The Shield Doctor challange


Plot: Doctor John Smith finds himself summoned to a fantasy world he must save armed only with a shield. But there's something else about John that even he doesn't know about. And what is it with the strange pocket watch that he constantly keep close to himself and the strange dreams about traveling through time and space.


-Relationship list-

The Doctor/Raphtalia




- After losing Rose, The Doctor falls into deep depression and decides to live as a human and implants the false persona of a doctor called "John Smith".

- John are under the Hippocratic Oath and mostly tries to avoid violance against humans.

- Not willing to fight John tries to find job as a healer, but are denied.

- John read out of his journal as bedtime stories for little Raphtalia.

- You can decide that John removes the Slave Curse from Raphtalia at the beginning after he buys her. And to humiliate the hypocrats after the rigged duel, he pretends to act in anger and play along until they open up Raphtalia's shirt to see no Slave Crest and then John and Raphtalia drops the act.


- Save Rifana, Wyndia and the two young wolf demi-humans.

- Replaces the plot of Human nature and Family of Blood.

- Slow romance, but when returning as The Doctor, he can feel the calling towards Raphtalia as his mate.

- Like Human Nature and Family of Blood, John writes down his dreams in a journal.

- Make sure Malty don't steal the fob watch and the journal.

- Raphtalia encourage Filo to call her and The Doctor mommy and daddy.

- When John returns to The Doctor, make sure all the evil-doers eventually feel the fury of the Time Lord with a voiceover similar to Son of Mine.

- When 10 regenerates to 11, Raphtalia are at first heartbroken but learn to re-love the new Doctor.

- The Doctor give the same speech from The Zygon Invasion, if you can imagine it coming from David Tennant or Matt Smith.