Author's Note:

Just wanted to let you readers know that I'm completely new to the fanfiction writing arena and have no experience what-so-ever writing fiction that is put out for everyone to see. Not only that but I am also nowhere near an avid reader and honestly I don't enjoy reading or writing. With that being said, I'm going to put this story up as a one-shot and if there is any positive feedback, I swear I won't be one of those people who leaves their readers with an incomplete work, and I will continue this piece. Enjoy yourself.

P.S. - As I have seen many people before me do this, I don't own anything in terms of Avatar: The Last Airbender, its characters go to Bryan Konietzko and Michael Dante DiMartino.

It was becoming a habit.

She had come to this realization long before the desire for company persuaded her to let him take her home. And yet...

While most of yesterday remained a blur, she, all too well, remembered what had transpired the night before. Her pushing him onto the bed, their discarded clothing concealing the floor of her room, and the pace of their movements throughout the night. With the exception of sporadic kisses planted across their bodies, it could be said that passion did not propel them forward, merely their own personal desires did. And though she was fully aware what she had done was nothing short of slutty, she depended on it like some form of medication. Her temporary fix to a permanent ailment.

Slowly, she maneuvered her way out of the arms of the man from yesterday, cautious not to interrupt his sleep. Once on her feet, she reached for her phone, hopeful it was still early enough to catch breakfast at the dining hall.

Relieved that it read 9:20 A.M., she quickly got dressed and allowed her feet to guide her towards the door, her head still overcome with fatigue.

Upon reaching the hallway, her phone began to buzz incessantly.

Irritated, she answered. "What?"

The other girl responded, slighty stunned. "Goodness, Katara, what's up with you?"

Immediately flooded with regret, she spoke softly. "Sorry Suki, I just feel like shit right now."

"Hey, you know what, don't worry about it, just come meet me at the dining hall and we can talk." said Suki.

After exchanging quick goodbyes, Katara began the walk from her Ba Sing Se University dorm room to the dining hall, simultaneously attempting to tame the disheveled beast that was her hair.

"And you just decided to sleep with him? Do you even know his name?", Suki whispered, careful not to attract unwanted attention.

Taking short sips of her coffee to prevent searing her tongue, she replied calmly, "Yes and yes. His name's Haru but he doesn't go here."

"Where does he go if not here?" Suki questioned.

Katara hesitated, her calm manner beginning to falter. "Well we, uh, didn't really get to that part."

True to her word, Katara had not become fully acquainted with Haru the night of the party, realizing now that she hadn't even gotten his last name. Regardless, it would have fallen on deaf ears as katara's main concern was not of Haru's heritage or history but rather his company.

Concerned for her best friend, Suki asked carefully, "Katara... this isn't becoming a habit is it?"

Katara bit her lip and swiftly shook her head, trying to avert Suki's gaze for Katara was certain Suki would read the truth displayed in her sapphire eyes.

Suddenly struck with surprise, Suki gasped. "He's not... still in your dorm is he?"

Katara sighed with embarrassment. "Yes, he is."

Picking up on the embarrassment represented in her tone, Suki decided to let it go. "Well, let's just get something to eat. I'm starving."

"Ugh, you sound like Sokka." Katara teased.

With that, both girls stood up giggling and steered their way towards the cafeteria, Katara silently praying to any spirit who would listen that papaya not be served today and Suki wondering if Sokka really was rubbing off on her.

For him, it was the simplistic nature associated with running that warranted the stress he put on his body. Thinking nor deciding were necessary componentts when running, and the music filling his ears was enough to drown out the obstacles of reality. For him, running served as an escape.

Nearing the completion of his third mile, a familiar voice called out to him.

"Aang! We did our three miles and it's too damn hot out here to continue!"

Aang laughed as he slowed down into an eventual stop. "Speak for yourself Sokka."

Catching his breath, Sokka requested, "Can we stop by the dining hall real quick? Suki wanted me to come by and I really need to put something in my stomach."

"You can go on and I'll meet you there. I wanna put in one more mile before I'm done."

Sokka nodded and jogged across the large expanse of the field, opting for a faster pace to shorten his journey. Meanwhile, Aang resumed where he left off, picking up his pace to compensate for the time lost listening to Sokka's whines.

Author's Note:

If you are confused about Katara's behavior, then that's good, this chapter was just meant to introduce the characters and give a little insight into their personalities. If this continues, I'll make sure that the following chapters clear up exactly why Katara acts this way and what got her in this situation. Sorry that this was short. Reviews are more than welcome. Peace.