A/N: Welcome to Wings of Flame. I hope you enojoy this story, as it's not like most of the trainer fics out there. This first chapter was recently rewritten, os if the writing doesn't seem to be as good in the next chapter, just keep reading: it eventually gets better. I probably won't re-do any more chapters though, because I have a sequal to write! Anyway, read on and enjoy.


Two hundred long, grueling years have passed since that single day in history. It was a day that made all the newspapers and was talked about for months afterward. It was the day when pokemon trainer Ash Ketchum defeated his last opponent in the final match of the World Pokemon League, becoming the youngest Pokemon Master to date at the age of nineteen. His record still has not been broken.

But two hundred years is a long time, and much can happen. Pokemon training was popular and if a person gained some rank, they would be honored as a hero in their town. Life could get no better. More and more pokemon were caught, and more and more trainers searched the forests, plains, and seas. Everyone wanted to be like Ketchum, so naturally they caught his same pokemon. Picachu are now extinct, as are chicorita and squirtle. Charmader and bulbasaur so rarely seen that they might as well be. Now, most plains are wastelands and most forests are bare. Wild pokemon are rarely seen and thought of by most to be myth.

Pokemon training became so popular that Academies were built, schools to teach and train students how to become the best. Trainers do not travel around the country any longer; they stay at their Academy until the age of eighteen. When they graduate they receive a pokemon. For most, this will be their only pokemon, for purchasing another would cost a great deal of money. The reason for this is cloning. Because of the rarity of wild pokemon, they must be created in labs, using DNA strands that are ages old and beginning to fail from strained use.

It is difficult to create a stable pokemon, so the scientists do not want to risk a premature deterioration. A pokemon is given to a child based on that child's strengths so that they might be better suited to help that pokemon. A student that is known to be swift of foot would most likely receive a ponyta or doduo, whereas someone who adapts well to circumstances would acquire an eevee for their first.

The Pokedex is a thing of the past. The classes at the Academies take the place of any information a Pokedex could supply. By the time a student graduates, they already know all the moves of which a pokemon is capable and the best medicine that should be applied to the various types of wounds a pokemon might receive as well as the peculiarities associated with the different types. One has not been seen for decades.

There is a certain student that attends an Academy that is far from her birth town in Cinnabar Island. The student, Erin, does not feel like she fits in there and doesn't care much for protocol and procedure. Because of her indifferent attitude, she has many acquaintances, but little friends. This doesn't bother Erin. In fact, she rather enjoys her solitude, but when she wants company, she wanders over to the laboratory section of the school and helps a scientist by the name of Professor Chronal. He is the closest thing to a friend that Erin has. What Erin is not aware of is that she has a destiny greater than that of the one she is leading inside her Academy