The Cool Girl

Pairing: Leona x Athena

Genre: Romance

Disclaimer: I do not own King of Fighters or any of its characters.

Author's Note: Weird pair, but think of it as 2/3 of the threesome I paired a while ago with Mai x Athena x Leona. That maid story. Hehe! XD A-anyways, been a long while since I did this franchise. And…please keep your mean comments to yourself if you don't like it. I'd really appreciate it.

You know who you are.

Please enjoy.

Athena Asamiya sighs with bliss while looking up at the sky. Such a beautiful day. The sun is shining, birds are chirping and people are in a good mood. In fact, she receives some friendly onlookers stopping and staring at the idol as she walks by them. She smiles and waves at them, making them swoon and some faint from too much excitement. She continues to walk along the sidewalk when someone catches her eye. A certain soldier girl with spiky blue hair tied in a pony-tail and wearing her trademark uniform.

"Leona-san?" she says to herself.

The bluenette is just sitting there, full of content. Some birds are around her, pecking at anything on the ground and she doesn't seem to mind their presence. The idol shrugs and decides to sit next to her.

"Leona-san?" she calls, getting the soldier girl's attention.

"Hm?" Leona turns to the idol. "Is there something you need?"

"Ehehe! May I sit next to you?" Athena asks.


The idol proceeds to sit beside her to watch the little birds and then casts glances at Leona. She's so stoic, yet so beautiful. She can't help but stare at her for at least a few minutes until the bluenette takes notice. She sighs softly and closes her eyes.

"It's rude to stare, you know…" she says.

"Ah! S-sorry!" Athena jumps back a little, putting her hands up.

"It's alright…"

There is a bit of silence. Athena is a blushing mess, trying hard not to look at the stoic soldier girl for more than 5 seconds. But even so, she must strike a conversation somehow.

"U-ummm….so…uhhh….are you on break today?" she asks.

"I am. Relaxation is important, right?"

"Of course! I'm on break as well! My next concert is not until next week, so I have plenty of time to rest~!" Athena says, pumping her fists.

"I see. That's nice."


There is silence again. The idol finds herself staring at the stoic girl while she's full of content.

"Ummm…you know…Leona-san…?" she says quietly.

"Hm…?" the bluenette doesn't open her eyes.

"I have a confession to make." The idol fiddles with her fingers. "For a while…I sort of…admire you."

"How so?" Leona asks.

"W-well…you're cool. Mostly…you're cool. But you're also stunning, and a serious hard worker. You are also determined to complete any mission without fail. That's also why I admire you."

"Athena…." Leona turns to the violet. "Aren't you with Mai?"

"Y-yes I am, but…I'm sure she'll understand. Besides, she doesn't get jealous very easily, unless necessary." Athena replies. "She may even let us date once in a while."

"Are you sure about that?" the bluenette questions. "I do not think you dating two girls is very…good for you. You're an idol. You're a Psycho Soldier. And now you're going out with a girl like Mai. It cannot be possible to go out with another on top of all that."

"I'm sure I can manage," Athena assures her. "Don't think I can't do it. If there's work, I'll let either of you know. If there's a tournament, I'll probably put you two on my team of 3. Simple as that."

"Honestly…i haven't thought about that." Leona says.

"Ehehe! It's alright~"

The soldier girl turns to the idol who is humming to herself while lightly kicking the air. Frankly, this girl is very cute and pretty. And almost everyone admires her. However, she also looks like the type that needs to be protected. And if Mai fails to do that, who else would?

"Athena…" she says, scooting a bit closer.

"Yes?" the violet haired girl turns and squeaks at the sight of the soldier girl just inches away from her. "Ah…L-Leona-san?"

"You said you admired me, right?" Leona says, gently wrapping an arm around her waist to pull her close. "You wanted me to out with you?"

"Y-yes…Yes I would love for you to go out with me," Athena admits.

"Then…I shall carry on my own private mission: to protect you at all costs," Leona declares. "If Mai isn't there to save you, I will. No matter what, I will always protect you."

Athena could've sworn she is almost swooning. "Leona-san…oh, my gosh! I-I don't know what to say…"

Leona manages to crack a smile. "You do not need to. Your love for me alone is enough for me. And I shall love and protect you like you're my own sister." She tips the idol's chin to her level. "Athena…"


The two lean in and share a passionate, loving kiss. A kiss to seal the deal. Athena feels eternal bliss deep inside. It's so good and so loving that she doesn't want it to end. The two deepen the kiss, having their tongues caress each other with soft moans mostly coming from Athena. And then, they pull away to catch their breath and violet eyes stare into the slanted ocean blue ones. Leona smiles a small smile once again.

"I love you, Athena," she says.

"I love you, too, Leona-san…~" the idol wraps her arms around the soldier girl's neck and kisses her on the lips.


"Absolutely~!" Mai says happily when she meets her two friends at the park the next day. "You two can date each other~!"

"This easily…?" Leona deadpans.

"I told you Mai is understanding~" Athena says with a finger held up.

"Hey, maybe Athena can have us go out all together some time~" Mai suggests. "That way, nobody gets to be left out."

"That's a great idea, Mai!" the idol says.

Leona sighs, but smiles a little. "I guess there's no helping it. I'm in."

"Hooray~!" Mai hugs both Athena and Leona at the same time. "You two are the best! This is going to be wonderful!"

A/N: Again, been a while since I last wrote for this franchise. If this doesn't meet your approval, then this story isn't for you. Simple as that.

Have a nice day.