A/N: Thanks for clicking on my story, This is my first attempt at writing my own fan fiction so please let me know what you think! A lot of the plot is still undecided as I wanted to leave myself a lot of room to explore what I want to do with this story, fear not as I do have a light outline but I guess expect the unexpected, and again thanks for reading

Moonlight shone over an otherwise dimly lit southern back road, there was not much of note surrounding it, other than a few farmhouses sprinkled in the surrounding fields. The night was like many others around this area with the tranquility only being spoiled by a crow's caw or a breeze blowing through the leaves.

Gradually a dull sound, growing in volume began to break the silence. The dull noise grew and grew before it was identifiable as vehicle roaring down the gravel road, leaving a trail of dust in its wake. The vehicle was tearing down the road like a bat out of hell, music blaring through the speakers at an ear bursting volume.

Gripping the steering wheel was a man, closely monitoring the road behind him, shooting constant glances at the rear-view mirror. His demeanor though was not one of concern but showed anticipation and almost excitement that was backed up by the devilish grin he wore on his face.

When his eyes were not searching behind the car, they were darting around the backwoods he was speeding through, hoping somebody, anybody would make his night a bit more interesting.

Zooming through a small congregation of houses and barns, his mouse finally took the bait as red and blue lights lit up accompanied by the wailing of the police siren. A dangerous look of excitement lit up the man's face as he slammed the pedal as if he intended to put it through the floor and continued to roar down the road, now with a new complication. Albeit a self imposed one.

Some may ask what was going through this man's mind to think this daring escapade was going to go well for anyone involved but one look at the man behind the wheel would caution anyone into even asking the question.

The man was tall, at least 6'3 and was very muscular. His white knuckled grip on the wheel looked as if the man desired, he could rip the device out of the car on a whim. The man wore a long brown overcoat, that was very well broken in, some may even say disheveled. The coat was joined by old white tee shirt and a beaten pair of jeans to match. His outfit was completed with a tattered brown wide brim hat that struggled to contain his unkept jet black hair and a black pair of what might be construed as cowboy looking boots.

He did not protrude the idea that he gave much of a thought about anything really, especially frivolous things such as mortal traffic laws. Even if the officer managed to chase down the speeding vehicle, one look at the man's face might encourage him to let him off with a warning.

The theme of unkemptness continued up to the man's face as he was sporting a dark stubble up his sharp jawline and the slight smirk he currently wore. The eyes, the eyes were his defining feature. Anyone who dared to meet his gaze would be met with two dark, almost purple orbs that looked to be swirling with power. The colour was not the most striking feature, it was the absolute lack of depth, the lack of anything behind his eyes. They looked void, without hope. Without care, which would explain the situation he was currently in.

The engine continued to roar as the chase continued on and on down swirling, bending roads. The man was clearly enjoying himself as he dragged his competitor around the back country but after a while a new thought seemed to pop into his head as he slammed the breaks, skidding to a stop. He smiled as he heard the approaching sirens beckon ever closer and screech to stop when they saw him.

He could hear the officer's heavy footsteps approaching his vehicle, trampling up the gravel road. He was staring straight ahead, with his hands still on the steering wheel as the officer reached the car, tapping angrily on his window.

"Roll the window down, sir. We need to have a chat" said the officer in an annoyed tone of voice

Still staring ahead, the man cranked his window down, yet to look at the officer. The officer started to reprimand him but was becoming increasingly annoyed with the man's stoic behaviour.

"License and registration. NOW" he demanded

The man only chuckled as he opened his glove compartment containing his only form of identification.

"Something funny here? Huh?" the officer spat at the man

"Almost" he said to himself, not quite loud enough for the officer to hear

"Well I doubt you'll find muc-"the officer's sentence broke off as the man turned to him with his identification in hand.

"Weren't you looking for this officer?" he said with a tone of mock politeness, wearing a slight smirk on his face at the change in the officer's demeanor

"Yes…..Of course," he stammered, taking the card in the man's outstretched hand

"Perseus Jackson, eh" he said sheepishly, still struggling to regain his composure

"Doesn't sound like you're from round here" he managed to spit out after staring at the card

"Not Really" the man replied

The officer looked at him with a look of confusion and a tinge of fear, before deciding not to ask any further questions

"Uhmm, I'm in a good mood tonight so I'll let you off with a warning here... BUT if I see you speeding round these parts again it'll be trouble" he told Percy with mock confidence

"Thank you, officer how kind of you. But could you please hand back my license" Percy said with a grin

"Uh, yeah of course" the officer had forgotten he'd still had the card in his hands.

He handed it back to Percy and turned to walk back to his car, as fast as he could without suspicion.

Percy chuckled as he watched the man speed walk/run back to his cruiser, slam the door, and shoot off into the dark about as fast humanly possible

"Was it something I said?" Percy said to himself aloud, with a tone of mock hurt

He did seem to have that affect on mortals, but besides seeing the look in the man's eyes when he turned his head was half the fun of the game Percy was playing.

He pulled off the side of the road and sped away, not sure exactly where he was going but knowing that he would find himself something to do sooner rather than later.

He continued to drive down the highway until he spotted the neon sign of a roadside bar, that looked more like a shack, but he would take what he could get at this point.

He pulled into one of the many empty spots, it was quite late so besides the 1-2 employees there should not be many others around. "Perfect" he thought to himself, he hardly the social butterfly he once was, so this suited him perfectly.

Walking in the door, he surveyed the bar, analyzing the place for threats or interests. He did not expect to find much but as everyone knows, old habits die hard. Prior experiences made this a part of his routine in any new environment. He did however notice the flashing glances of the other patrons, who quickly averted their gaze if his was in the vicinity.

Percy chuckled to himself as he walked up to the bar, the looks happened all the time but he didn't know if he'd ever get used to apprehensive nature he brought out of people. He didn't mind though, less chance of someone coming to bother him.

The bartender warily watched Percy as he approached

"Evening" Percy said, intending to ease the man in hopes he could actually get some service

"Evening Sir, what can I get you" he replied

"I'll have that fancy looking bottle of rum perched up on the top row, my good man" Percy replied back in an old-fashioned type tone

"The bottle?" he questioned, until Percy produced a wad of cash from his back pocket before tossing it to him

"Keep the change" Percy said as the bottle slid down the bar

"Much Obliged" the Bartender replied

Percy turned away, quite satisfied with his purchase, chose a small booth near the back as his seat for the next few hours. As he popped the top off the bottle.

Percy really started to take in his surroundings, this certainly was more of a shack than a bar. Its walls were marred with half removed posters and dimming neon signage. The other clientele were not the most trusting looking souls, but neither was Percy anymore. This was certainly a place where good church going boys would not want to find themselves.

Percy wondered what his past self would have thought of ending up in a shady dive bar such as this, but current Percy was thriving, this was his element now and has been for the past 5 years. He had been on a tear across the states, doing whatever he wanted, whenever he wanted, distancing himself as far as he could from what he was in the past. A past that he hardly acknowledged, but a past that did shape who he was now.

He should thank them really, he thought, maybe pop back up to Olympus and thank them for freeing him from the confines of being their "Saviour". He amused himself, imagining the faces of the Olympians if they saw who he had become.

No longer was Percy the Hero of Olympus or Poseidon's favoured son. He had transitioned into almost the complete opposite. He wanted it to be this way. This way was the way forward for Percy, although what had transpired before his disappearance led him to believe there wasn't exactly a return route in sight. Not that he wanted one.

*Flashback to after the war with Gaia*

The fighting, the pain and the loss had finally come to an end Percy thought to himself, lying on the bottom bunk in the Poseidon cabin of Camp Half Blood. The seven had successfully defeated Gaia, laying her back into another deep slumber and ultimately fulfilled their prophecy. Percy wondered why he wasn't experiencing as much relief as he expected. It had been a week since the fated battle, but he was still very on edge, as if he were expecting to be called to Olympus yet again to start another quest.

He really DID NOT want that. He wanted a break. He wanted the pain to stop.

Percy had internally begged for any sense of normalcy for the entirety of his questing… career? I guess you could call it that, but if it were a career he certainly was not getting paid enough. Normal was something taken for granted by many, but not something Percy had ever known. He desired it more than ever now.

He and all of his friends were in a desperate need of some R&R. Percy was hoping he and Annabeth might finally be able to take a short trip into the mortal world after the meeting on Olympus this evening. Percy dreamed of some one on one time with the girl he loved, the girl he walked through Tartarus with and the one he someday hoped to marry, with her mother's blessing of course.

That was the future for Percy though, and in the present, he knew he would be summoned to Olympus momentarily.

Speak of the immortal he cursed as a he heard a voice summoning him to the agreed upon meeting point, knowing Hermes was most likely here to transport us up to the ceremony.

"Uhhhhhhhhhh" Percy moaned, just managing to force out of bed and head to their requested meeting place.

Once reaching The Big House, Percy saw his friends joined the messenger god.

"Fashionably Late as always Percy" joked Leo, Son of Hephaestus

Percy hardly felt like responding but the glare he shot Leo made him quell the rest of his jokes for the time being

Percy laughed at the frightened demigod as he walked over to Annabeth, slipping his hand into hers, seemingly before she had noticed his arrival. She jumped slightly before realizing who it was.

"Sorry, didn't mean to spook you there." Percy joked

"It's okay Seaweed Brain" she replied with a half-hearted smile

"Something wrong?" Percy replied with concern. He figured Annabeth would've been in a great mood considering she loved visiting her mother. He did however consider that taking an all expense paid vacation through Tartarus and battling some giants could really take it out of someone.

"No, no need to worry Perce" she replied "I've just got a lot on my mind, as I'm sure you do too"

Before Annabeth could turn away, Percy brought his hand to her cheek and guided her eyes into his seafoam green orbs.

"Let's talk later, Okay Wise Girl?" he replied. He would certainly love to know what was plaguing the mind of the daughter of Athena.

"Of course, Perce" she replied with eyes of gratitude.

"Seven!" Hemes called, breaking the demigods out of their respective conversations.

"Olympus awaits their heroes" he stated with a warm smile, as the campers were engulfed in a bright golden glow before they found themselves in the middle of the Olympian throne room, flanked by the immortal thrones. The gods were all seated, dressed in their formal attire and gazing down on the Seven with looks of respect and gratitude.

"Campers" boomed Zeus, as he rose from his throne slightly

"Welcome to Olympus" he began

"The Olympians have been waited on bated breath to acknowledge the feats of courage and loyalty to the council that you all displayed during the war. Without the tremendous sacrifice from both camps and of you all in particular, fated seven we may not all be standing here today in our glorious throne room" Zeus spoke, with such conviction.

Percy could hardly believe what was coming out of the God of Thunder's mouth, he looked over to Jason and could tell that even Jupiter's son was surprised with the lauding they were currently receiving.

"All in all, Heroes, the Olympian Council has decided that each of you shall be offered gifts befitting the Olympians themselves" Zeus concluded with a smile.

"Jason Grace, step forward my son"

Zeus rose even further off his throne, his pride in his son openly displayed for everyone to see. Percy was happy to see such gratitude towards the oft underappreciated demigods.

Maybe this war will finally lead to the God's taking more initiative to help their children Percy wondered to himself, although he would not exactly bet on it.

While Zeus was still gushing over the exploits of his Son, Percy turned to the blonde-haired girl standing next to him. She still wore a relatively blank expression, but Percy knew there was more going on there than meets the eye. One look at her grey orbs could tell you there was some sort of problem she was trying to sort out, an internal struggle of sorts.

Percy dismissed her worry as apprehension of going in front of the entire Olympian council. He was broken out of his thoughts as he heard the godly voice of Athena asking Zeus to get on with the gift.

"Very well Daughter" Zeus agreed with mock annoyance.

"Jason Grace, Son of Jupiter. I offer you Godhood, accompanied by your own domains and responsibilities and all the perks that come with it. Including immortality" Zeus decreed, his voice seeping with power.

Jason turned towards Piper, a look of hesitancy on his face, which was quickly wiped away by a small nod from the Daughter of Aphrodite. Jason turned back to his father's expectant gaze, readied himself and smiled.

"I would be honoured Father" he stated.

"Wonderful my son" Zeus stated, pride still splayed across his face.

Percy was happy for his friend; he was happy for all of them as they went up one by one.

Piper was accepted by her mother into immortality. Pink poofts of powder and lots of squealing ensued after she accepted. Not normally Piper's style, but to be excused due to the occasion

Frank and Hazel, never to part, their respective curses lifted, rescued from a life of sadness and worry. Anyone who looked close enough could watch as momentarily the anger was gone from Ares expression and was replaced by one of respect and pride for his son.

Frank looked as though he got the message from his father, giving him a nod, which was returned.

Leo was offered a job, side by side with his father in their forge for eternity, Percy swore he could see the flames in Leo's eyes as he accepted, ideas for ingenious inventions dancing inside his mind.

Now it was time for Annabeth, Percy watched as she walked up slightly cautiously, meeting his eyes once more before turning to face the council.

"My spectacular daughter, what you and your group have accomplished is no small part due to your excellence in planning and leadership. They couldn't have done it without you." Athena, like the others spoke with passion and conviction.

Percy watched the exact moment Annabeth met eyes with her mother.

Percy knew, in this moment that she would accept the god's offer. He did not know how he knew, but he did.

He knew his Wise Girl.

"Annabeth Chase, will you accept the role of Architect of Olympus and help me plan the great memorial of those who fell through the wars. I know with you by my side our wit is unmatched" Athena finished with a smile of pride towards her daughter.

Without hesitation, without a look back at the Son of Poseidon, Annabeth accepted her mother's offer. Percy watched in despair as Athena shrank to her human form and walked over to embrace her newly immortal daughter.

The range of emotions brought of by a surge of memories, bad and good was almost too much for Percy. He felt a small part of him ask if he really thought Annabeth would turn down immortality for him? She must have known he would not accept. She accepted regardless.

Percy saw her walking towards him, a bright smile of pure happiness on her face, he watched as the other immortals congratulated her. Percy felt sick, but he refused to show it. He saw Annabeth walking towards him, looking him in the eyes. If she thought anything was wrong, she did not show it.

"Percy-"She began, but before she could continue, Percy grabbed her hands into his, looking her in the eyes.

"Congratulations Wise Girl, I know you've wanted this forever" he responded with a small smile, the best he could produce in this moment.

"But Percy" She exclaimed

"I am truly happy for you Annabeth, don't worry" his tone left no room for questioning

"Thank You Seaweed Brain, for accepting it" she whispered as she engulfed him in a hug

"Does this mean you'll accept the offer as well Perce?" Annabeth asked, but before Percy could respond he heard the voice of a certain God of the Sea.

"Perseus Jackson, Step Forward" Poseidon stated, in quite the commanding tone

Percy stepped forward, pushing his pain down. He wanted to be strong, not to display how the events before this impacted him.

"Perseus Jackson is one of, if not the Greatest Demigod to ever exist, he helped us overcome the strongest of our enemies, and above all he is my son" Poseidon began

"I say we must provide him with the highest reward a her can be bestowed with, he should become one of us, An Olympian! Is there anyone who'd dare object my request"

The God of the Sea let his gaze search the throne room, eyeing up the other Olympians.

Hermes and Apollo looked at Percy with respect, remembering all that he'd done for each of their demigod children, Hermes could even recall how Percy had redeemed his son Luke's tattered reputation.

"You'll hear no complaints from me uncle" stated Hermes

"I agree with Hermes, Percy deserves this honour over any other demigod before him" Apollo said, with genuine respect, smiling down on the Hero.

The vote moved down to a stone-faced Goddess of the Hunt.

There was a side of Artemis that would be quick to deny this claim to any male, especially one bred from her uncle Poseidon, considering her history with them. The other, more sensible side of Artemis saw Percy for who he truly was, a man, not a boy and the best one at that. He was just and fair and above all, loyal.

"Artemis, what say you?" questioned Poseidon, breaking her out of her thoughts.

"Perseus has shown time and time again his loyalty to us, and even going as far as taking the burden of the sky from me. He has never disrespected the Hunt or any of its members and has never resented me for my stance towards his kind, only showing understanding. If any male was to be rewarded this way, I believe it to be Perseus" Artemis stated begrudgingly.

Ares, Aphrodite, Hephaestus, Demeter and even Dionysius agreed with the sentiment, each providing their personal testimony, all of them citing their experiences with either the man himself or how he treated their children. The tone of the council was brought down considerably as the Olympians realized it was Athena's turn to judge the Son of Poseidon.

Percy who, was barely hearing the testimony of the many gods and goddesses, perked up as Athena addressed him directly

"Perseus" she stated with her trademark stoic composure

Percy was ready for his first negative vote of the council, and most likely a trademark Athena and Poseidon argument. Bracing for the scathing remarks, he looked Athena catching himself meeting her gaze.

He would not cower, if his name was to be tarnished in front of the council he would treat their remarks with the same respect he had treated the others, they all were Gods after all, capable of erasing him with one flick of their fingers.

"I know we've had our differences, you and I, me and your father." Athena began and momentarily paused, as if reconsidering her statement but steeled herself and continued

"I have seen you truly prove yourself, not only to us, but to your comrades in the seven, and more importantly my daughter. Despite the pain it may cause me to admit it, I know deep inside me that you are truly worthy" the goddess finished, her eyes locked with the Son of Poseidon's.

"Thank You Lady Athena, those words mean a great deal to me, more than you know" Percy replied, speaking for the first time, managing to return something more than a nod and a smile to Annabeth's mother.

Percy turned to the God of Thunder, who ultimately would decide his fate, and looked him in the eyes, his expression unchanged.

No, Percy thought, Zeus would not be defining his fate. He would.

Zeus raised his hand, his fist crackling with electricity, capturing the attention of all those present.

Percy laughed internally, Zeus was always one with a flair for the dramatic, but he was not sure if even the God of Thunder could top what Percy was planning.

Zeus stared at Percy, as if trying to decide whether to back out of what he was about to say or to continue forward.

'Perseus Jackson, there is nothing I could say that wasn't already said by a member of the council, it is abundantly clear that you should be rewarded with a place among us, your continued loyalty to Olympus would be a very powerful asset to the council" he concluded before looking around the throne room, seeing everyone else in attendance nodding with approval.

"So, what will it be Perseus" Zeus boomed, raising his voice for what many assumed to be dramatic effect.

Percy looked around at the Olympians, turning to meet the gaze of each and every one, finishing by looking towards Poseidon, brimming with pride of what his son had accomplished. In that moment, looking at his father, he considered he might be making a mistake, but he knew his mind was made.

"Lord Zeus' he began "I can not express how honoured I am to receive this offer; Fighting for Olympus gave me a purpose, I knew what I had to do and with my friends we accomplished it"

Percy turned to face the hopeful group of new immortals, hopeful that he would not be such a Seaweed Brain and that he would accept the generous offer of the gods.


The word hung in the air, affectively sucking the beginnings of a celebration out of the throne room. Poseidon looked at Percy with pleading eyes, hoping he would not make this grave mistake.

"I can't accept this offer, I do not wish to be immortal, I do not wish to stay the same for eternity as some of those I love grow old and die, I do not wish be restrained by the ancient laws. I'd unable to help my fellow demigods. There are many deaths that I believe I could have done more; I could've helped them further and sitting up here would only increase the number."

The Gods all stared, open mouthed at the Son of Poseidon, wondering where he had been hiding the intelligence he was displaying in this speech, and where he would be blasted to after it was concluded.

"I do not hold any ill will so any of the seven for accepting this incredible offer, and to the Gods who so graciously praised me, I hope I have not offended you but the life of an immortal is not the one for me"

All eyes then fell on Zeus, who looked as if a thunderstorm was brewing within his eyes. Just as Zeus was predictably about to rip the Son of Poseidon a new one for disrespecting him, he heard a certain Goddess of Wisdom clear her breath.

"If I may Zeus" Athena asked

Zeus began to grumble something that resembled agreeance

"Perseus, that was one of the least intelligent actions I have ever seen, denying this offer not once but twice is not something any other demigod would've dreamed of" She stated, voice void of emotion

Percy opened his mouth to respond but was cut off as Athena continued.

"But I could truly sense that you spoke with you heart, and if you truly do not want this, I don't see the logic of punishing you. If you were not committed to Godhood, you'd be no use to us anyways" She finished, allowing a small smile to appear.

"Thank You Lady Athena" Percy responded before dropping to a knee in front of her throne

"Truly, Thank You"

Athena only nodded in response before returning the stage to Zeus

Zeus looked less likely to spring to murderous rage, but annoyance was still strongly displayed on his face

"Despite the disrespect I now feel from this Poseidon spawn, I suppose my daughter is correct" Zeus grumbled, much to his displeasure.

"Percy" Poseidon addressed his son, disappointment written on his face and within his words

"Dad, I'm sorry' Percy began, but a hand from the Sea God quieted his son.

'I respect your decision Son, but that doesn't mean I have to like it" he said before sitting up slightly in his throne, attempting to regain his proud form of a big three member despite the sadness that was flowing through him.

Nobody spoke for what felt like an eternity to Percy, before he decided enough was enough

"I didn't mean to bring the mood down so much" he said with his classic lopsided grin

"Shouldn't the celebrations be starting soon Apollo?"

Apollo quickly snapped out of the stupor the immortals were left in, enthralled at the idea of a party

"Absolutely Percy! Everyone in the courtyard, ASAP" he gleefully exclaimed and flashed out

Most of the other attendees took Apollo's swift exit as a queue to vacate the throne room, most doing so in a hurried fashion due to the tension that remained after Percy's big reveal.

As Percy turned to walk back to his group of newly immortalized friends, he felt a powerful had on his shoulder.

Percy turned to see his father and his uncle Zeus, both wearing serious expressions.

"Perseus, me and your father would like a quick word before we all go join in on the celebrations" Zeus stated, trying his best to rid his tone of annoyance

Percy was nervous, but his father's presence made the chances of being turned into fried demigod much lower.

'What's up Dad?" Percy asked as nonchalantly as he could

"Perseus, we know that you provided your reasoning for turning down our offer, and we just want to ensure that your loyalty still lies with the Olympian council. You are an immensely powerful demigod and we would like to look to you for assistance if anything like Gaia was ever to arise again"

Percy looked at his father, disappointment slowly cracking through the demigod's expression

"Father, you do know that my fatal flaw is loyalty, right"

"Yes, Percy but we all just want some assurance after you denied our gift again, just to make sure your decision wasn't one out of bad blood towards the Olympians" Poseidon's expression of trepidation showed that he wasn't sure what Percy's reaction to his statement would be

Percy turned away for a moment, trying to maintain his composure. As powerful as he might have been he was hesitant on snapping back on two of the big three gods.

Percy turned back to the godly brothers with a slight frown

"I swear on the River Styx that I will not go against Olympus and pledge my service to the Olympians in any further conflict" Percy deadpanned, still determined not to let his emotions show

Percy was truly hurt, not only that the Gods did not ultimately trust him even after Percy fought in not one but two wars, putting his life on the line for Olympus both times. Percy would be living with the experiences of those wars for the rest of his life and to be told by his father that his sacrifice didn't earn the trust of the Gods was soul crushing.

After Percy finished his promise to the Gods, he heard the thunder roll in the background, tying him to his promise.

Before either Zeus or Poseidon could respond Percy turned his back to the Olympians, walking out of throne room, straight past the ensuing celebrations, walking until he found the elevator.

Percy needed to remove himself from the situation, he couldn't take any more, his insides were twisting and churning, the pain he was determined to keep down, threatening to explode at any moment.

Percy numbly watched as the elevator doors slowly closed, shrinking the portrait of Olympus and its inhabitants, and once the doors met, effectively shutting Percy into his own world for a few moments.

The numbness Percy felt was subsiding and was replaced with anguish, He couldn't hold it in anymore.

Percy felt the first tear fall, followed by another and another before his cheeks were covered in the tears the Son of Poseidon had kept at bay for the entirety of the ceremony.

Tears that were building when Annabeth accepted her mother's gift, the tears that he would never let fall as his father questioned his loyalty to his family and friends, the tears that from the wars, the tears that were ever present for Percy, night and day.

Percy wanted to stop but he couldn't, he was overtaken by a runaway train of emotions, he buried his head in his hands and felt himself drop to the floor, cowering in the corner of the elevator, unaware of the floors he was passing by.

Finally, Percy let out a scream, if it could even be described as that, if anything it was a wail. The sound was a horrible one wrought with grief. Percy hardly believed he could produce such a noise.

What Percy did know what that it provided a brief moment of catharsis and it was enough to allow him to put himself back together before the soft ding of the elevator released him to the bottom floor and into the lobby.

Percy quickly put his head down and walked briskly out of the lobby and into the cold New York night, he knew what he had to do and it started with returning to camp.