Disclaimer: This a modern AU, so Luffy and other characters are all normal. Also, Luffy is not asexual he is gonna get with a ton of girls. Also, each chapter is gonna be a different girl, I already have a list of who I am going to use but if you wanna me to put someone just write down. Now enjoy.

A young man at the age of 18 by the name Monkey D. Luffy was looking bored at the window of the train that he was currently in. He kept checking on the phone for signal but with no luck. He was probably doing that almost 50 times since he got there.

''Dammit. Why it has to be in a place like that.'' Said him all annoyed. He couldn't talk to any of his high school friends.

He was in the beginning of his summer vacation from his last year of high school and he wanted to pass all the time going with his friends to parties, shows, and other places. But apparently his parents decide to give him a lesson for too much wreckless in only carrying about having fun and not studying.

As a punishment, he was going to be sent to work at a spa owned by an old friend of his dad, Nico Robin. Luffy had never met the one or seeing a picture of her, all he knew is that his dad told him

''She is gonna help you value hard work Luffy. You need to have a goal and, in your life, so get off your ass and go back make your baggage.'' Said his father before he gives Luffy his train ticket and an address

''Dumb old man.'' Said Luffy irritated. He dad really went far this time

Luffy spent most of the trip looking annoyed. He only got little happy when he got a few bars on his cellphone and the firs thing that appear was a text from his best friend Zoro.

''Hey, Luffy.'' Said the text of Zoro.

''Good, I have a signal.'' Thought Luffy all happy and so he decides to type fast.

''Hey, Zoro.'

''Where are you?"

''You never gonna believe. My dad is gonna make me work in a spa out of town run by some old friend of his.''


''I don't know. Value hard work or some bullshit like that.''

''I got you, my old man says the same things.''


''Yeah. But then is just show your grades and then I´m off the hook.''

'Fuck off.'''

''Sorry dude. But seriously how long are you gonna be out?"

''Two months.''

''Two months.''


''Does your father hate you?"

''I guess.'''

''Look man you can survive. If you can survive listening to those boring Japanese classes for almost 3 years, then you can survive a few months.''

''Thanks, but I guess it is just gonna be help clean bath for old people.'

''You are getting paid?"

''I guess.''

''So good luck there.''


After finishing the text section with his best friend Luffy lost signal of his phone again much to his displeasure. After that, the trip was only a few minutes long and when the train stopped he took out his luggage and head to the address that his father gave to him.

After a half an hour walk, he looked at the address that his father gave to him

''So, here is the place.'' Said him as he looked over his note.

Luffy looked around and saw a beautiful looking Japanese style sauna. It had cherry blossoms and other trees around. It looked pretty old like almost 100 years but it had remodeling after times, he still didn't have Wi-Fi but a place like that had a lot of views to offer.

''Huh seems nice.'' Said him with a small smile. If he could at least relax in a hot sauna after work, then he got nothing to complain about.

The boy than enters on the place all alone. It is seen to be with nobody there. He kept walking in the establishment to find somebody.

''Hello. I´m the worker. Is anybody here?'' Asked Luffy. He checks his phone again for a signal and found nothing.

Luffy kept walking with his bag in his should to see if he could find somebody. He them saw a closed door and thought that maybe there was somebody to speak to.

''Hey, is any…'' Said him but before he could finish a girl crash over with him landing on top of the boy


Luffy and the girl were in the floor together. Luffy could see the girl now more perfect, she had black hair, a ponytail, glasses and huge breasts that were touching his chest.

''Oh..my.'' Thought Luffy confused. There was a girl on top of him and what he should do? But before anything could be done

'Tashigi!'' Scream a more serious voice

''Huh'.' Said Luffy to see a girl probably his age. Who had a long orange hair, a tattoo on her arm, and had overall a nice body.

''What is going on?" Asked the orange-haired girl.

Luffy was still on the floor with Tashigi pressing on him

''Nami.'' Said the Tashigi girl all nervous.

''Who is that?' Asked Nami with her arms crossed to her hips.

''Are you harassing a costumer?" Asked Nami in a serious tone

''What.'' Thought Luffy in shock

''No. No. No.'' Said Tashigi in horror getting off the floor.

''What is happening?" Asked Luffy in other confusion

''No, not right now sir.'' Said Nami all serious at him. Luffy decides to shut up and let that girl do the rest.

''Get back to work!' Said Nami to Tashigi

''Yes, nami.'' Said Tashigi running away.

''What a mess.'' Said Nami seeing all the things Tashigi got dirt in the place.

''Huh'' Said Luffy still on the ground other confused for what just happen. His boner even was gone after that whole screaming.

''Sorry for that. She shouldn't be doing that to costumers'' Said Nami helping Luffy get on his feet.

''oh no I´m not a customer.'' Said Luffy on his feet.

''Then what are you?' Asked Nami confused

''I´m Monkey D Luffy.''

''Oh, you are the new employee that miss Nico told about.'' Said Nami

''Yes.'' Said Luffy.

''She is waiting for you. Her office is one the front, third door in your right.'' Said Nami point at the direction

''Thanks'' Said Luffy.

While he was going he didn't notice Nami checking him out.

''Fine ass'' Thought Nami in a dirty tone. That guy isn't that bad looking either

Robin office

The place looked like a typical Japanese businessperson office. The only difference for Luffy that there were more books than normal, more art objects and aromas. Luffy saw the door and they deiced to knock

''She must like this kinda crap?"' Thought him knocking the door

''What'' Said a young woman grumpy voice

''Oh hi there….'' Said Luffy finally meeting the women who was in a business suit

Luffy saw his new boss and he got say he hit the jackpot. She was gorgeous looking, beautiful dark hair, big breasts, and a cute face.

''Wow, she is hot.'' Though Luffy all red.

''Do you wanna say something?" Asked Robin crossing her arms.

''Oh no no.'' Said Luffy with a blush

''Alright then come in.'' Said Robin.

''Thanks'' Said Luffy entering her office

Luffy saw a big wooden desk in the woman's office. It was so big that someone could sleep there. Other than that, the place seen the stereotypical Japanese office with tons of books and pictures

''Monkey d Luffy, son of Monkey D. Dragon. Has not a good average score in school but has a lot of potential academics from your fighting team.'' Said Robin reading Luffy resume

''How do you know my father?" Asked Luffy

''We were college classmates for a while. We kept in touch and soon when I opened my businesses I say he could pass at anytime or…teach someone a lesson.'' Said Robin with a dark smile at Luffy.

''Alright.'' Said him all nervous

''He is a good man. I can see much of him in you.'' Said her with now a sweet voice

''Did my old man slept with her?' Thought Luffy

''Ok so here is how is gonna work. You gonna wake every day at 6 and have breakfasts. Then you will receive a list with your shores of the day I hope that everything on the list has been done. I will be checking every day and if not, there will be consequences.'' Said Robin all dark

'Alright.'' Said Luffy in fear.

''Coming with me. I show you around.'' Said her

Robin then gave Luffy a quick guide to the whole place. To the sauna, Japanese bath style, massage tables, the woods, and bathrooms. Finally, there was the employer's rooms where Luffy would stay.

''Ok this your room.'' Said Robin showing a tiny room with a single bed some sheets, pillows, and a window. Not Tv

''Thank you very much.'' Said Luffy all displeased. This place was getting worst by the second.

''Luffy.' Said Robin to the boy before he puts his things on the bed.

''Yeah.'' Said him all angry.

'''When I say something to do you do. I am your boss. If you don't obey me, I can have ways of you ´´obey´´´. If you know what I mean. Now rest I want you up in an hour.'' Said Robin all dark before closing the door.

''Alright.'' Said Luffy with chills. He sat on his bed and looked at his situation. No friends, no internet, and no Tv for two months.

''This is gonna be awful.'' Said him.

For the rest of the afternoon, Luffy had to help clean toilets, fix frames, help painted the place, and other stuff. Didn't help Nami keeping him in check and Tashigi dropping everything. Those two were too much of help, leaving most of the stuff to him

''This suck. I hate this place.'' Said him all frustrated

Hours later

Luffy was finally done with the shores from his list. He was ready to sit back and relax but then he saw that he was smelling really bad. He even took a sniff at his arm to know if it was as bad as they say

''man, I stink.'' Said Luffy in pure disgust.

''I should take a shower.'' Said him picking his towel

Luffy going to the bathroom, however, instead of going to the normal shower he decided to go to the traditional Japanese bathhouse. When he got there, he was astounded to see a place so big already with hot water.

''Wow, this place is huge.'' Said Luffy with his towel. He got in the water and got rid of it.

''Man, this isn't so bad. I can get used to.'' Said him relaxing

While he was there sitting in the water just relaxing thanks to the hot water a sudden sound changed his mind.


''what is that?' Asked Luffy it sounds like a moaning

He follows that sound to where was strong and he found someone there.

''What that…'' Said him in pure shock

It was Tashigi fully naked without her glasses masturbating in the water. She was with her right hand touching her pussy while the left hand was playing with her chest.

''She is masturbating.'' Thought Luffy in surprise. Tashigi seen like a very delicate and naïve girl. He wanted to see more but then he felt something point on his lower area. His boner.

''Oh crap.'' Said Luffy all red putting his hand on his jump

''Huh'' Said Tashigi now stopping and looking around

''Who is in..'' Said Tashigi seeing Luffy with a boner looking at her. Could he be..

''aaaaah. Sorry'' Said her running naked to grab a towel and disappearing.

''WHAT was that?" Thought Luffy and then he saw the mess Tashigi made on the floor.

''Dammit, now I have to clean all that.'' Said him

''Well, that was something you don't see every day.'' Said the cold voice of Nico Robin

Luffy then turned around to see his boss wrapped in a towel with her gorgeous body and he was there naked with a boner

''Miss Robin.'' Said Luffy sitting quickly trying to hide his Bonner

''Well, Luffy you seen to have some fun there.'' Said Robin thinking…

''Uh. Oh no, no, no. I wasn't doing any of that here. I don't even to that at home.'' Said Luffy defending himself

''Crap my boss think I am a pervert.'' Thought Luffy in fear

''Is ok. I am not here to scream at you. Tashigi has been doing this since it got here. Caught here more than one time, once I watched just for fun.'' Said Robin taking of her towel and sitting in the water

''Oooh boy.'' Thought Luffy in shock upon seeing Nico Robin model body he was mad. That must be every guy dream, his cock was now crazier than never. He tried to hide it, but it was useless.

''Are you fine in sharing this bath with your boss?" Asked Robin with a smile

''Yes.'' Said Luffy all worried not looking at the woman. The water didn't even cover her breast.

Luffy was now a pile of nerves. He has never been with a naked woman before nether the less a real woman like Robin. His cock continued growing but the situation got worst when Robin got really close to him

''I had to admit at first, I didn't wanna hired you. But then I saw how cute you were that I had no choice.'' Said her putting a hand on his chest.

''Really?' Asked Luffy blushing

''Yeah. You really are cute more than I expected.'' Said Robin counting to talk in that slutty tone

''Her breasts are touching me!" Thought Luffy in despair

''Oh, don't you like my breasts?' Asked Robin in wonder

''Huh. Oh no is just I don't imagine that you would like my company, but it seems you enjoy it.'' Said Luffy all sweat and nervous.

''I see. Your friend there is also enjoying my company.'' Said Robin potting at the water where she could see Luffy cock all hard and visible

''Crap'' Thought Luffy blushing like mad. This is the most embarrassing day of his life.

''Hum. Luffy.'' Said Robin

''Yes, miss Nico?' Asked Luffy all red covering his penis

''Do you wanna have sex with me?" Asked her all bluntly like it was nothing

Luffy was now in horror for what he heard. He wasn't gay but he wasn't the best guy around girls, he never had a girlfriend and never imagined having sex before College. But now a fully busted woman was offering him a fuck. What was the catch?

''I got go.'' Said him trying to leave but Robin caught his arm

''No.' Said Robin all cold and menacing. Despite that whole dark aura, she still looked hot.

''huh.'' Said Luffy in horror

''As your boss is your job to listen to whatever. Now stay still I'm going to suck your dick.'' Said Robin crawling to the boy massive dick.

''Sure.'' Said Luffy all nervous. Robin grabbed his cock and shove into her mouth starting his first blowjob.

Robin was going nice and slow, wrapping the thing in her mouth and using her tongue to do most of the job. She was licking the head which made Luffy moan and start to get all red.

''Do you like it?' Asked her stroking the thing but also playing with his balls.

''Yes...'' Said him all turned out about this. That stuff was amazing.

''Your face said at all.'' Said her going back to sucking his dick.

''Yes.'' Said him in pure joy of that whole thing.

''Now let's accelerate this progress.'' Thought Robin

Robin then started to suck Luffy balls that made the boy moan in pure pleasure. She came back to suck his dick and stroking him faster and faster.

''Miss Ni…'' Said Luffy but Robin stopping him

''Calm me, Nico or Robin.'' Said her

''Sure Robin.'' Said Luffy still in pure moaning.

Robin continues to suck Luffy cock in such a manner that would drive any man crazy. She has done that in years and she was in need of a good night. That boy certainly had the things she was looking for

''Oh man. I feel…I feel.'' Thought Luffy all tense. Like something was about to come out of him

''He sure is big. I wonder how….'' Thought Robin still sucking but her thoughts were finished once Luffy ejaculated.

''Oh crap…aaaah.'' Said him realizing a huge amount of his seed on Robin's face hitting her mouth and her chest area.

Luffy saw her boss covered in his sperm all over her face. He was now nervous like hell

''Oh man. I´m sorry Robin I didn't mean to…'' Said him apologizing but Robin stops him.

''No, it's fine. It is actually quite pleasant'' Said her as she ate the sperm that was in her mouth and in her chest area in the most sexual way possible. While Luffy was watching.

''Why I am get aroused for that?'' Thought him with his cock hard again

''See everything on me is clean. Even though I could wash myself on the water, this is the most pleasant way. Now is your turn to please me.'' Said her all serious

''What?'' Asked Luffy confused.

''Lay back.'' Said her

Luffy did as she told and lay back on a dry part of the bathhouse. Robin then walked toward him and lay down on his face. And then she made one request.

''Lick my pussy.'' Said her all intensely as if she was a mistress.

''Yes, Robin.'' Said Luffy obeying his boss and doing exactly that. Licking Robin with ferocity and intensity

Robin started to moan as Luffy licked her. It was nice and slow just like she liked.

Luffy could sense Robin juices going down on his mouth as he licked her. The sensation was both weird and great.

''Yes. Keep going don't stop.'' Said Robin in full joy.

''Urhg.'' Said Luffy trying to speak but Robin looked down on him as she was on top.

''don't speak. Keep doing what you are doing.'' Said her all cold.

''S…ure'' Said Luffy continuing to lick her. Even with that cold death stare, he would have a boner for Robin. That woman was like a succubus, she was very bad for him, but he wanted all others. He kept licking her very fast, even fingering her with his indicator finger which made her moan even hard.

''AAAAH. Luffy I am near….'' Scream Robin as her juices were released fully from her orgasm.

Robin juices were all over Luffy face and the clean water of the bathhouse. That place was now with sperm and woman juicing floating in the water.

''Oh man this awesome.'' Said Luffy

''You are so dirty.'' Said Robin with a laugh

''We are in a bathhouse we can clean whenever we want.'' Said him to Robin with a smile

Luffy then got something more surreal. Robin lean down and kissed him right on the lips, he was almost out of breath, but the sensation was great. Robin tasted great and she smells great too.

''Wow, this was…'' Said him trying to find the best word but the woman finishes off

''Intense'' Said her still on top of her lover.

''Yeah'' Said him smile.

''And there is more where this came from.'' Said her poking at Luffy erect cock

''I´m back again.'' Said him in wonder. How much he could stand

''Yeah. ou will be impressed on how long a man can stand.'' Said Robin with a little bit of Windom.

''Now is time for you truly became a man.'' Said her getting in position

Luffy dick was grabbed by Robin by her strong hand and she direct right toward her pussy. The thing was big, and her walls were ticked. She was in pure joy at the moment

''Aaargh'' Scream both of them.

''He sure is a big boy.'' Thought Robin with a laugh

''Now what? '' Asked Luffy, he still didn't know how sex works

''Go back and forth really fast. This is going to be a hell of a ride.'' Said her putting her hands on Luffy abs.

''Yes, Robin.'' Said him doing that moving back and forth only to hear the older woman monas

Luffy kept shoving his cock into his boss's pussy, it was already wet from both water of the bathhouse and her juices. Robin was riding him like if he was a wild animal.

''Robin…this is….'' Said him in pure joy that he had difficulties to breath

''I…aaah…kn… I haven't had for a long timeeee….don´t stop. I order you.'' Scream her moaning like a crazy woman.

He kept doing that pounding her pussy.

''This is so intense. I love it.'' Thought him

''Suck on my tits.'' Said Robin showing her breasts into his face. Those larges breasts that were almost bigger than his head.

''Yes ma´am.'' Said him sucking her tits which made her moan even hard.

''AAAAH.'' Scream Robin in pure joy.

''Their taste are great'' Thought Luffy being busy in both sucking his boss breasts and fucking her pussy.

Luffy was almost at his limits. He wanted to ejaculate but he didn't want to get the woman pregnant. He didn't want to become a teenager dad.

''Robin I wanna go. But…'' Said him with difficult to talk because of holding but his boss talk back.

''Do it inside. The sensation is better.'' Said her

''But...'' Said him in horror.

''I took birth control. You are not gonna have babies. Now do it inside is an order.'' Said her all serious while in pure joy.

''Ok, you ask for it.'' Said him going faster

Luffy kept going and going to the point that he released the seeds inside Robin

''AAAARGH'' Scream him ejaculating inside of her.

Robin laid back into the water with her pussy full and having difficulty to breathe. That was intense.

''Wow.'' Said Luffy seeing what he had done in his first time to a grown woman.

Soon Robin got up and clean herself up. Luffy wonders on how much she could take; she just helps him out and makes out with him.

''You still have a lot to learn about women. I can handle a lot more my dear.'' Said Robin looking at her lover.

''So, are we done?' Asked Luffy he was starting to get tired.

''We are not done yet. You have one last thing to do.'' Said her

''Ok.'' Said him

''Fuck me in the ass.'' Said Robin getting on doggy position, teasing Luffy with her butt which made him hard again

''Do you…'' He wanted to ask about ejaculating inside or out

''A man is not afraid of going all out. Besides, I take the pill. Go out, my lover.'' Said her with a wicked smile

''Alright.' Said Luffy with also a smile

Luffy shoves his cock inside Robin ass. The woman was in pure joy.

''Yes. Oh, fuck yes.'' Thought Robin biting her lips.

''Oh god. This is…''Thought Luffy trying to keep up

''Robin how…'' Asked him wanting to know how to go but the woman was ready to answer.

''Just go forward. I can take it. Now fuck me.'' Said her

''Right.'' Said him going back and forth smacking her butt into his crotch

He keeps going and going. Both him and Robin were going all out, moaning all out loud.

''AAAARGH'' Scream Robin in pure joy being fucked from behind

''Huf huff'' Said Luffy trying to hold his breath. He could keep for a few minutes until…

''AAAAAH'.'' Scream Luffy ejaculating for the third time ending their lovemaking session.

Luffy rests on the water of the bathhouse while Robin was catching her breath. Soon she meets up with the boy and kisses him passionately.

''Thank you for that darling. I was in a need for a good fuck for a while, running a business isn't easy.'' Said her

''Right.'' Said Luffy with a smile

''Be sure to wake every day at 6:00 am.'' Said her getting back up and looking for a towel

''What why?' Asked Luffy in surprise. After all this, he needs to get up at 6.

''We have guests coming tomorrow. Since you are here clean out all the sperm that is in the water. Is disgusting.'' Said Robin drying her hair.

''Clean out sperm? '' Asked Luffy. He then saw most of the water that he and Robin were and he saw his sperm floating.

'OOH.'' Said Luffy in disgust.

''Yes, once in water is disgusting. Now chop off got work to do.'' Said her all serious

''Alright.'' Said him getting up and ready to pick a bucket.

''And luffy…'' Said Robin

''Yes?''' Asked him

Robin then went and kissed the boy once again, but this time was a full kissed and even grabbed his butt in a kind pervert way

''If get horny again. I want you in my office ok. I need someone to handle me understood?' Asked Robin all seductive

''Right.'' Said him with a smile

''Good night honey.'' Said Robin grabbing a towel and wrapping around her body but not before showing her hips to tease Luffy before she exit the bathhouse.

Luffy saw his pervert boss who he just lost his virginity leave. He was there for just a day and he fucked an older woman like a pro. And she wanted to more, that plus more what Tashigi was doing and who wonders Nami could do. He felt actually happy in this job.

''Man, this is gonna be a fun summer job'' Said him ready to clean the bathhouse. If he and his boss are gonna be out he is gonna be very busy.

So, there is it. I don't see many lemons one-piece fanfics. I know Luffy is an asexual and I like that because nowadays asexual characters are pretty much rare. This on an AU and something that I was interesting to do when I read a manga (which I can't remember right now) where a boy works at a spa and it has a lot of women that get into him. The next chapter is Tashigi.