
By : Celeny

Author's Note : Something that seemed to pop into my head. Hermione thinks of her love for Ron, but how she can never truly say the way she feels. Review, my dears?

We talked once.

I know that I love you. I know it somewhere, deep inside, where my blood pounds and I realize that I can't deny it. And it screams, it screams to be shouted and discovered, like a new bone of something long dead. But still I push it away; I shove it to a dark place where it waits, seething, but patient, because it knows that one day it won't be able to be denied anymore. I'm scared of that day.

You smiled at me once.

I felt happiness well inside of me in a pool, then I saw the same happiness in your eyes and we both laughed together. You never noticed, but I did and it was enough. When we sit together, and you touch my arm, or my hand, and I jump because your skin is so warm that it almost burns. I'm terrified that I want it to burn. I find myself staring at you, at the way your lips move and the way your face comes alive.

You kissed me once.

But it was only in my imagination. I still felt the heat that was between us, the way your hand crawled towards my head and buried itself in my hair; a place I wished it would stay, like a body under the earth. I tugged you closer and held your shoulder, and you grinned into my eyes and we were both silent.

You asked me what was wrong once and I said
