Disclaimers: I do not own PLL or the characters. I do not own the Final Destination movies.
Spoilers: None
Rating: T and under.

Notes: Various one-shot prompts. These are going to be in the "nonsexual acts of intimacy" category. I'm going to try this out with Sparia and then with Glee to see which fandom I want to do more with. Sparia is dating, this is sometime around tenth/eleventh grade, no specific timeline. No ~A also.

"Finding the other wearing their clothes"

It starts out as a decent evening.

Ella and Byron are able to get through dinner without any scathing remarks, and Mike and Aria hope it will continue throughout the night.

"Hey, Mikey!" Aria calls out from down the hall. "You wanna watch a movie? I got those Final Destination ones we've been wanting to watch."

Hearing that, Mike makes an immediate U-turn to his older sister's room.

"Oh, yeah. I definitely want to watch a movie." He smirks, and Aria just shakes her head at him.

"Come on in, Little Bro." He snorts at the "nickname". She gestures to the mini microwave that is sitting on her desk. "Pop the 'corn, and I'll put in the movie."

Mike full-on laughs at this, which is what Aria was going for. He has been more than a little "down in the dumps" since Byron's infidelity was revealed, and their parents have begun to fight.

School, as much as they both hate it, is the one and only place they do not have to endure the never-ending fighting about why did you do it? Were we not enough for you? Why would you do this to your family?

So, Aria takes control by fully engaging her older sister duties. Even though she is merely 15, a tenth-grader, and Mike is only an eighth-grader at 13, she still sees it as a job she needs to do. She needs to protect her little brother because the two people are supposed to protect them are failing at that job.


Aria and Mike make it through the first Final Destination movie, and halfway through the second one. It is amazing they can sleep after watch people get smashed into pancakes, blown up, and guts and gore splattered all over the place.

They are asleep for nearly a half hour before the fighting wakes them up.

"Get your shoes, and a change of clothes."

Aria mumbles it out as she stands from the bed.

She grabs her duffel bag, throwing in some clothes, her sketch book and pencils, a few other items, and then grabs her "go-bag" bathroom bag.

She walks right passed her parents going at it in the kitchen, opening the door, letting Mike go first. They go to her car, Aria drops Mike off at a friend's, and then she drives to Spencer's house, her girlfriend.

Aria uses the key that Spencer previously gave her. And finds Veronica on the couch, watching TV.

"Hey, sweetie." Veronica sighs quietly, knowing that the only reason Aria is here, at 10 p.m., without calling first, is because of her parents. She loves Ella like a sister, but sometimes she'd like to smack the woman for not thinking of her kids when she and her husband get into their arguments.

"I'm sorry, Aunt Vera," The young girl drops to the couch where Veronica smooths back strands of hair from her forehead. "I didn't think to call; I just wanted to get Mike and myself out."

"You don't have to apologize, sweetheart. I'll talk with Ella tomorrow. She and your father need to have some sense knocked into them. Did Mike get somewhere all right?"

Aria nods. "Yeah. I dropped him off at a friend's. It was something they made a deal on after the last time…"

"Okay. That's good. Why don't you head on upstairs? Spence is already in bed, and I'll tell her you two can skip school tomorrow; get some extra sleep, ok?" Aria nods again, thankful that she has her Aunt Vera. She heads upstairs to Spencer's bedroom, walking in quietly, and closing the door.

She makes the familiar trek to Spencer dresser, pulling out an oversized t-shirt that goes to her mid-thigh, and switching her sweatpants and her own t-shirt out for it.

*The next morning*

Spencer breathes in deeply the next morning, rolling over, only to bump into… Aria.

As much as she loves her girlfriend, and therefore loves waking up next to her, she hates that it seems as though Aria is only here, right now, because she showed up in the middle of the night, which means she is there for one reason…

Still, she presses a kiss to Aria's forehead, getting out of bed. She goes to the bathroom and by the time she gets out, Aria is awake.

The older girl smiles to herself at seeing Aria wearing her shirt.

It makes her heart flutter.

"Hey, babe." Spencer crawls back into bed, leaning in for a kiss. "They do it again?"


There's a knock on the door, and Veronica playfully calls out,

"Are you two decent?"

Making Spencer groan in half-annoyance.

"Mom! Come on!"

Veronica opens the door, and she is armed with goods – a tray of vegan French toast, with a side of fruit, milk for Spencer, and orange juice for Aria. This can only mean one thing…

"Day in bed?" For all she tries to say otherwise, if this is what is best for her girlfriend's mental health and sanity right now, then you bet your ass Spencer Hastings will not protest to it.

"You girls enjoy this, I'll see if Dad can move the TV from his office into here." Veronica tells them as she hands the tray to Spencer.

"Just stay in bed, rest up, and enjoy doing nothing." Veronica leans over to kiss Spencer's forehead. Aria gets up on her knees while Spence scoots down, so she can reach over and hug her aunt/future mother-in-law.

"I love you both." She says as she leaves, getting "Love you, Mama." and "Love you, too, Aunt Vera." in response.

Spencer holds the tray while Aria gets settled, and she just cannot stop looking at her.

"What?" The younger girl questions.

Spencer smiles, "Nothing. I just love seeing you wearing my clothes."

I decided to just make this a story instead of a really long, multiple part, one-shot. I found the list on Pinterest (of course), so each chapter will be based on one or more prompts of "nonsexual acts of intimacy". So this one was one wearing the other's clothes, and Aria had Spencer's t-shirt on.

These will not be graphic or sexual, so don't get your hopes up! I will be doing this, as I said, for Sparia/PLL and then I will try it out with probably Brittana/Glee. If you don't know who/what they are, then don't worry. Just stick to this one!

This will be the story I am doing until I can continue my Glee story. I have been… wrecked by the lose of Actress Naya Rivera. She was a wonderful woman, and a great mom, and the loss of her has left me reeling. So for now, I am writing for Sparia until my Glee Muse is done grieving.

Please review and let me know what you thought! :)