
This is my fist fic. English isn't my native language so please excuse my bad grammer and poor use of words. This chapter has about 1,9k~ words so it's longer than a 2 minute read ( i hope..) I'm not sure about my writing so I wonder what people think. It may be boring in the beginning but i promise there is more to it in the end. Anyway this is made by a teenager so don't get any high hopes because i will weep.

Hope you'll enjoy!

Chapter 1: The meeting

"Merlin, hurry up! The sooner we get to Camelot the better!"

"But Will, it's already getting close to dusk! We need to set up a camp!"

Merlin, who was exhausted from walking, was leaning against one of the many trees in the big and already darkening forest that they were passing through. He was wearing simple clothes. A blue tunic, a leather jacket and dark trousers with a red neckerchief.

"That's true. I just wanted to get a bit further so that we could be there faster." Will admitted as he walks towords Merlin.

The 16 year old Will had a better nights rest than the 21 year old Merlin and was very energetic. He was wearing simple, black trousers, a light blue tunic with a dark blue jacket. After Merlin suggested that they should sleep here for the night Will got ready for the night even though he wanted to see Camelot as soon as possible.

In the cold night, the pale moonlight shines through the leaves as Will started snoring while Merlin lies sleepless under a thin blanket made out of poor fabric. The lack of sleep started ever since they started their journey to Camelot.

Merlin actually never wanted to go to Camelot but only went for Will's thurst for knowledge that he could only get for free from his uncle, Gaius. Gaius was a doctor in Camelot while owning his own little pharmacy. They planned to ask him if they could study and maybe even rest during the night in exchange for work.

If it wasn't for Will, Merlin would have never set foot in the capitol because he has a problem with the authorities of Camelot. And not just because of what had happened during the Great Purge. They only care about the rich, high classes while the poor, lower classes have to struggle for a decent meal while still having to pay an absurt amount of taxes.

The authorities will also execute nearly everyone that was accused or suspected of sorcery even if they weren't guilty of this so called crime.

Merlin sighs and sits up straight. He looks around the woods ignoring Will's snoring. Merlin grabs his bag and pulls out an untilted book. He opens it and starts reading it from the biginning. The book is actually a diary from his dad and the book begins telling it's story about the time when Merlin's dad met his mother until Merlin gets born.

After reading for a while Merlin takes out a little piece of paper with "We're sorry, we love you." written on it. Merlin's eyes turn dark as this message saddens him. He puts it back to it's original place and for a moment Merlin is lost in thought.

Thinking about everything that has happened in the past and how he ended up living with Will. But he mostly wondered how his parents are doing now. Are they alright? Do they eat well? Are they safe?

Than his eyes wondered to an other piece of paper in the diary. It was a drawing made by a kid with three people on them. Two boys and a girl who were holding hands with the word "Friends" written above their heads. Their names Mordred, Emrys and Nimueh were written above the stick figures by someone older. Merlin eyed the drawing while having a saddened smile on his face. This was a drawing that the owner gave to Merlin years back.

After recollecting his thoughts he looks at Will, who is still snoring. He smiles softly at him and closes his eyes hoping Will is going to enjoy his stay in Camelot.

It's the brink of dawn when Merlin awakes. He stands up, puts away his blaket and starts making breakfast. It's not much just bread, cheese and water. When everything's done he wakes up Will who doesn't want to wake up so Merlin let's him sleep for a few minutes extra while he gets water from the rippling brook. After Will finaly woke up, they ate together. A simple breakfast that could spark the morning joy. When they were done they packed up everything and continued their journey.

After a good four hours of walking they started to enter the part of the forest that Merlin wasn't very fond of. Eventhough he didn't like the place, they had to rest. And when Merlin suggested it, Will didn't need to be asked twice.

Will sat down while Merlin got them some lunch. The same bread and cheese, but this time he got Will something extra, an apple. He gave the bread, cheese and apple to Will and went off to look for a brook that could fill their waterskins.

He kneels by his new found brook and fills their waterskins. Merlin was nearly done filling them when he heard someone scream. It was Will who screamed. Merlin drops everything and rushes towards Will and sees a bandit who has a knive against Will's throat. Cutting Will's skin slightly, making a small stream of blood flow.

It made Merlin fill up with anger. He was ready to blast the bandit against a tree yards away but before Merlin could act the bandit was already cut down from behind. The person responsible was revealed as the bandit fell onto the forestfloor releasing Will from his grip.

Will's saviour was a young man. He was around Merlin's age and has a good physique. He has blond hair and sapphire eyes. The young man who stands before Merlin was wearing a quality red shirt with leather pants and had a sword in his hand that was forged by craftsmanship. He seems rich. But before anyone could say anything the young man fell out cold onto the ground, revealing some harsh wounds. He had to be treated. Quickly.

Merlin calmed down and confirmed that Will was okay. Now their saviour was lying unconsious on the ground. They didn't have many medical suplies but it would be enough for the time being. Merlin, who was unwilling to be indepted to a stranger, layed the young man down on the blanket that Will was sleeping on before. He took the young mans shirt off and started to wash it with water. He got some medical herbs from his bag that would help with the healing proces.

Will studies what kind of herbs Merlin uses as stares in amazement. Merlin already knew about medical herbs before he came to live with Will and his mother 7 years ago. Will asked Merlin to teach him about it but he wasn't the best at it. But his hard work rewarded him and he got the hang of it after a while.

Sadly the last few years have been filled with farmwork instead of learning more about herbs because of the drought that happened 3 years ago. They lost the little they had and had to work even harder to earn it back. But after those harsh 4 years they finaly had enough food and money to go out for a little journey to the capitol.

Will asks if he could help with anything. Merlin replied that he could get a bowl and a the grinding stone. Will did as he was told and Merlin started to grind the herbs, adding a little bit of water and making it into a paste. He smears it carefully over the wounds on his back and arms while hearing the young man hiss in pain wich meant the medicine was doing it's job.

Merlin sighs and looks at the unconsious bandit who attacked them. It's a bit uncomfortable with the guy so close so the two boys decide to take him somewhere out of sight. When they returned the young man was starting to awake. His eyes opened slowly and saw the two boys staring at him. "Did i beat them?" mumbles the young man. Merlin nodded while Will said that he was amazing.

Merlin stood up and says "We should let him rest. And we still need to eat our lunch."

Will nodded but then asks "Doesn't he have any belongings? He must have been robbed too. Why else would he have those wounds?" "Yeah, thats true. Do you want to go look for them while I watch over him?"

Will nodded and runs off. Merlin looked at the young man and wondered what kind of man he could be. He was brave, no denying that and he wasn't disgusted by two pesant boys leaning above his face. But before he could think about anything else Will called.

"Woah! Merlin! Come take a look at what that guy had with him!" Will walks towords him is he does the same.

"What is it?" Merlin asks.

"Can't you see? He has a horse with a leather sadle! And a crossbow! So he must've been hunting, meaning he's rich!" Will spurted with enthousiasm.

"Yeah, I thought so too." Merlin answered.

"Can you tie the horse to the tree over there?" He asks Will as he points at one of the many trees. "Sure!" Will answered and did as he was asked.

Merlin sat down against a tree and thought of what to do. He didn't want to stay in the woods until the man recovered knowing that his rations wouldn't last longer than two more days with an extra adult. He didn't want to risk it so the best option would be carrying the guy until we reach Camelot wich wasn't that far away anymore. Just one full day of walking.

There would be a big chance that the wounds would open while riding but Merlin was willing to risk it. He had a horse he could sit on so it was fine. When he gets home he would probably be eating much better than they do anyway. They put the wounded man carefully onto the horse and continued walking towards their destinaton, Camelot.

A few hours passed and it was already getting close to dusk so Merlin decided it was time to set up a camp. They rolled out their bedroles and the one that they found in the young man's horsebags. Merlin called Will over and asked him if he wanted to go gether some herbs and nettle for medicine and tea while he would make a fire.

Will was always wanting to help him with lots of enthusiasm. It's always gave of a nice feeling but Merlin sometimes wonders if it's always genuine happiness. They started to brew the nettle that Will found above the fire that Merlin created. While it was still brewing, Merlin started to grind the herbs to renew the medicine for their wounded patient. After Merlin reapplied the medicine and covered up the wounds with bandeges, they drank their tea and chatted until dusk.

"You need to go sleep, it's already getting late." He says as he strokes Will's hair but Will tried to avoid it.

"I'm too old for this!"

Merlin looks slighty shoked. "What? Never!"

They laugh and Will gets ready to fall asleep not noticing that Merlin doesn't do the same.

Merlin sits with his back against a tree with a thin blanket over his legs, looking at the star filled night-sky wondering were those on the drawing are now. If they still remember him like he remembers them? Did they move on unlike him? Did they find a new family like Will and his mother are to him? Are they alright? All that wondering made Merlin tired and with the light night-breeze against his forhead, feeling like a goodnightkiss, he fell asleep.

End chapter 1 😊

So what do you think? Please leave a comment, I would love to hear some suggestions and if something is a bit confusing. Have a great day and remember to sleep (istg if it's 2.30am when ur reading this)