood up and looked down into the well." I'm not crying and i felt like going for a walk." She said simply.

Inuyasha walked over to her and turned her to face him."Kagome, its the middle of the night. It's too dangerous for you too be wandering around. Especially since the Shikon no Tama is now in one piece again."

"Well, the middle of the night seems to be the only time when it's quiet enough for me to think anymore." Kagome looked down at the ground between there feet.

"What's there to think about? Our journey is over. That means we get to relax for once." Inuyasha put a finger under her chin and lifted her face to his.

"No, I feel our journey is just beginning. The jewel will now bring demons from every corner of the country here so they can have it for themself." She shook her head. " I don't know how you of all people could think it's over."

Inuyasha looked closely at Kagome, seeing a dark shadow in her eyes that wasn't normally there. 'This isn't what's bothering her. And why did she come to the well of all places?' "Kagome, tell me what's really bothering you. You weren't planning on leaving without telling anyone, were you?"

Kagome suddenly looked pissed. 'He actually expects me to actually stay when we both know that he's going to hell with Kikyo? If that walking pile of clay were here, I'd probably try to set her on fire. But if I did that Inuyasha would never speak to me again. Shimatta! If only he wasn't so blind to the pain the wench has put us through.'

Kagome glared at Inuyasha." Why the hell shouldn't I go? You'll just be leaving with Kikyo anyways! Personally, that's not something I want to stick around for!" She began walking towards the village when she felt a strong pair of arms encircle her waist. Kagome immediately stiffened up.

"Please, let go of me. I don't feel like having my heartbroken anymore by you. I don't think my heart could take another beating." Kagome said dryly, as though she had been talking about something as mundane as the weather.

Inuyasha's arms let go quickly as though he skin had burnt him.'What did she just say? How many times have i hurt her?' "Kagome, what are you talking about?"He asked quietly.

She whirled to face him, her eyes showing all of her past pain."All those times you went to Kikyo, I sat by and watched as she tried to make you believe that you were better off dead. But that isn't true. Believe it or not, there are people who need you. You are just too caught up in your pain to see it. Sometimes i can't believe how stupid you can be." She continued in a lower voice. "I probably needed you the most. I felt like a part of me died every time you left to see her."

"Kagome..."Inuyasha began in a desperate voice.

"Inuyasha, please, don't get my hopes up. I know that you could never give me all of you. For christ's sake, what am I saying? All I've ever been to you is a shard detector!"Kagome practically screamed.

"Please Kagome, just listen to me for a minute!"Inuyasha said desperately, holding her around the waist again.

"What do you have to say that is so important?"Kagome said in a voice full of contempt.

"I LOVE YOU!!!Is that important enough for you?!"Inuyasha said angrily.

Kagome stood still at this new piece of information."Kagome, please believe me. I love you. Not like how I loved Kikyo, you're right about that. My love for you is just that, pure love, it has nothing to do with you being her reincarnation, i love you for you. I'm alive when I'm with you. I could never be happy with her like I am when I'm with you. Please, tell me you believe me." He said as he hugged Kagome to him.

Kagome felt tears slip down her cheeks."Inuyasha," She turned in his arm to look up at him.'Does he really mean it? Can I really believe that my heart will remain in one piece this time?'

Inuyasha looked into her eyes and saw the weariness in them. 'I guess that I should have expected that, after all that i've put her through. I won't ever let her feel like that again if i can help it.' He wiped the tears from her face. Leaning down slightly, he pressed his lips gently against hers, pouring all the love he felt for her into that kiss.

And of course, who better to ruin the moment than the walking pile of clay, Kikyo.

Kikyo walked out from behind some trees to see couple sharing their first kiss. "Oh, this is priceless. You think you finally got Inuyasha to yourself now, do you, reincarnation?"

Kagome broke off the kiss to glare at Kikyo." Leave. You no longer have power over Inuyasha. Now he knows what he's really worth so take yourself and walk off a cliff. Everyone will be better off with you gone."

Kikyo laughed her terrifyingly evil laugh."So, you think that you actually have his heart now do you? As long as I'm here, you're still only second in his affections. You have heard that originals are always better than copies, haven't you?" She asked wit an evil grin.(A/N:All in all, Kikyo is one evil dead woman.)

Kagome stepped away from Inuyasha, who happened to be wishing he could rip the corpse limb from limb."Do you actually believe that's all I am? A copy of you? Well you couldn't be more wrong." She picked up her bow from next to the well where she put it in case a demon happened along, and aimed it at at Kikyo's black heart.

"You think you can me kill, wench? You could never kill the great miko Kikyo, protector of the Shikon no tama."She said with absolute conviction.

"Well, I gues we'll just have to see, now won't we?" As Kagome let go of the arrow, Kikyo sent about ten of her soul stealers after her. The arrow hit Kikyo square in her chest while it glowed a strange bright pink. Kagome saw this before the soul stealers sent her flying back into the well, the chain on the jewel shard breaking and moving through the air towards Inuyasha.

Right before she fell into the well she screamed to Inuyasha,"I LOVE YOU!!!!!" Then was enveloped in the blinding blue light, taking her back to her own time.

"KAGOME!!!!!!!!!" Inuyasha ran to the well as he picked up the jewel and jumped in. When he reached the bottom and saw he was still in the Feudal Age, he let out a heart-wrenching cry,"KAGGGGOOOMMMMMEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!"

Meanwhile, back at the hut , the group was awoken by Inuyasha's cry.They all looked around wondering where it could have come from. Each of them noticed that Kagome and Inuyasha were not in the room.

"Kagome..."Sango said jumping up and running out of the hut, Followed by Miroku with Shippo on his shoulder. They all headed for the well, somehow knowing Inuyasha would be there. When they got there they could still hear Inuyasha's sobs, but couldn't see him anywhere.

"The well." Miroku said as he looked down into it. And sure enough, there was Inuyasha,still crouched over and sobbing, occasionally calling out Kagome's name." Inuyasha, come up here."Miroku called into the well.

"I'm not leaving here until Kagoe comes back." Inuyasha said through his teeth, tears still streaming down his cheeks. "Kagome..." He whispered,his voice being picked up by the wind so that the three at the top of the well could hear.

Shippo jumped into Sangos arms and began sobbing, Sango had tears slipping down her cheeks, and Miroku looked solemn. None of them moved for a long time.

While in Kagome's time, she had just come through the well and began sobbing also. "Inuyasha..."She said quietly, while kneelling on the ground and putting her head in her arms.

About two hours later, Kagome finally climbed out of the well and slowly made her way up to the house. She opened the back door and went straight upstairs to take a much needed bath.She didn't even bother to see if anyone was home.

After she finished with her bath she went into her room and took a summer dress from her closet and put it on. Kagome put her hair into to braids, then sat on her bed a while crying again.'I lost everyone. All the people that I cared about in that age, lost forever.' She laid back on her bed and ended up crying herself to sleep.

2 years later

Kagome was just pulling up into the driveway as she saw a group af people standing in front of her door.(A/N:Kagome is now 18.)

She got out of the car and locked the doors. Looking up at the groupof people she thought there was something familiar about them but dismissed that."Can I help you?" She asked as she made her way to the front door. She was not prepared for what she saw when they turned to look at her.

"Hello, Kagome." A modern looking Inuyasha called out. As soon as she saw his face she thought that this had to be a cruel dream. When she realized it wasn't, she fainted. Inuyasha caught her before she fell and carried her into the house, giving the keys she dropped to a grown-up Shippo. He opened the door and stepped back so the rest of the group could go in, then shut the door and locked it.

"Is she okay?"Shippo asked worriedly.

Sango bent over Kagome and checked her pulse." She's fine. Luckily we didn't give her a heartattack, though."

Miroku sat on the couch and looked at Kagome." She's certainly changed since we last saw her. Then she looked like a little teenager girl, but now..." He was cut off as Sango hit him upside the head. "Oww. I just meant that she's grown up. After 400 years with me you still don't believe I've changed?"

Sango put a blanket over Kagome." Not in the least." She softened her remark with a smile.

Inuyasha was staring at Kagome, hardly believing that after 400 years he finally had his Kagome back. It was almost too good to be true. He ran a finger along her jawline, then brushed back the hair from her face, admiring his beautiful Kagome.

Kagome began to stir, while her friends watched her, hoping she wouldn't faint again. She slowly opened her eyes and saw all of her old friends from the Feudal Age.' This has to be a dream. First of all, Sango and Miroku Would have died long ago. Second, this just isn't possible.' Inuyasha smiled gently down at her. 'Maybe I'm not dreaming, because Inuyasha would still have long hair if i was.'

"Where are your ears?" Was the first thing that came out of her mouth.

Inuyasha ran his clawless-fingers through her hair." It's a simple spell that can hide stuff like that."

Kagome looked over at Sango,Miroku, and Shippo, then sat up."I'm not dreaming am I?

They all shook there heads. Kagome jumped up and gave Sango a hug. Then Miroku, who surprisingly didn't try to grope her. Shippo knocked her over as he charged at her, knocking them both to the ground,laughing. Kagome had saved Inuyasha for last on purpose. She slowly walked over to him, wondering if he still loved her, if he had waited for her as she had waited for him. She looked into his amber eyes, and threw herself into his arms, tears falling uncontrollably from her eyes.

Inuyasha wrapped his arms around her, at last feeling content. Now they could be together without having to worry about traveling back and forth through time. He felt tears of happiness slipping down his cheeks, mingling with Kagome's.

"I was waiting for you. I knew you'd find me." Kagome whispered against his cheek.

"I knew you would wait for me. I still love you and i always will." He said, now aware that their friends had left the room. Inuyasha pulled back a little and pressed his lips against Kagome's in a gentle yet desperate kiss. Kagome's arms wrapped around his neck as Inuyasha lifted her off the ground.

After about five minutes of kissing they finally pulled back for air. In the kitchen, the rest of the group was watching their best friends reunion.

"That went on for a while." Said Sango.

"About time they came up for air, or they might've drowned." Shippo said, not making all that much sense.

Miroku led the other to into the kitchen."It's only natural for them to do that. Inuyasha han't seen her in 400 years.It's strange though..."

"What is?" Sango asked.

"How did they know to wait for each other? They were 400 years apart yet they still ended up finding each other..."Miroku finished uncertainly.

Back in the livingroom, Kagome and Inuyasha were still embracing."Kagome?"

"Yes, love?"she asked, running her fingers through his hair wishing it was still long.

Suddenly it was almost like they were back in the Feudal Age. Inuyasha's hair was now extremely long, his dog ears were back on his head, and the prayer beads were still around his neck. Kagome looked at the prayer beads and frowned moving her arms back around his neck and took the beads off.

Inuyasha looked surprised."Why did you take them off?"

"I don't think you need them anymore." She noticed that his hanyou features had returned."How did you do that?" Kagome asked as she run her fingers through his long silver hair.

"I just concentrated on my real form and changed." He brushed a piece of hair behind her ear."You're still as beautiful as ever, Kagome."

Kagome blushed and asked,"Do you think you could change back into your human form for a minute? I didn't really get a chance to really see it."

Inuyasha changed back and Kagome looked him up and down. He had kept his silver hair,but it was cut short and slicked back. In Kagome's opinion, he was very handsome but it didn't compare to his hanyou form. Inuyasha was wearing a red t-shirt and back jeans and was very sexy.

Kagome looked Up at Inuyasha." I'm glad you decided to keep your hair and eyes the same color, but i like your hair longer. But it doesn't really matter to me. I love you in any form, human or hanyou."

"You've changed too, you know.Your hair is longer and has pink streaks in it. And you've gotten taller. Before you only reached my chin, but now you're almost as tall as me." He looked closely at her eyes. "Your eyes are more blue now, too"

"I needed a new look so I dyed my hair and I got contacts." She shrugged. Then she suddenly remembered that Sango and Miroku were here also. She walked into the kitchen and sat at the table with them, Inuyasha next to her.

"Okay, right now would be a good time for explanations." She said, looking pointedly at Mirokku and Sango.

They both looked at each other then Miroku nodded. Sango began."Well, after you left and Inuyasha found out that he couldn't go through the well, he was devastated. Miroku and I made a decision that we couldn't let him and Shippo wait for you alone, so we wished on the Shikon no Tama to become hanyou's like Inuyasha. That's why we don't look older and aren't dead."

Kagome was curious to how they looked in their hanyou form, so she asked,"Do you think I could see what your hanyou forms look like?"

They both smiled and nodded. Sango had a pastle pink colored hair that went down to her waist .Her eyes were a darker pink and she had black dog ears like Inuyasha.Miroku had black hair as long as Inuyasha's with silver streaks through it.His eyes were silver outlined with amber.His ears were white like Inuyasha's.

"Wow. Now I feel so left out. Compared to you guys I'm plain." Kagome pouted as they smiled at her and shook their heads.

"That's not true,Kagome." Inuyasha said quietly. 'If only she knew all that we've been through, she wouldn't mind feeling left out.' "I don't think that being left out in this case is all that bad." He stood up and walked out of the kitchen.

Kagome watched as he left, wondering what was wrong. 'Did I say something wrong?'

"Kagome, where's your family?" Shippo asked.

Kagome looked at the now grown up Shippo and smiled."There out of town visiting a relative. They might be gone for a few weeks."

"You can come over to our place when ever you feel like it if you get lonely." Sango said happily.

"Where do you guys live?" Kagome asked.

All of them smiled. "About a block down the street." Miroku said.

"Are you serious? All this time and you lived right next door." She looked down at the table. "How come you never visited earlier?"

They all began fidgetting in their seats. Miroku finally answered. "Well, for us it's been four hundred years since we last saw you. We weren't sure if you were alive or if you even remembered us if you were alive."He replied, his eyes staring at a spot on the table.

"Plus, Inuyasha was really nervous. We just got him to finally go see you." Sango said, glancing at the door leading from the kitchen.

Kagome looked at the door, then at her friends. " I'll be right back you guys. I need to talk to Inuyasha." With that she walked out of the kitchen and upstairs to her room. She opened the door and saw him sitting on her bed. "Inuyasha?" Kagome said as she closed the door behind her.

He looked up at her,then lowered his head again."It's still kind of hard to believe that your standing there. I'm afraid that if I blink you might disappear." He sighed and ran his fingers through his short hair.

Kagome walked over to him and sat beside him on the bed. "Inuyasha, I'm not going anywhere. I promise." She took his hand and entwined their fingers.
