Hey people! The whole Harry Potter FF thing is new to me, okay? So I'm using a plot from one of my other fics, sort of. I like Draco/Hermione and that's about it, so that's what I'm doing. Anyway, I seriously hope you guys like it!

Oh, and just to let you know, I'm not J.K.R.


As Hermione Granger walked through Flourish and Blotts, looking for ink, she couldn't help but notice a small stack of notebooks near the back of the shop. They looked perfectly normal, save for the fact that they were nearly half a mile away from all the other notebooks. Curious, she went to the back of the shop to examine them. She picked up the top one and opened the front cover. Inside there was a poem:

When you're feeling sad or bored

The pen is mightier than the sword

Any Man's thoughts can drive them insane

You can put thoughts in ___________'s brain!

Hermione assumed the line was where you wrote the name of the person you want to write thoughts for, and she thought of all the fun she could have with one of those books. She checked the price: 5 Galleons. She picked up one and went to the counter.

"Lovely choice young lady. Notebooks are on sale today, you know. One sickle apiece." said the woman at the counter, who obviously thought Hermione was buying a normal notebook. Hermione only nodded her head. She let the woman believe she was buying a normal notebook, and gave her the sickle.

Now, who should I choose? Hmmm... She thought. She was just about to go into a Quidditch supplies shop to find Harry, when she was crashed into by someone.

"Watch where you're going, Mudblood! Oh, PERFECT! Now I need to get my robe sterilized!" She looked up to see the very sour face of Draco Malfoy.

"Why don't you watch where YOU'RE going, MalFuck. Is it 'cause you're too busy thinking about screwing Parkinson?" Hermione asked innocently, yet snidely at the same time.

Draco felt his blood boil. He mentally slapped himself. How does that little mudblood get under my skin so much? It's Ridiculous! He asked himself that question more often every time he came around her. He mentally counted to ten and started again.

"What? Jealous, Granger? Feeling bad I don't think of YOU like that?" He immediately regretted those words, as his mind then began to wander. He saw her kissing him, running her hands down his bare chest, removing her bra... He distracted himself from his impure thoughts of the mudblood, which he had yet to fathom a reason for, by watching the play of emotions cross her face. First, there was anger, then remembrance of some sort, then a slight glimmer of mischief which had him desperately wondering what she was thinking, before her face went completely blank.

"Well Malfoy, I'm extremely relieved to know that you have not had such thoughts about me, because if you did I would probably run away screaming. Goodbye." she said, curtly. She then clutched her bag and walked away.

Hermione chuckled to herself as she walked back to the meeting place for all the Hogwarts students to go to once they were done their shopping. She took out the notebook, and with a brand new quill, wrote the name Draco Malfoy on the line.

This should be fun... She thought to herself, catching up with Harry and Ron, who had just come out of the ice cream parlor. She wondered what she would write in that book when she got back to the privacy of her own dorm.

The possibilities were endless....


So, what did you think? Come on, REVIEW!!!!!!